We just sent you an email giving you details about how to access the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan.
The email subject line is – “Congratulations on joining he 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan”
To ensure you continue receiving our emails…
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We just sent you TWO emails giving you details about the Challenge AND welcoming you to the Live Free Academy newsletter run by John Bush.
The first email’s subject line is – “Congrats! You joined the Break Free From CBDCs 5-Day Challenge! [Open for challenge details and BONUSES]”
The second email’s subject line is – “Welcome to the Live Free Academy newsletter (re: Break Free From CBDCs 5-Day Challenge)”
Make sure to check for both of these emails and open and read them because they contain important information about this challenge.
And to ensure you continue receiving our emails…
We just sent you TWO emails giving you details about the Challenge AND welcoming you to the Live Free Academy newsletter run by John Bush.
The first email’s subject line is – “Congrats! You joined the Break Free From CBDCs 5-Day Challenge! [Open for challenge details and BONUSES]”
The second email’s subject line is – “Welcome to the Live Free Academy newsletter (re: Break Free From CBDCs 5-Day Challenge)”
Make sure to check for both of these emails and open and read them because they contain important information about this challenge.
And to ensure you continue receiving our emails…
Add all the dates for the CBDC Opt Out Challenge to your calendar by clicking this button:
This a private group for Challenge participants ONLY. You must have or create an account on the Freedom Cell Network to find and access the group.
Go here to watch a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough about creating a Freedom Cell account and joining the CBDC Opt Out Challenge Group:
NOTE: This group will be used throughout the Challenge and is a key part of opting out of the CBDC control grid. So go and create an account and join it NOW before the Challenge begins.
All bonuses will be sent to you via email.
But you can also download the CBDC Primer and watch the crypto wallet mini course below:.
Click below to download the free mini-course: How to Set Up A Cryptocurrency Wallet in Four Simple Steps
We’re going to send you an additional email with the subject line: “You’re a VIP! Open for VIP Pass BONUS details” where we’ll explain how and when you’ll be receiving your VIP Pass bonuses.
As a reminder, these are the bonuses that are included with the VIP Pass: