The first-ever, complete step-by-step system to get the land, the money, and the people to…

Build a self-sufficient homestead in a freedom-loving community faster than you ever thought possible…

…Even if you have no money, no connections, and no idea where to start

The Exit and Build Accelerator System is a comprehensive program combining LIVE sessions with exclusive trainings from top experts to give you:

  • The exact A-Z plan anyone can use to move to the country, start a homestead, grow an intentional community, and much more in mere months and how to do it as smoothly as possible (this will give you absolute clarity on your next steps)
  • The easiest, simplest, and smartest ways to make A LOT more money as an employee, with a side hustle, or by starting a business (it’s impossible to stay poor anymore if you put this training into action)
  • The best “matchmaking opportunity” to form real-world relationships with vetted people who share your interests and values and want to live in communities with you (you’ll never have to complain about “not knowing anyone” ever again)
  • The proven framework used by hundreds of people to find the PERFECT homestead property rapidly in the right location that matches your budget and has the climate, water, vegetation, infrastructure, local culture, and more that you want
  • The world’s best strategies on getting things done, accomplishing your goals, and finishing what you start (while staying super motivated) used by top performers and taught by a renowned expert in productivity

Plus more resources and BONUSES to quickly, efficiently, and affordably go from where you are now to living prosperously in a peaceful homestead in the country surrounded by freedom-loving friends

The Accelerator System comes with 3 different packages:


The Exiter Package


The Builder Package


The 10x Package

The “Exiter” Package is the standard package and includes 3 LIVE sessions, a powerful course, and 3 BONUS trainings

LIVE Session 1: The Buy Land Build Community Bootcamp III

LIVE: June 10th and 11th (12 – 5pm Central) Includes lifetime access to replay!

You’ll get a detailed, step-by-step roadmap covering EVERYTHING you need to know about homesteading, community living, land buying, moving to the country, setting up your property, and more

LIVE Session 2: Make More Money Masterclass (Exit and Build Homestead Edition)

Includes lifetime access to replay!

You’ll get dozens of ways to earn more money at your job, start a profitable side hustle, or create a thriving business (plus more ways to earn money from the land you own) so you can comfortably fund your vision of freedom

LIVE Session 3: Community Matchmaking Intensive with Rebecca Bush and Cynthia Tina

Includes lifetime access to replay!

You’ll meet and form relationships with people who would like to start a community together, have more members join their community, buy land collectively, and much more in a safe and proven vetting process


You get Curtis Stone’s epic and immersive course: Finding The Perfect Homestead Property – you’ll discover Curtis’s proven 3-part framework and unique strategies for evaluating properties, ranking the best ones for you, and picking the ideal “A+ property” you can call home (This course currently sells for $500 elsewhere – more than the cost of the  “Exiter Package” – making the Accelerator System a no-brainer steal of a deal

BONUS #1: A never-before-seen Empowerment Session with Richard Grove of AUTONOMY showing you how to leverage your mind, time, and skills to make success in everything you do automatic and inevitable (DATE TBD)

BONUS #2: The Ultimate List of Intentional Communities, Regenerative Ranches, and Other Pro-freedom Communities Looking for New Members Like You

BONUS #3: A private group in the Freedom Cells Network to connect with other “accelerators” and share tips and strategies, support one another, and gain direct feedback from John Bush, Rebecca Powers, and other experts

Along with…

The full replays of ALL the presentations and workshops from The Exit and Build Land Summit III which featured Geoff Lawton, Curtis Stone, Michael Reynolds, Patrick Wood, Jack Spirko, Nicole Sauce, Cynthia Tina, Mike Colomb, Lee Bigtree, Derrick Broze, and more

The “Builder” Package pushes you even further down the path of self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and sustainability

You get:

The CBDC Exit Plan

A step-by-step system showing you how to build an entirely separate life (economies, currencies, and communities) outside of the CBDC control grid for maximum freedom from the central banking system and economic control grid (which members paid $397+ to access and is NOT available anywhere else)


3 NEW “Meet The Experts” Sessions and 3 NEW “Tips, Tactics, and Strategies” sessions to give you more fuel to accelerate toward freedom in the country

These sessions are usually only available to Live Free Academy members who pay $370+ a year for access, but you will get them exclusively in this program.

Here’s what you’ll discover.

Meet The Experts #1

Joel Salatin will sit down for 2 hours of an intimate Q&A where you get pick his brain about ANYTHING related to farming, entrepreneurship, homesteading, fighting the government, or anything else (it’s going to be epic)

Meet The Experts #2

Geoff Lawton will help you with any major or minor aspect of your permaculture projects or design (this is a rare opportunity to get direct feedback from the greatest living permaculturist in the world)

Meet The Experts #3

Curtis Stone will give even more advice on evaluating and choosing homesteads, but also, since he spent many years as “The Urban Farmer”, he’s also going to reveal how to monetize your homestead and grow tons of food no matter where you live

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #1: 10Xing Your Exit and Build Goals!

