20-year activist, serial entrepreneur, and founder of Live Free Academy John Bush unveils the FIRST and ONLY actionable solution to the Great Reset of the economy…

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan

A PROVEN step-by-step system for creating a private, prosperous, and free life outside of the CBDC control grid In just 60 days

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan contains a series of workshops (modules) and special content sessions revealing a COMPLETE and never-before-seen framework showing you how to:

  • Join parallel economies
  • Use alternative currencies
  • Build underground businesses
  • Create empowering communities
  • And live a totally separate life outside of the central bank and social credit financial system

Plus, John Bush unlocked the Live Free Academy vault to give away a half dozen additional courses and other bonuses to maximize your ability to break free from CBDCs.

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan originally ran LIVE over the course of 2 months. But we’ve since organized the recordings into a comprehensive course of liberation that you can watch or listen to from your computer or your phone anywhere in the world or on the go.

You’re still encouraged to work through this material one step at a time, implementing what you learn in phases over a 60-day period to consistently and steadily position your life and finances outside of the CBDC system for maximum freedom.

Throughout the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan, you will:

  • Acquire the top cryptocurrencies privately and anonymously and learn exactly how to use them for trading and business (even if you understand nothing about them right now)
  • Create and engage in thriving parallel economies online and offline to buy and sell virtually any goods and services using crypto, precious metals, and barter systems
  • Join powerful communities of good people just like you exchanging resources, ideas, tools, and knowledge to help each other overcome the CBDC and Social Credit System and expand their freedom in every way possible
  • Invest in the best assets for producing income, protecting wealth, and growing prosperity that are under your control and can weather economic storms
  • Build simple yet profitable side hustles that ANYONE can start to earn an extra few hundred (or few thousand) bucks every month in the currency of your choice as part of the “underground economy” 

And discover so much more!

You have two options for joining the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan

1. The Opt Out package

The Opt Out package gives you the essentials for breaking free from the CBDC system.

The Opt Out package includes all the core modules in the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan + an exclusive community + 6 BONUSES.

2. The Sovereign Life package

The Sovereign Life package gives you everything in the Opt Out package plus a TON more.

This package is made for those that want to build a super powerful parallel economy that can provide practically everything they need and want outside of the CBDC system even as they maintain a “normal” life in the system.

The Sovereign Life package provides 6 additional in-depth, special content sessions expanding on the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan + a private group only for Sovereign Life package holders + 2 MORE BONUSES + 1 extra PREMIUM course from Live Free Academy.

The Sovereign Life Package includes A BRAND-NEW, LIVE “Integration Session” with John Bush (2023 exclusive)

When the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan originally aired LIVE, I gave everyone an integration session to help them overcome any sticking points, solve personal challenges, and stay on the path toward financial sovereignty outside of the CBDC system. 


For this fresh July 2023 release of the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan, I’m giving all Sovereign Life package holders a BRAND NEW integration session. 

So in roughly 1 month from now, you’ll be invited to a PRIVATE meeting with me and anyone else who shows up for a group session. 

I’ll coach you through your current progress. I’ll answer any questions you have. I’ll give you personalized advice for whatever you’re dealing with. 

And I’ll make sure to empower, inspire, and coach you to maximize your freedom using the material in the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan. 

I normally charge $350/hour for private consulting sessions. 

But you’re going to get MULTIPLE hours of my time for $0 as a special perk for becoming a Sovereign Life package holder.

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan was locked inside the Live Free Academy vault but has been pulled out for a LIMITED-TIME because it’s clear the CBDC agenda is ACCELERATING and is going GLOBAL

This program is only available until Monday, July 31st at midnight central time

After that, it won’t be available again for a while

This might be your one and only chance to get a PROVEN system for creating a free and prosperous life outside of CBDCs anytime soon

Do you want the first and ONLY complete step-by-step system for opting out of CBDCs in 60 days?

Then get it NOW before it’s gone on Monday, July 31st at midnight central time

Or give Ryan a call at 512-866-4439 if you have any questions or concerns




I’m John Bush and I’ve dedicated the last 20 years of my life to engineering a PROVEN escape plan from central bank and government control systems

I’ve literally spent HALF of my life working tirelessly to create liberty where there is tyranny. 

To restore our right to privacy, return to sound money, break the dependence on the global supply chain, grow wealth without it being devalued (or stolen), connect with like-minded people, produce food locally, form underground free markets, and more. 

And you know what? 

