Join us FREE of charge for the FREE THE CHILDREN online summit where parents, educators, and innovators will show you:
“No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or politicians in civics classes or poets in English classes. The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.”
—John Taylor Gatto, two-time Teacher of the Year award winner and author of Dumbing Us Down
Do you ever wonder why kids say “school sucks”? Or why most adults after leaving school hate learning? Or why our society is overrun with people who can’t critically think, who blindly obey authority, and who hate anyone not a part of the mainstream?
This is all by design.
The Homeschool Summit will reveal the dark roots of government schooling designed to turn the population into useful idiots for Big Government and Big Business.
The “Science” never supported strapping dirty masks over kids’ faces indoors (or especially outdoors), separating them with glass barriers, or obsessively bathing their hands in chemical sanitizer.
But teachers and administrators did it anyway, and showered children with plenty of fearmongering and propaganda, too.
Rates of obesity, depression, and worst of all, self-harm and suicide, are spiking in children from elementary to high school.
If schools were willing to experiment on kids for a virus that does virtually nothing to them, what do you think they’re willing to do next?
Schools across the country have developed a bizarre fixation on pushing trans and queer gender ideology onto children as young as 5.
Teachers have been caught pressuring students to change their gender behind their parent’s backs. Students are being forced to read and recite sexually explicit and pornographic material as minors. And some schools are forcing biological girls and boys to use the same restrooms and locker rooms.
Adults should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies and each other. But kids should be allowed to be kids and grow up without adult gender theories infecting their education.
From Columbine to Sandy Hook to Parkland to Uvalde, mentally disturbed students are murdering their classmates.
Blame it on the schools, social media, American culture, psychotropic drugs, family life, or all of the above and more, the fact is that schools are extremely unsafe in the face of deranged shooters.
And the worst part is, as we’ve seen in Parkland and Uvalde especially, police will cower and wait and refuse to stop shooters as they attack children.
The Department of Justice has labeled concerned parents as Terrorists. Former Virginia governor and Democrat, Terry McAuliffe, said parents should have no say in what schools teach. The Michigan Democratic Party made a public statement ridiculing the idea that parents should have a say in what is taught to their children.
The fact is, parents have very little control over what public school teaches, and many lawmakers, teachers, political groups, and even parents want it to stay that way.
There has never been a better or more important time to homeschool your kids than right now.
Parents across America have more educational choices, homeschool networks, private school alternatives, tutors, teaching experts, and a myriad of resources for raising brilliant and free children than ever before in history.
But homeschooling is scary.
And for those doing homeschooling, or who have tried it in the past, it can be very challenging.
The Homeschool Summit will lead you by the hand into the wonderful wide world of home education options available to you and guide you in your transition toward a better, more natural, more joyous form of “schooling” for the whole family.
If you want happy, healthy, smart kids…
A deeper bond with your children…
And a freer future…
Then you MUST discover how and why to homeschool now.
The FREE Homeschool Summit will show you everything you need to know to make homeschooling work for you.
Access the Summit instantly by clicking the button below:
Ron Paul is an eleven-term congressman from Texas whose dedication to the principles of liberty ignited a mass movement of people aiming to create more freedom in this world.
He has devoted his political career to the defense of individual liberty, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
After serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s, Dr. Paul moved to Texas to begin a civilian medical practice, delivering over four thousand babies in his career as an obstetrician. He served in Congress from 1976 to 1984, and again from 1996 to the present. He and Carol Paul, his wife of over five decades, have five children, eighteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
Dr. Paul is an outspoken critic of the American compulsory school system and he is an ardent advocate for homeschooling and alternative education.
In 2003 he authored the book The School Revolution: A New Answer for Our Broken Education System. He also created the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum which continues to be a popular teaching tool for freedom-minded families.
Richard Grove is an American conceptual artist and forensic historian.
He’s created more than 500 hours of educational and informative media productions, including a comprehensive conscious curriculum to teach individuals methods for learning anything and everything for themselves to re-ignite self-reliance and restore individual liberty through self-education.
Richard has created The Peace Revolution podcast, consistently ranked #1 in Higher-Education by PodOmatic.
The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto (2012), a 5-hour documentary exposing the foundations of American schooling with the world’s greatest scholar on the subject.
And he’s the creator and lead instructor of Autonomy, teaching individuals how to ignite their potential through the skills and knowledge NEVER taught in school.
Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and host of the weekly LiberatED podcast. She is also the author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019), an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and a regular Forbes contributor.
Kerry’s research interests include homeschooling and schooling alternatives, self-directed learning, education entrepreneurship, parent empowerment, school choice, and family and child policy. Her articles have appeared at The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, NPR, Education Next, Reason Magazine, City Journal, and Entrepreneur, and the Journal of School Choice, among others. She has a master’s degree in education policy from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Bowdoin College.
Jack Spirko is the host of The Survival Podcast, which has been running since 2008 and now has over 3,000 episodes available on all aspects of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, independence and personal liberty.
He’s produced dozens of shows teaching his audience about homeschooling, unschooling, parenting, and raising resilient kids in a harsh world.
Jack is a fierce advocate for homeschooling and encourages every parent on the planet to immediately remove their kids from government schools (or never put them there in the first place).
Jack and his wife currently homeschool their grandchildren and have been doing so for many years.