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #2: Fast-track Framework for Finding and Funding Your Homestead

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #3: YOUR Choice!

The 10X Package gives you a hands-on, customized “done with you” plan from John and Rebecca Bush for maximum acceleration

We’ll meet with you one-on-one to develop an entire plan just for you that matches your goals, budget, and other requirements for getting the perfect property in the right area with the best community at the ideal price. 

The 10X Package includes 4 one-on-one sessions with Rebecca and I.

10X Session 1: Fact-Finding + Vision and Mission

Rebecca and I will sit down with you to understand exactly what your goals and budget are, where you want to live, the kind of community you want to call home, the food and animals you want access to (or would raise yourself), and so much more.

10X Session 2: Strategic Planning

Rebecca and I will work with you to develop a complete A to Z customized plan that methodically takes you from wherever you’re starting to the exact place you want to end.

10X Session 3: Empowerment and Refinement

After a set period of time where you’ll be putting your plan into action on your own, Rebecca and I will meet with you again to ensure that you’re remaining on track and making progress, and provide any extra support you need.

10X Session 4: Accountability Check-in + Problem-Solving

But we’re going to check-in with you one more time to ensure everything is going smoothly and to assess, identify, and root out anything else that’s cropped up and threatens to derail your goals.


The 10X Package grants you unfettered access to John and Rebecca Bush’s personal rolodex of experts

We can call upon permaculturists, survivalists, homesteaders, preppers, real estate developers, land developers, community organizers, and many more who have massive audiences and large businesses.

If you want something done and we can’t do it, we’ll give you access to someone who can.

The Exit and Build Accelerator System is ONLY available until

June 2nd at midnight central time


Choose the right Accelerator System package for you below

The Buy Land Build Community Bootcamp III
real-world value

The Make More Money Masterclass (Exit and Build Homestead Edition)


real-world value

The Community Matchmaking Intensive with Rebecca Bush and Cynthia Tina


real-world value

Curtis Stone’s Finding the Perfect Homestead Property


real-world value

BONUS #1: Empowerment Session with Richard Grove


real-world value

BONUS #2: The Ultimate List of Intentional Communities, Regenerative Ranches, and Other Pro-freedom Communities Looking for New Members Like You


real-world value

BONUS #3: A private group in the Freedom Cells Network


real-world value

The full replays of the Exit and Build Land Summit III


real-world value

Total value of the Exiter Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $457

Or 4 monthly payments of $137

Everything in the Exiter Package plus…

The CBDC Exit Plan


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Joel Salatin


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Geoff Lawton


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Curtis Stone


real-world value

3 exclusive Tips, Tactics, and Strategies sessions


real-world value

Total value of the Builder Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $1,297

Or 4 monthly payments of $389

Everything in the Exiter and Builder Packages plus…

10X Session 1: Fact-Finding + Vision and Mission


real-world value

10X Session 2: Strategic Planning


real-world value

10X Session 3: Empowerment and Refinement


real-world value

10X Session 4: Accountability Check-in + Problem-Solving


real-world value

The 10X Package personal rolodex of John and Rebecca Bush


real-world value

Total value of the 10x Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $4,997

Or 4 monthly payments of $1,497

What past students have said about John Bush and Live Free Academy

“My partner, Melissa, and I have taken several webinars/courses through Live Free Academy. They are extremely informative and we are grateful to have such a valuable resource available.”


“I want to thank you so much for all you are doing to help people ‘Live Free’ and find their place outside this craziness!!! Reading all your information is so inspiring and helps to keep me going. I really love your energy and your desire to ‘make it happen'”

—April F.

“At home we have installed a wood burner, solar, invested in Qortal, gold and silver, all in the last 8 months, besides many other changes made to our lifestyles. We have built up a local community, a network of people to trade with etc. Listening to you and Derrick Broze in the first Greater Reset was a wake up call, so we have made it happen.”

—Stuart McGregor

“I have enjoyed every one of John’s workshops and seminars. They have been chock full of valuable information which I am slowly implementing. If you haven’t signed up, I would highly recommend it even if you can’t make it at the time it’s being presented. You can always watch the replay over and over for inspiration. Thank you John for offering this to us.”

—Rose L.

“Remember those parallel economies we say we want to build? Let’s get going on that. [John Bush has become] one of the most important figures when it comes to this topic.”

—Tom Woods, The Tom Woods Show

The top 6 obstacles standing between you and a free life in the country...

...And how the Accelerator System blasts them away for good

Obstacle #1: “I don’t have enough money to move or buy land and everything is expensive.”

One of the most life-changing lessons I learned from Robert Kiyosaki was to NEVER say “I can’t afford it.” Instead, if it was something you truly desired that could benefit your life, ask yourself: “HOW can I afford it?”

Scarcity and poverty are mindsets first. 

You have to believe that you can get what you want long before you actually get it. 

Once you ask yourself the question of “how” you can start getting creative and moving in the direction toward prosperity. 