I’ve gotten pretty good at it!

I’ve made several breakthroughs in the “science of living free.”

My TOP 10 “Eureka!” moments in breaking free from the New World Order include:

  1. Trading goods with pre-1965 silver coins at farmer’s markets instead of Federal Reserve-controlled cash (and educating others on how to do it)
  2. Discovering Bitcoin and using it to pay for goods and services (and as a store of wealth)
  3. Traveling from Philadelphia to Texas in the “Bitcoin Bus” with my family and only using Bitcoin throughout the entire journey
  4. Creating the Freedom Cell Network with Derrick Broze to organize local groups of like-minded people to trade, provide mutual aid, share resources, and build parallel economies (and growing it from a few thousand to over 36,000 members worldwide)
  5. Creating the Greater Reset event with Derrick Broze to bring together top experts that share their best strategies and ideas for overcoming the Great Reset agenda and streaming these presentations for FREE to HUNDREDS of thousands of people across the globe (igniting more warriors to get involved in the effort to liberate the world than ever before)
  6. Starting a natural health business and successfully staying in business and thriving using alternative payment systems despite being targeted by the Obama administration, and having my bank and PayPal accounts permanently shut down
  7. Moving from a 399 sq. foot tiny home to a 10-acre homestead and producing my own food in the country
  8. Converting my homestead into an intentional community with other like-minded people living and working on the land to raise each other up
  9. Connecting with local farmers to get the food I don’t produce on my own 
  10. Investing in unorthodox assets that are under my control and can weather severe economic storms

Plus so much more!

I’m telling you all this to prove that I’ve done my time in the trenches.

I’ve gone from a Ron Paul libertarian protesting in the streets and changing laws in Austin, Texas to a liberty-creating agorist and entrepreneur changing lives around the world. 

I’ve consistently made progress in the science of living free outside of the New World Order. 

My superpower, if you will, is figuring out how to find the loopholes, hack the matrix, and cleverly maneuver around every system of control they throw at me… 

And then show you EXACTLY how I did it so you can do it, too.

Now we’re in the age of CBDCs and I’ve applied everything I know to solve this problem.

CBDCs are the greatest threat to human liberty in history … but I figured out the secret to breaking free

CBDCs will… I’ll show you how to…
Have 100% control over your money to freeze or delete your funds, restrict purchases, or close your account permanently Earn and acquire a variety of currencies, including certain cryptocurrencies and precious metals, that no bank or government can control
Track, trace, and spy on everything you buy, everywhere you go, everyone you interact with, and destroy your right to privacy Buy and sell goods and services privately and anonymously (and even use specific cryptocurrencies for secret transactions)
Punish you financially for supporting the wrong cause, holding the wrong beliefs, or violating the Social Credit System Safely stay off of government radars and maintain your right to believe, buy, and do what you want
Force you to receive wages, salaries, and even government payments (i.e. welfare and social security) in the form of CBDCs Start simple side hustles that earn you an extra couple hundred bucks (or more) each month
Make you to cash out your retirement account in CBDCs Invest cash now (or even invest CBDCs later) into assets and income-producing vehicles under your control
Expose your digital wallet to hackers and data thieves Move your money and assets into secure accounts
Incentivize neighbors, family members, and friends to spy and snitch on you in a Soviet-style Social Credit System Move from crowded and dangerous cities and suburbs into peaceful communities of freedom-loving folks in the country
Lock you into an inescapable economic system that every business and individual must trade in Create and join parallel economies to buy tools, food, clothes, supplies, services, and anything you can think of outside of the CBDC system with like-minded people

The MASTER KEY to opting out of CBDCs is the “Inside/Outside Strategy”

All of us are “inside” of the system in one way or another. 

Including me. 

But all of us can also have a secret life “outside” of the system. 

I call this the Inside/Outside Strategy. 

More than likely, we’ll have to pay mortgages, bills, taxes, and other things in CBDCs eventually. 

Opting out of CBDCs doesn’t have to mean living a life outside of them completely. 

That’s just not feasible or worthwhile for most people. 


The Inside/Outside Strategy that I, myself, am following allows you to have one foot in the controlled economy and one foot in the parallel counter-economy. 

And over time, you can grow the parallel economy stronger than ever and use it more often than the controlled economy to preserve the lion’s share of your privacy, freedom, and prosperity.

And one day, with enough people on board and adequate “strength in numbers”, we can opt out entirely, leaving the old systems in the dark ages where they belong. 