Pam Popper is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health; and the founder and Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. The company provides educational programs, extensive libraries of videos and articles, diet and lifestyle intervention, and assistance to consumers who are interested in regaining and/or maintaining optimal health. The company also offers professional development programs for health professionals who want to convert or start a practice focused on health instead of sick care. Through its own network of providers, Wellness Forum Health offers direct-to-consumer healthcare services. Her organization Make America Free Again provides resources and legal defense for homeschooling parents.
David James Rodriguez helps parents empower their children using homeschooling, apprenticeships, and customized learning strategies.
He’s the Principal of Valor Academy, a homeschool coach, and publisher of “The Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto, who some refer to as the “World’s Most Courageous Teacher”.
Also, he founded the Education Options Expo, and Education Options TV, where he has introduced 1,000’s of parent to respectful schools and approaches to learning, and interviewed world leaders who are demonstrating the future of education today.
He’s passionate about Getting All The Thinkers Out of forced schooling, so he created the GATTO project, which is accomplished by helping parents remove their children from bad schools. Also, he coaches parents on apprenticeships and homeschooling.
He’s the host of the Freedom Lovers Show, where the goal is to build a voluntary world, one relationship at a time.
Brittanie is a homeschool mom and lover of all things child-related. She has a degree and 10 years of experience teaching, coaching, and molding young minds. While she did go through Montessori training (after mainstream education turned her off of the public school route) she also loves ideas from Unschooling and Waldorf techniques and uses them to create a truly student-led learning experience.
She currently owns a small child development consulting business where she teaches parents how to stay unruffled by children’s developmentally normal behaviors. She is also passionate about nutrition/ health and helps clients with meal prepping and dietary accountability services.
Her career has been centered on caring for others, helping children learn, and reminding them that critical thinking will always be more valuable than obedience.
Viviane took her son out of a “top notch” prep school at 7 years of age and embarked on a radical homeschooling journey that changed her and her son’s life forever.
He was mostly “unschooled” (but not entirely) until he was ready to go to college. Now he’s almost achieved a Master’s degree in physics through a top ten physics program in a world-renowned university. And he did it without a high school diploma, GPA, “good grades,” or any formal schooling. The SAT is the first exam he ever took.
Viviane will share the good, bad, and ugly lessons learned from this “experiment” in homeschooling to help parents see the possibility of alternatives and reduce their stress around trying something radically new.
Plus, she’ll suggest a few paths for children’s education that are startlingly simple yet incredibly effective.
Lainie is a best selling author, international speaker, teen mentor, worldschooler, partnership parenting paradigm advocate and mother. In 2012 Lainie co-founded Project World School and has lived in community with over a 100 teens in over 20 international locations. Lainie founded Transformative Mentoring for Teens in 2020 in response to the growing need to support teen’s mental health. Lainie just released her first book, Seen, Heard & Understood, Parenting and Partnering with Teens for Greater Mental Health, number 1 best seller on Amazon in the Parenting New Releases. Lainie is also a community leader and alternative education advocate and often credited with spearheading the thriving worldschooling movement.
Mikki Willis Best selling author/investigative filmmaker, is respected globally for exposing corruption within the medical industry, big media and politics. His documentary, Plandemic, is the most seen movie in history.
Nadia Salamanca is a media producer, entrepreneur, but most importantly a mom.
Chris Roy is a father, an entrepreneur, disruptor and a champion for kids. He’s confounded two schools, both launched with the intention of allowing children to experience the truest expression of who they are, in a truly free and empowering environment.
As these three woke up to the infiltration of all the world’s systems by a globalist agenda, the failing education system was something that impacted them directly, given that they’re all raising young sons. Since they could not find a school or program that they felt was fully aligned with their beliefs, values, or prepared their children for the current landscape of the world, together they chose to create their own youth mentoring program called The Pride (As in Lion Pride). This new mentoring program is structured as a Private Membership Association and was recently launched in February 2022.
John Bush has been an activist for over 20 years, championing cryptocurrency, natural medicine, free markets, homeschooling, homesteading, entrepreneurship, counter-economics, and the creation of voluntary alternatives to coercive institutions.
He’s the creator of Live Free Academy – the premier educational portal with dozens of courses, workshops, and interviews revealing how to live the freest life in a very unfree world.
He’s also a homeschooling parent of two kids, aged 9 and 10. While he can put on a summit for tens of thousands of people, homeschooling has been one of the most challenging things he’s ever done in his life.
He created the Homeschooling Summit to teach you how to better homeschool your children (but selfishly, he also wants to know how HE can do a better job, too).
Bluebird Solorzano has over 25 years of experience teaching English Language Arts, ESL, and American History in public schools (where she witnessed first-hand teacher burnout leading to poor education, the hatred toward school from students, and the idiocy of bureaucrats at the state level).
Her experience in government schools convinced her to NEVER put her children into “the system.”
Bluebird is also the former Director of Education for Sylvan Learning Centers where she helped students discover missing skills and create personalized skill building programs.
Her experience with Sylvan revealed that NONE of this is rocket science – any parent can do it – and these expensive centers were ripping people off.
After leaving Sylvan, Bluebird joined a small private school where she designed programs for elementary-aged children using homeschool curriculum.
It was there that she learned how to homeschool, across grades and skill levels, with a baby on her hip and one in her belly.
After having two more children, Bluebird’s education in homeschool deepened over the years.
She began to realize that EVERYTHING is school.
Bluebird has gathered her incredible experiences as a teacher, mother, homeschooler, and entrepreneur to share it all with you at the FREE THE CHILDREN Homeschool Summit.