The first step is to be grateful for what you have. Take nothing for granted. 

The second step is to realize that there’s money all around you. It’s being printed like crazy. 

The key to getting your own slice of the money pie is to consider how you can help people get what they want. How can you help other people solve their problems? 

Then all you have to do is make or be the solution and charge money for it. 

The bigger the problem, the more money you can make solving it. 

This is why we included the Make More Money Masterclass (Exit and Build Homestead Edition) in the Accelerator System. 

We’re going to show you a TON of ways to bring in more money. I guarantee that EVERYONE can start making more money by using just one strategy in this training. 

If you’re currently employed, you can make more money at your job. 

If you want to start a side hustle, you’ll be shown dozens of easy and simple ways to do it. 

If you want to start a large business like I have several times, I’ll give you my entire playbook for being a successful entrepreneur. 

Not only that…

But we’ll show you a ton of crazy cool ways you can get land, live on homesteads, find communities, and do it all in scrappy, low-cost ways. 

Like how to leverage RVs. 

Or rent property rather than buy it. 

Or buy land collectively. A $50,000 investment in land can quickly become a $10,000 or $5,000 investment when you gather the right people to make it happen. Magic happens when you work together with others. 

There’s no overnight solution. 

But there are MANY solutions to any money problems. 

And we’ll make sure money is no longer a problem for you.

Obstacle #2: “I don’t know the right people to start a community with.”

You would be amazed at the tens of thousands of people in the United States and all around the world who 100% believe in the values of self-reliance, sovereignty, and liberty. 

We’re creating every opportunity for you to meet and connect with them. 

The Freedom Cell Network and the private community for the Accelerator System are just two of those options. 

But these are two of your best options. 

Because these communities not only contain like-minded people but also motivated people. 

And YOU need to be motivated to meet and connect with them if you ever want true freedom-minded friends to help you live the life of liberty that you want. 

You gotta get out of your comfort zone and start talking to people. 

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

Get over your social anxiety. 

There are A LOT of people just like you that want to meet and know you and work with you and help you. 

Commit to meeting them.

We’ll help you get in front of as many of them as possible.

Obstacle #3: “I don’t know where in the world to build a homestead or community.”

We’re going to make this SUPER easy. 


With Curtis Stone’s course: Finding the Perfect Homestead. 

It’s in the name. 

He’ll show you all the key criteria he’s used with hundreds of clients to find A+ properties in the right location at the right price all over the United States and Canada. 

His training alone is all you need to finally find the perfect property for you to build your fortress of freedom.

Obstacle #4: “I’m tied to my job and can’t leave.”

I have to ask you…

How bad do you want this?

Because a big enough WHY can overcome any HOW. 

Jobs are everywhere. 

Your job can probably be found elsewhere. 

And if it can’t, then perhaps it’s time to get a new job.

I’m sorry to be blunt, but again, how badly do you want this?

You have one life to live.

This is your chance, right now, to live more freely than ever before.

Don’t let something as small as a job hold you back from your dreams. 

Make your job fit your dreams and you’ll find a way. 

I’ll just tell you again, The Make More Money Masterclass is the first thing you need to dive into in the Accelerator System if your job is holding you back.

Obstacle #5: “I’m too old.”

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

I say that’s BS. 

I know dozens of seniors, retirees, and “elders” doing amazing things, taking care of big homesteads, and many of them are doing it for the first time in their later years. 

We believe that our elders need to be protected and insulated from this crazy world. You need to live in safety and security. 

We don’t want you cooped up in a retirement home waiting for the inevitable that comes for us all someday. 

We want you to enjoy your golden years on a beautiful property surrounded by nature and good-natured people. 

That’s what you deserve. 

You can have it.

We’re committed to helping you have it. 

All you need to do is commit to working with us and we’ll make it happen.

Obstacle #6: “I’m stressed and overworked and don’t have the time to learn and make it happen.”

You can tell a lot about someone by how they spend their time.

I’m stressed to the bone about my work on a daily basis even BEFORE I got my homestead and intentional community. But I knew what I wanted and spent my time between work and family getting closer to that dream.

Now I’m living it. 

My advice is to project who it is you want to be in the future. Paint a picture of living in the country. And ask yourself often every day: “Are my thoughts and actions in alignment with who I want to become? With what I want to achieve?”

You have 168 hours in the week. We all do. 

You just have to spend that time doing the things you truly want to do. 

If you took an honest assessment of how you spend your time, I guarantee you’ll find a lot of places where you’re spending too much time on TV, your phone, social media, games, sports, or something else. 

I’m certain you can spend time outside of work learning how to live free. 

I mean, my goodness, you can listen to the content in the Accelerator System while you’re showering, making breakfast, driving to and from work, doing chores, mowing the lawn, or whenever you’re doing tasks that don’t require a lot of brain power. 

We make it super easy to consume this content. 

And we make it super actionable so you can immediately use it. 

It’s not that you don’t have the time. 