Here’s a simple way to understand the Inside/Outside Strategy and why EVERYONE who desires freedom from CBDCs should immediately use it

Imagine living in a house with a beautiful backyard with a nice deck, hammocks, grill, good neighbors, outlets for electricity, leisure activities, gardens, animals, and even businesses you’re operating back there that no one can see unless you invite them in.

The house is the CBDC system. 

The backyard is the parallel counter-economic system. 

You have to spend some time in your house, of course. You probably have to sleep there and work there a little. 

But you can spend a lot of your time, maybe even the majority of your time outside in the backyard living a life of freedom

And the more time you spend outside the system, where you’re truly free, where your friends and network are, where your outside businesses are, where you keep your outside currencies stashed away safely, and so on…

And keep expanding the backyard to make it bigger, richer, and better…

The more the outside in your backyard (parallel economy) becomes your real life and your safe space of untouchable freedom.

So, even if in the CBDC system you have to pay bills and earn a living with CBDCs (which is likely for most people)…

You’ll be plugged into vibrant communities and marketplaces where you can buy food, goods, services, and more from freedom-minded people without the government or the banks seeing or stopping your transactions. 

You’ll always have the CHOICE and OPTION for living a life of radical freedom outside of the CBDC system. 

You’ll be able to trade for the things you want anonymously and privately.

And the more of us that participate in this system, the more robust and influential it will become until we’re using it more than the controlled economy.

That’s how we take immediate and practical steps to liberty. 

Of course, you can go as deep into the parallel economy as you want.

My friend Derrick Broze is virtually 100% outside of the system. 

You have that choice.

But it starts with one foot in and one foot out. 

And now…

I’m going to give you everything I know about the Inside/Outside Strategy for living radically free even in the worst of times. 


The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan

The ONLY proven system crafted from 20 years as a veteran activist and entrepreneur showing you step-by-step how to build an entirely separate life (economies, currencies, and communities) outside of the CBDC control grid for maximum freedom in just 60 days

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan gives you a series of workshops (modules) steadily revealing a COMPLETE and never-before-seen framework showing you how to:

  • Join parallel economies
  • Use alternative currencies
  • Build underground businesses
  • Create empowering communities
  • And live free without any bank, government, or corporation to stop you

All of this plus much more will be delivered through 4 core modules.

You have two options for joining the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan

  1. The Opt Out package
  2. The Sovereign Life package

Before I break down the extra stuff in each package, let me show you what everyone gets in the 60-DAY CBDC Exit Plan regardless of which package you choose.

Here’s what you get in the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan

(and how it progressively liberates you from the central banking system)

Module #1 - The Framework For Freedom: take your first steps out of CBDCs and into the parallel economy

Module #1 walks you slowly and deliberately through each step of the “exit plan” and gives you a complete roadmap and big picture view of what opting out of CBDCs really means.

Ultimately, you’ll discover how to start using the “Inside/Outside Strategy” in every area of your life.

And you’ll be given the guidance you need to prepare and overcome a CBDC reality so that you can embrace a new life of sovereignty and prosperity.

You’ll discover:

  • The life-changing mindset shift that opens you up to a brand new world of freedom all around you
  • A complete breakdown of the revolutionary “Inside/Outside Strategy” for a freedom lifestyle that no government or bank can take away from you
  • How to design a new lifestyle around liberty and prosperity without getting stuck or stopping halfway (change can be hard, but my methods it easy and natural)
  • How to identify opportunities all around you for naturally and easily opting out of the mainstream financial and economic system and moving to a parallel system.
  • The most important steps to building the parallel economy in your life 

And much more!

Module #2 - Alternative Currencies and Underground Income Streams: build wealth in the parallel economy

Module #2 shows you how to acquire and use a variety of alternative currencies that the government and central banks can’t control.

You’ll learn how to start side hustles and businesses in the parallel economy and the easiest ones to start up right away to make money on and off-grid.

And you’ll also be shown the best assets to invest in that protect and grow your wealth even during financial crises.

We get into precious metals and other trading goods. But a large chunk of this module is dedicated to cryptocurrencies, which I know can be very overwhelming and confusing to many people.

I want to assure you that we’re going to go very slowly through this technology to ensure that everyone gets it and can use it, whether you’re an 8-year-old or an 80-year-old. And I’ve actually trained both of those age groups on cryptocurrency.