It’s that you’re not spending it wisely. 

The Accelerator System ensures that every minute you spend with our content, you’ll be rapidly learning how to move forward to a life of freedom in the country.

Obstacle #7

“My family isn’t onboard.” or “I can’t leave my family.”

The fastest path from point A to point B is a straight line…

The Exit and Build Accelerator System is the closest thing to a straight line to homesteading in an intentional community and building financial sovereignty in the country

This is the most comprehensive system ever devised to take anyone, no matter their current income, skill level, location, or situation…

And get them onto their own land living abundantly amongst like-minded neighbors and friends in the shortest period of time. 

What you’re going to learn has been used by HUNDREDS of individuals and families to live the free life in the country. 

And we’ve structured the Exit and Build Accelerator System to work for ANYONE, with different levels of training and hands-on access to our experts.

The Accelerator System comes with 3 different packages:


The Exiter Package


The Builder Package


The 10x Package

The Exiter Package includes the core program of 3 LIVE sessions with John Bush and Rebecca Powers plus a powerful course from Curtis Stone and a handful of BONUSES

LIVE Session 1: The Buy Land Build Community Bootcamp

The Buy Land Build Community Interactive Bootcamp systematically organizes everything you need to know to live the free and self-sufficient life in the order you need to know it, with tons of flexibility to suit your particular preferences, budget, location, and more. 

It’s taught by myself and Rebecca Bush. 

By the end of the Bootcamp, you’ll have a simple, easy-to-follow plan for achieving real liberty in the countryside within months instead of years.

The Bootcamp is broken into 10 modules for maximum impact:

  1. An introduction to how we got into the authoritarian mess we’re in today…
  2. A masterclass in setting your mindset for maximum success with homesteading and community building…
  3. A strategy session to come up with a real-world plan and reasonable goals to make your dream a reality in a matter of months…
  4. An in-depth dive into the exact methods, tools, and resources for finding high-quality land…
  5. A breakdown of the legal and financial considerations for purchasing the land you want (often the hardest part of this entire process that so many get stuck on but will be made crystal clear in this session)…
  6. An elite-level training in permaculture design for turning every inch of your property into a food-producing powerhouse (that you would have to pay thousands to hear outside of this Bootcamp)…
  7. A simple set of building plans for creating the perfect home and other structures you’ll need on your property and how to fully go “off-grid”…
  8. A varied set of practices for growing and harvesting food, gardening, and living off the (literal) fruits of your labor…
  9. A long list of ways to ensure your community can educate its children, establish profitable businesses, and provide recreational activities for adults and kids alike…
  10. And a range of additional resources you’ll need to pull it all together

This will be the THIRD LIVE TRAINING and each year we’ve updated, revised, and expanded it to reinforce it with all the new skills and knowledge Rebecca and I have learned. And to ensure we’re tackling the most pressing issues of the day. 

We’re diving way deeper into tactics and strategies for PREPPING and PREPAREDNESS in the face of total economic collapse…

We’re revealing every secret for LIVING OFF-GRID we know of that virtually anyone can implement…

And we’re exposing all the methods you could possibly need to construct simple but powerful FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS to feed your family year-round in case the shelves at your grocery store stay empty…

This will be, without a doubt, the most comprehensive workshop on building a resilient and self-sufficient homestead and self-sustaining community you’ve ever seen

Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover during this training:

  • The simple mindset hacks anyone can use to supercharge their motivation and creativity to “get stuff done” quickly and efficiently.
  • The secret to setting achievable goals and following through with your plan (in other words, how to keep yourself accountable for doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it).
  • How to overcome your “money problems” and manifest financial freedom.
  • Why building a “community of one” might be the BEST place to begin your journey toward an intentional community of many.
  • How to find others who share your culture and values and would make a great fit in your community (and why it’s best to work with people you already trust).
  • The various regulations you need to be aware of before buying a property to ensure these laws allow you to build the kind of homestead and community you desire.
  • The legal structures to consider when purchasing property as a group to mitigate serious problems down the road.
  • How to find a reliable broker in your area to find the right land for you.
  • The typical styles of homes you should consider building on your property, each with its pros and cons.
  • How to get (and stay) off-grid using simple and sophisticated tools, techniques, and resources.
  • How to provide for the essential amenities you’re used to in normal life to go from “roughing it” to “loving it” out in the country.
  • How to design your property according to the principles of permaculture to grow acres of organic, healthy food, raise any type of farm animal, harvest your own water, and live off the land like a pro.
  • A breakdown of all the “cottage industries” your homestead and community can support, including how to market your business, turn a profit every year, and reinvest what you earn to grow and expand your community.

And so much more!

LIVE Session 2: The Make More Money Masterclass (Exit and Build Homestead Edition)

The Make More Money Masterclass gives you DOZENS of simple, painless, uncomplicated ways to increase your income by at least a few hundred dollars each month and probably much more.

Making more money isn’t complicated once you understand the basic principles of how to do it and the simple steps you can take right now to begin increasing your income.

And earning more money gives you the ability to grant yourself more freedom.

Plus, knowing how to make more money might just save your life.

At the very least, it will allow you to live a more comfortable, more abundant life with more food security and freedom than you had before.

I’m going to cover all the top ways you can make more money as an employee, with a side hustle, or by striking out on your own as an entrepreneur, including:

  • What a “money mindset” is and how to retrain your brain to attract abundance (there’s a little “woo-woo” stuff here, but it’s mostly about using practical methods to overcome the psychological barriers you’ve put in your own way)
  • How to make your money work for you rather than you working for money
  • Why EVERYTHING is sales and why you must approach every goal you have as a “sales goal” (even if you think you’re not a salesperson, you’re actually just selling yourself the idea that you can’t sell…see how crazy that is? All persuasion and communication are selling in some form and I’ll show you how to sell yourself first so you can use your innate sales skills to make more money)
  • The habits and behaviors of high-earners that you can adopt right now to begin making more money
  • Proven ways to make your employer WANT to give you more money (including the secrets my own employees have used to practically FORCE ME to pay them more)
  • The top side hustles ANYONE can do morning, evening, or on the weekends (and how to balance your time between your regular job and your side hustle)
  • Successful side hustles that many people I personally know have started and are still doing years later with great success that doesn’t require much money or resources to start up
  • The principles behind scaling up a side hustle to continually make more money – enough to quit your job and commit to it full-time.
  • How I took over a failing natural health supplement company and turned it into a thriving business that’s still going strong almost 10 years later

On top of that…

I’m updating this masterclass with even more ways to make money by leveraging your property and land.

I will make sure that being poor or broke is NOT an option for you any longer.

LIVE Session 3: The Community Matchmaking Intensive with Rebecca Powers and Cynthia Tina

Rebecca and Cynthia will bring together all participants in the Exit and Build Accelerator System to meet and connect with each other and form genuine, real-world relationships that can turn into real-world communities. 

You will be taken through a series of exercises, networking sessions, discussions, and more to help you find people that you could live near, find or buy land together, and co-create intentional communities. 

Cynthia Tina is the cofounder of the Foundation for Intentional Community. She has more knowledge of communities, how to make them work, and how to make the people within communities work together than anyone else I know. 

Rebecca Powers is the CEO of Exit and Build Property Solutions, a land development firm connecting investors and buyers to guide them in collectively purchasing large plots of land for building homesteads and establishing communities together.


Curtis Stone’s Finding The Perfect Homestead Property

Curtis Stone released this NEW and groundbreaking course in the last year revealing his never-before-seen framework for systematically finding the absolute best property for homesteading for you.

Curtis Stone was known as the “Urban Farmer” for years because he built thriving gardens in urban areas and turned them into profitable businesses.

But in 2020, he became one of the original “COVID Buyers” (as real estate agents referred to them), moving to a 40-acre property “in the middle of nowhere” in Canada.

He found his dream property using a 3-part framework and specific tools and strategies.

He’s now used this same framework to help hundreds of other people find their dream homesteads.

And in this course, he lays out EVERYTHING you could possibly need to find yours.

This course sells for $500 elsewhere online. It’s worth more than the cost of the “Exiter Package” and makes the entire Accelerator System a no-brainer steal of a deal. 

In Finding The Perfect Homestead Property, you’ll get:

98 Video Lessons with step-by-step tutorials that show you how to find and assess amazing homestead properties using secret hacks in Google Earth Pro.

An Assessment Framework Guide to quickly identify which properties are worth pursuing and which ones can waste hundreds of thousands of dollars if not avoided.

A Property Ranking System to uncover your favorite properties’ true strengths and weaknesses on a numerical scale so that you can see which ones are worth pursuing and which ones can bite the dust.

A Property Ranking Sheet to gain ultimate clarity on your next step.

50+ Detailed Property Reviews of real homestead properties that Curtis deems winners or losers (some of these properties may still be on the market!).

The top 11 criteria Curtis uses to evaluate every single property including climate, water, vegetation, soil, microclimates, and more (plus, all the ways to use this to determine the perfect fit property for you, your goals, and budget).

And many more ways to find your perfect “A+ property” that you can call home.

On top of all that…

You get 3 exclusive BONUSES

BONUS #1: Empowerment Session with Richard Grove

Richard Grove will show you how to unlock the power of your mind, upgrade your productivity, and unleash your full potential for getting things done and achieving your biggest goals in life. 

He’s the creator of AUTONOMY, a premier course in personal development, financial sovereignty, and business success. 

And he’s known for finding and re-popularizing the Trivium Method of critical thinking and creative problem-solving. He’s also a master of the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. 

Richard is a high achiever and prolific media creator, running multiple businesses, podcasts, and more. 

He will show you that success is not difficult. It’s predictable once you have a proven method to repeatedly follow to get whatever it is you want in life. 