You’ll discover:

  • How to safely and securely set up and use cryptocurrency wallets
  • How to acquire cryptocurrencies privately, anonymously, and legally without revealing your identity
  • How to use Bitcoin, Monero, and a variety of other cryptocurrencies
  • How to buy virtually anything you want with cryptocurrency
  • How to earn cryptocurrency by setting up the right payment systems for your goods and services
  • How to acquire and use silver and gold coins for trade (the ones to use and the ones not to use)
  • Where to invest your 401K, annuities, or other assets to keep them safe from CBDCs
  • The simplest side hustles you can start immediately and scale up to a few hundred (or a few thousand) extra bucks per month

And so much more!

Module #3 - Communities and Commerce: form trade lines, underground markets, and colonies of freedom

Module #3 reveals the art of connecting with fellow freedom-lovers online and offline, finding “your tribe” in your local area, establishing powerful communities and trade lines, and building a true parallel economic system.

This is where the “Inside/Outside Strategy” becomes fully real and tangible.

You’ll discover:

  • Tools, resources, and techniques for finding existing parallel economies or gathering people together to create your own
  • How to form communities with people you trust and establish proper rules and regulations to govern yourself, keep everyone safe, and protect your privacy
  • How to setup local underground marketplaces where members of your community can trade goods and services 
  • The best online marketplaces run by and for freedom-loving people who want to do business outside of the CBDC system
  • How to find top-notch suppliers, businesses, and entrepreneurial individuals to get the things you want in the parallel economy
  • The best way to buy, produce, and trade your own food with your community
  • How to use precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and barter systems to create a robust parallel economy that meets everyone’s needs

Plus a whole lot more!

Module #4 - Massive Action Plans: apply what you’ve learned, break through obstacles, and forge ahead toward lifelong freedom in the face of financial tyranny

Module #4 is all about taking ruthless, massive action no matter what setbacks, challenges, or circumstances stand in your way.

The purpose of this module is to keep you on track, motivated, and persistent in your pursuit of radical freedom outside of the CBDC system.

You’re going to hit snags. You’re going to falter. You’re going to lose momentum. And you even may start wanting to give up because things seem a little “too hard” or “too uncomfortable.”

That’s precisely why this module is all about making sure you get back up on the horse if you’ve fallen off, or you kick yourself into high gear if you’ve been making progress and start to slow down.

You’ll discover:

  • How to set and achieve your biggest goals faster than ever before
  • How to change your habits so that success becomes natural
  • How to face and conquer your fears
  • How to get out of your comfort zone and love it
  • How to connect and network with people to fast-track down the road to freedom

And so much more!

Now, you have two options for joining the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan, each with additional perks and bonuses:

The Opt Out package

The Sovereign Life package

Let’s take a look at both below…

Here’s what you get with the Opt Out package

A private invite to an exclusive community for Opt Out package holders on the Freedom Cell Network

Community is the secret to being truly free and prosperous in any system, especially outside of the mainstream banking and financial system. 

This private community can become your best source of ongoing knowledge, networking, and development as a liberated person in the age of CBDCs. 

You’ll be surrounded by like-minded people helping you overcome challenges, reach your goals, and stay free. 

I’ll be involved with this group and available to answer questions and interact directly with the community.

But the best part of this community is, you’ll be able to directly form friendships, business partnerships, trading networks, and more with people just as committed to opting out of the CBDC system as you are.

BONUS #1: Sal the Agorist - NFT's, Tokenization & the Counter Economy

An exclusive interview from Live Free Academy with Sal the Agorist – podcaster, founder of an agorist 3D printing company, host of The Agora podcast, and fierce advocate of cryptocurrency and counter-economics.

In this interview, Sal reveals:

  • What exactly “crypto tokens” are, how they work, and why they’re extremely valuable in the “crypto ecosystem” 
  • What non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are, why they were created, why they matter, and why you should take them seriously (yes, they’re used for far more than selling ridiculously expensive digital art)
  • How to purchase an NFT step-by-step
  • How NFTs and other crypto tokens have the power to revolutionize the way people hold property titles, access private spaces, and even organize society
  • How to get involved in the NFT market for fun and profit

And plenty more!

BONUS #2: Derrick Broze - How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State

An exclusive interview from Live Free Academy with Derrick Broze – the man who literally wrote the definitive book on opting out of the technocratic state and who is also a prominent independent journalist, documentarian, speaker, and grassroots activist.