Richard will give you his proven and secret methods usually reserved for students of AUTONOMY who pay $5,500 to access.

BONUS #2: The Ultimate List of Intentional Communities, Regenerative Ranches, and Other Pro-freedom Communities Looking for New Members Like You

This is a giant list of the top communities oriented around self-sufficiency, food production, and freedom. And they’re ALL looking for new members just like you. If you want to find an existing community with people who share your values, you might just find your new home on this list.

BONUS #3: A Private Group On The Freedom Cells Network

The single most powerful way to get a homestead property and community and make this life of freedom in the country work for you is by being a part of an online community of like-minded people who share the same vision and want to help you succeed. 

Everyone who joins the Exit and Build Accelerator System will be invited into a private group to share ideas, resources, and stories, ask for help, and get support from real people (including John Bush, Rebecca Powers, and others) to keep moving forward on their goals of self-sufficiency, prosperity, and freedom. 

Plus, this private group will be hosted on the Freedom Cell Network. 

This is the world’s LARGEST free group online that lets you find people in your local area to create “freedom cells” for mutual aid, private trade, homeschooling co-ops, knowledge sharing, and more. 

The Freedom Cells Network currently has 39,000+ members from countries all over the world and is growing every single day.

Along with…

The full replays of ALL the presentations and workshops from The Exit and Build Land Summit III

The Exit and Build Land Summit III featured some of the world’s top experts in permaculture, homesteading, community-building, survivalism, food production, self-sufficient housing, legal strategies for freedom, and more including:

  • Geoff Lawton teaching an exclusive permaculture workshop 
  • Curtis Stone teaching how to find the perfect homestead
  • Michael Reynolds teaching how to make Earthships
  • Patrick Wood teaching how to overcome technocracy and transhumanism
  • Jack Spirko teaching how to revitalize soil with biochar 
  • Nicole Sauce teaching how to push forward no matter your life’s circumstances
  • Cynthia Tina teaching how to find intentional communities
  • Mike Colomb teaching how to use Private Membership Associations
  • Lee Bigtree teaching how to start your own school
  • Derrick Broze teaching how to start the community of your dreams

Plus much, much more!

The Builder Package includes everything above...

PLUS an exclusive course (not available anywhere else) on opting out of central bank digital currencies and brand new trainings from world-renowned experts

The CBDC Exit Plan

This is the ONLY proven system crafted from 20 years as a veteran activist and entrepreneur showing you step-by-step how to build an entirely separate life (economies, currencies, and communities) outside of the CBDC control grid for maximum freedom in just 60 days

On Feb 25th, 2023 I kicked off this 60-Day LIVE training where I delivered a series of workshops (modules) and special content sessions each month revealing a COMPLETE and never-before-seen framework showing you how to:

  • Join parallel economies
  • Use alternative currencies
  • Build underground businesses
  • Create empowering communities
  • And live a totally separate life outside of the central bank and social credit financial system

This program revealed my unique “Inside/outside strategy.”

The Inside/Outside Strategy allows you to have one foot in the controlled economy and one foot in the parallel counter-economy.

And over time, you can grow the parallel economy stronger than ever and use it more often than the controlled economy to preserve the lion’s share of your privacy, freedom, and prosperity.

The CBDC Exit Plan is broken into 4 different modules.

Here’s a breakdown of each one.

Module #1 - The Framework For Freedom: take your first steps out of CBDCs and into the parallel economy

Module #1 walks you slowly and deliberately through each step of the “exit plan” and gives you a complete roadmap and big picture view of what opting out of CBDCs really means.

Ultimately, you’ll discover how to start using the “Inside/Outside Strategy” in every area of your life.

And you’ll be given the guidance you need to prepare and overcome a CBDC reality so that you can embrace a new life of sovereignty and prosperity.

You’ll discover:

  • The life-changing mindset shift that opens you up to a brand new world of freedom all around you
  • A complete breakdown of the revolutionary “Inside/Outside Strategy” for a freedom lifestyle that no government or bank can take away from you
  • How to design a new lifestyle around liberty and prosperity without getting stuck or stopping halfway (change can be hard, but my methods it easy and natural)
  • How to identify opportunities all around you for naturally and easily opting out of the mainstream financial and economic system and moving to a parallel system.
  • The most important steps to building the parallel economy in your life

And much more!

Module #2 - Alternative Currencies and Underground Income Streams: build wealth in the parallel economy

Module #2 shows you how to acquire and use a variety of alternative currencies that the government and central banks can’t control.

You’ll learn how to start side hustles and businesses in the parallel economy and the easiest ones to start up right away to make money on and off-grid.

And you’ll also be shown the best assets to invest in that protect and grow your wealth even during financial crises.

We get into precious metals and other trading goods. But a large chunk of this module is dedicated to cryptocurrencies, which I know can be very overwhelming and confusing to many people.

I want to assure you that we’re going to go very slowly through this technology to ensure that everyone gets it and can use it, whether you’re an 8-year-old or an 80-year-old. And I’ve actually trained both of those age groups on cryptocurrency.

You’ll discover:

  • How to safely and securely set up and use cryptocurrency wallets
  • How to acquire cryptocurrencies privately, anonymously, and legally without revealing your identity
  • How to use Bitcoin, Monero, and a variety of other cryptocurrencies
  • How to buy virtually anything you want with cryptocurrency
  • How to earn cryptocurrency by setting up the right payment systems for your goods and services
  • How to acquire and use silver and gold coins for trade (the ones to use and the ones not to use)
  • Where to invest your 401K, annuities, or other assets to keep them safe from CBDCs
  • The simplest side hustles you can start immediately and scale up to a few hundred (or a few thousand) extra bucks per month

And so much more!

Module #3 - Communities and Commerce: form trade lines, underground markets, and colonies of freedom

Module #3 reveals the art of connecting with fellow freedom-lovers online and offline, finding “your tribe” in your local area, establishing powerful communities and trade lines, and building a true parallel economic system.

This is where the “Inside/Outside Strategy” becomes fully real and tangible.

You’ll discover:

  • Tools, resources, and techniques for finding existing parallel economies or gathering people together to create your own
  • How to form communities with people you trust and establish proper rules and regulations to govern yourself, keep everyone safe, and protect your privacy
  • How to setup local underground marketplaces where members of your community can trade goods and services 
  • The best online marketplaces run by and for freedom-loving people who want to do business outside of the CBDC system
  • How to find top-notch suppliers, businesses, and entrepreneurial individuals to get the things you want in the parallel economy
  • The best way to buy, produce, and trade your own food with your community
  • How to use precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and barter systems to create a robust parallel economy that meets everyone’s needs

Plus a whole lot more!

Module #4 - Massive Action Plans: apply what you’ve learned, break through obstacles, and forge ahead toward lifelong freedom in the face of financial tyranny

Module #4 is all about taking ruthless, massive action no matter what setbacks, challenges, or circumstances stand in your way.

The purpose of this module is to keep you on track, motivated, and persistent in your pursuit of radical freedom outside of the CBDC system.

You’re going to hit snags. You’re going to falter. You’re going to lose momentum. And you even may start wanting to give up because things seem a little “too hard” or “too uncomfortable.”

That’s precisely why this module is all about making sure you get back up on the horse if you’ve fallen off, or you kick yourself into high gear if you’ve been making progress and start to slow down.

You’ll discover:

  • How to set and achieve your biggest goals faster than ever before
  • How to change your habits so that success becomes natural
  • How to face and conquer your fears
  • How to get out of your comfort zone and love it
  • How to connect and network with people to fast-track down the road to freedom

And so much more!


3 NEW Meet The Experts Sessions and 3 NEW Tips, Tactics, and Strategies sessions

These sessions are normally only available to Live Free Academy members paying $370+ a year.

But I’m creating them exclusively for this program. 

Here’s a rundown of what you’ll discover in these sessions.

Meet The Experts #1: Joel Salatin will sit down for 2 hours of an intimate Q&A where you get pick his brain about ANYTHING related to farming, entrepreneurship, homesteading, fighting the government, or anything else (it’s going to be epic)

Meet The Experts #2: Geoff Lawton will help you with any major or minor aspect of your permaculture projects or design (this is a rare opportunity to get direct feedback from the greatest living permaculturist in the world)

Meet The Experts #3: Curtis Stone will give even more advice on evaluating and choosing homesteads, but also, since he spent many years as “The Urban Farmer”, he’s also going to reveal how to monetize your homestead and grow tons of food no matter where you live

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #1: How to buy the best home at the lowest price

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #2: Fast-track Framework for Finding and Funding Your Homestead

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies #3: YOUR Choice!

The 10X Package MAXIMIZES your velocity with the Accelerator System through an intimate one-on-one collaboration with John and Rebecca Bush

This goes way beyond just LIVE training and courses. 

With the 10X Package, everything listed above is supplemental. 

Because rather than showing and telling you what to do…

We’re going to do it with you. 

You’re going to get mine and Rebecca’s undivided time and attention to create a customized “done with you” plan for moving onto the perfect property in the ideal area in a community with like-minded people (or start a community of your own). 

This isn’t just strategies and tactics…  

This is a FULL hands-on service to help you achieve your goals faster and easier than you could ever do on your own. 

Rebecca and I have personally consulted with almost a hundred people who have radically and rapidly become self-sufficient homesteaders in mere months. 

There is no substitute for real advice from experts who have been there and done it. 

We will give you our complete processes, systems, and framework for making your vision a reality. 

And we’ll help you overcome every single personal obstacle standing in your way. 

In short…

If you work directly with us, we won’t let you fail. 

The 10X Package includes 4 one-on-one sessions with Rebecca and I described below.

10X Session 1: Fact-Finding + Vision and Mission

Rebecca and I will sit down with you to understand exactly what your goals and budget are, where you want to live, the kind of community you want to call home, the food and animals you want access to (or would raise yourself), and so much more. 