In this interview, Derrick reveals:

  • How AI, smart devices and cities, the internet of things and bodies, and more are converging to create a digital prison outside and INSIDE your very body that can be controlled by a small group of “elites”
  • How Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have been preparing society for the Great Reset for YEARS, long before COVID
  • How corporations and governments are leveraging this technology to become the “social engineers” of society – monitoring everything you do and buy, rewarding or punishing you based on a “social credit score,” and silencing all opposition to their agenda
  • How to create intentional communities for young and old folks to raise each other’s families, share their wealth and resources, create thriving underground trading networks, and live free in the country
  • The alternative payment systems Derrick is helping to build to make it easier for businesses and individuals to trade in cryptocurrency without fear of censorship 
  • The best privacy-protecting alternatives to Google, iOS, and Android operating systems for your phone and computer to protect your data from hackers and government snoops

Plus so much more!

BONUS #3: LOOTZ | Pirate Chain - Crypto, Privacy & Strategy

An exclusive interview from Live Free Academy with Lootz – the creator of the leading privacy-focused cryptocurrency next to Monero, Pirate Chain.

In this interview, Lootz reveals:

  • The difference between a “transparent chain” (Bitcoin) which shows every single transaction ever made, and a private or “anonymous chain” (ARRR) which conceals your activity permanently
  • Why Pirate Chain is 500,000x more anonymous than Monero (hint: it’s all in the way their blockchains effectively hide your transaction amongst many others)
  • How to anonymously buy ARRR step-by-step without the government or anyone else being able to spy on your transactions
  • The best wallet to securely store and manage ARRR for beginners
  • What to do if you feel like your computer is being monitored and you want to maintain anonymity with your cryptocurrency (it’s super simple and just involves a separate computer)

And more!

BONUS #4: Juan Galt on Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and Privacy

An exclusive Live Free Academy interview with Juan S. Galt – a brilliant young journalist, crypto evangelist, documentarian, and star of HBO’s “The Anarchists.”

In this interview, you’ll discover:

  • What exactly the Lightning Network is, how it’s going to help get the first billion people to use Bitcoin, why it’s the latest and most important key new technology to make Bitcoin super easy to buy and sell things, and everything else you need to know to get started with it
  • A deep dive into the “layers” of the Lightning Network and how they provide easy ways to transact with credit, almost like a bank, but directly between people on the network
  • The most powerful, secure, open-source Bitcoin and crypto hardware wallet with cutting-edge security that’s a little larger than a thumb drive that can store all of your crypto without ever exposing yourself to risk
  • Why Juan recommends the Coinomi wallet (which John Bush teaches you how to use in Bonus #2 which you get with the Crypto Empowerment Masterclass)
  • How you could lose your computer and phone but with 12 words get ALL of your Bitcoin back without a problem, revolutionizing money and providing true financial freedom that could never be done with fiat currency, precious metals, or anything else (PLUS, the simple step to take to ensure maximum security)
  • How the global economy is rapidly shifting and what you must do right now to prepare for economic fallout and position yourself to survive when the “S” hits the fan

Plus much more!

BONUS #5: How to Avoid Getting Scammed in Crypto

This is an exclusive module from the Cryptocurrency for Beginners Workshop that’s not available anywhere else.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • The 7 most common cryptocurrency scams, how they work, how to spot them, and how to avoid them
  • The essential rules you MUST follow to never be scammed online (simple DOs and DON’Ts that you’ll never forget once you see them)
  • The #1 most important action to take immediately if you accidentally click a virus-loaded link
  • The 7-point checklist to quickly identify potential risks, scams, viruses, and malware

And much more!

BONUS #6: The Private Acquisition and Transfer of Cryptocurrency

This is an exclusive training from Live Free Academy that isn’t available anywhere else.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • How to acquire cryptocurrency privately without revealing your identity
  • Why KYC (Know Your Customer) rules open you up to cybersecurity risks and identity theft
  • A step-by-step walkthrough to setup an account on the #1 platform for trading cryptocurrency peer-to-peer with others
  • The top private cryptocurrencies and how they work to hide your identity and conceal your transactions
  • A killer privacy tool for surfing the internet and hiding your IP address (not an VPN)

Plus much more!


For those who want to take the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan all the way and maximize their freedom in every way possible…

Here’s what you get with the Sovereign Life package

The Sovereign Life package gives you everything in the Opt Out package plus a TON more.

This package is made for those that want to build a super powerful parallel economy that can provide practically everything they need and want outside of the CBDC system even as they maintain a “normal” life in the system.