Along the way, we’ll ask helpful questions to flesh out a full picture of your ideal homestead and “freedom community.”

By the end of this session, we’ll know (and you’ll know) EXACTLY what you want and how much it’s going to cost.

10X Session 2: Strategic Planning

This is the crux of the 10X Package where we get deep into the nitty-gritty details of how to actually achieve that gorgeous grand vision we laid out in Session 1. 

Rebecca and I will work with you to develop a complete A to Z customized plan that methodically takes you from wherever you’re starting to the exact place you want to end. 

Every base will be covered. Every obstacle removed from your path. Every “failure point” mitigated and accounted for.

The plan you receive will be designed to create the highest likelihood of success. 

You still need to execute it. We’ll help you move forward on it, but there are many factors out of our control (although that’s why we’re including the Sessions 3 and 4 that you’ll see momentarily.)

However, with this customized plan for your unique vision, you’ll be able to swiftly and efficiently take precise action toward your goals and achieve them in less time than you’ve ever thought possible.

10X Session 3: Empowerment and Refinement

After a set period of time where you’ll be putting your plan into action on your own, Rebecca and I will meet with you again to ensure that you’re remaining on track and making progress. 

We’ll help you overcome any setbacks or missteps and realign with your mission. 

If you need extra support, we’ll give it to you. 

After putting a plan into action, it’s normal to run up against a few walls or realize that something you originally wanted no longer matches your goals. 

We’ll guide you in refining your plan and approach and provide any additional resources you need to move forward with renewed confidence, competence, and commitment.

10X Session 4: Accountability Check-in + Problem-Solving

At this point, you’ll have been taking massive action (hopefully) on your plan and seeing real progress. 

But we’re going to check-in with you one more time to ensure everything is going smoothly and to assess, identify, and root out anything else that’s cropped up and threatens to derail your goals. 

You’ll be able to ask us any questions or bring up any issues or problems you’re facing and get direct feedback from us. 

We’re here to help you succeed no matter what. 

So nothing is off the table in these discussions. 

We’re also going to hold you accountable for doing what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to do it. 

We want you to have integrity with yourself because that’s how you truly achieve your dreams. We’re not going to beat you up about “failing” in some way. 

We don’t believe anyone is a failure unless they give up. 

Instead, we’re going to make sure that if you “fell off the horse” you get back on with renewed passion and enthusiasm and keep riding toward the life of freedom in the country.


The 10X Package grants you unfettered access to John and Rebecca Bush’s personal rolodex of experts

We’re VERY well-connected. 

We can call upon permaculturists, survivalists, homesteaders, preppers, real estate developers, land developers, community organizers, and many more who have massive audiences and large businesses. 

How do you think we’re able to organize an event such as the Exit and Build Land Summit 3 years in a row with some of the best of the best speakers in America and abroad?

Our network is extremely strong.

And the biggest perk we can offer you is full access to our network of experts and resources. 

If you want something done and we can’t do it, we’ll find someone who can. 

The level of knowledge, wisdom, skill, ability, and willingness to help people in our orbit successfully gain homestead, community, and freedom in the country contained in our rolodex is second to none. 

Once you’re connected to us, you’re connected to everyone we know.

The Exit and Build Accelerator System is ONLY available until

June 2nd at midnight central time


Choose the right Accelerator System package for you below

The Buy Land Build Community Bootcamp III
real-world value

The Make More Money Masterclass (Exit and Build Homestead Edition)


real-world value

The Community Matchmaking Intensive with Rebecca Bush and Cynthia Tina


real-world value

Curtis Stone’s Finding the Perfect Homestead Property


real-world value

BONUS #1: Empowerment Session with Richard Grove


real-world value

BONUS #2: The Ultimate List of Intentional Communities, Regenerative Ranches, and Other Pro-freedom Communities Looking for New Members Like You


real-world value

BONUS #3: A private group in the Freedom Cells Network


real-world value

The full replays of the Exit and Build Land Summit III


real-world value

Total value of the Exiter Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $457

Or 4 monthly payments of $137

Everything in the Exiter Package plus…

The CBDC Exit Plan


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Joel Salatin


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Geoff Lawton


real-world value

Meet The Experts session with Curtis Stone


real-world value

3 exclusive Tips, Tactics, and Strategies sessions


real-world value

Total value of the Builder Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $1,297

Or 4 monthly payments of $389

Everything in the Exiter and Builder Packages plus…

10X Session 1: Fact-Finding + Vision and Mission


real-world value

10X Session 2: Strategic Planning


real-world value

10X Session 3: Empowerment and Refinement


real-world value

10X Session 4: Accountability Check-in + Problem-Solving


real-world value

The 10X Package personal rolodex of John and Rebecca Bush


real-world value

Total value of the 10x Package


But until this offer expires, you can get everything listed above for a one time payment of just $4,997

Or 4 monthly payments of $1,497