NEW Meet the Experts sessions

Meet the Experts is a series exclusively available to Live Free Academy members where I interview top experts in their fields and share their secrets with you. 

I created brand new MTE sessions for Sovereign Life package holders only.

MTE #1: Ramiro Romani - How to communicate privately using beginner and cutting-edge tech (keep your secrets safe from snoops)

Ramiro is an expert in internet and mobile privacy, an activist against mass surveillance, co-producer of the Greater Reset, founder of the Take Back Our Tech movement, and founder of the Above Phone – one of the world’s most sophisticated private mobile devices. 

I’m going to sit down for a special interview with him where he’ll show you (and me) how to encrypt our communication channels for ultimate privacy and secrecy. 

You’ll be given the simplest, most basic privacy options anyone can use immediately. 

Then, we’ll take a deep dive into a cutting-edge decentralized communication protocol that Ramiro has mastered and believes will form the foundation for future encrypted communications that will be owned and controlled by the people, not centralized governments or corporations.

It might seem a bit complicated to use at first, but we’ll break it down to make it as easy and simple as possible. 

This will be one of the most valuable and in-depth trainings you’ll ever receive on private communication.

MTE #2: Tim Fry, John Haar, Mike Cobb, David Fabry - The top retirement and investment opportunities under YOUR control (not banks or governments)

This is a super unique MTE session because instead of just ONE guest, I brought on FOUR unique financial experts to give their best insights, strategies, and hacks for retiring with more wealth than you currently have by making the smartest investments now (and by making intelligent investments even after you retire).

You’re going to hear from:

  1. Tim Fry, owner of Roberts and Roberts Brokerage all about precious metals
  2. John Haar from Swan Bitcoin all about investing and earning on Bitcoin
  3. Mike Cobb, owner of ECI Development all about property investment and overseas living
  4. David Fabry from Resiliency Ranch all about real estate and other forms of “real” assets

What you’re going to hear a lot of are what I call “uncontrollable investment options.”

We’re going to break down the BEST investment opportunities available to everyone with a little bit of wealth that put your money and future under YOUR control.

And give you as many options as possible to wisely place your money in assets that protect your wealth, grow it long-term, and are almost entirely under your own control.

MTE #3: Catherine Austin Fitts - Forging financial freedom in an unfree world

Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the world’s leading experts in the financial industry, the economy, and building and using your wealth to live free. 

She’s designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.

She’s also one of the top voices sounding the alarm against the CBDC control grid. She even appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show recently to educate millions of people about the dangers of CBDCs. 

We’re going to have a wide-ranging conversation about all the ways we can build financial freedom in a world that wants to destroy our prosperity. 

We’ll cover the right investments to make, where to move your money, precious metals, “cash Fridays,” and TON of other topics, all focused on real-world, actionable financial solutions. 

BRAND NEW Tips, Tactics, and Strategies sessions

Tips, Tactics, and Strategies is a series exclusively available to Live Free Academy members where I provide mini-trainings on a variety of topics spanning cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship, homesteading, wealth-building, personal development, and more. 

For Sovereign Life package holders only, I’m creating brand new TTS sessions.

TTS #1: How to create underground trading networks, private farmer’s markets, and counter-economies in your local area

Privately trading with friends, family, neighbors, and an extended network of like-minded people is the foundation of a “parallel economy.”

I’m going to teach you how to lay the groundwork for that foundation and build a thriving counter-economy on top of it. 

I’ll reveal the nuts and bolts of starting a small trading network and growing it larger over time. 

I’ll give you a step-by-step walkthrough for starting your own farmer’s market and using alternative currencies to buy and sell goods. 

And I’ll show you how to ensure you can trust everyone in your market, avoid common mistakes, and maintain a powerful parallel economy in your local area.

TTS #2: Bitcoin Basics for Beginners and Boomers

I know cryptocurrency and Bitcoin can be cripplingly overwhelming. 

Boomers, such as my parents and many of you reading this, are understandably confused and intimidated by this new technology.

That’s not your fault and you don’t have to feel bad about it. 

Most people have no idea what it is, how it works, or how to use it. 

Which is also why this special TTS includes “beginners” to represent anyone of any age in addition to boomers who want to learn the fundamentals of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. 

What I’m going to do in this TTS is walk as slowly and methodically through the absolute basics of Bitcoin so that ANYONE can understand it.

I have a tendency sometimes to assume my audience already gets the basics when discussing cryptocurrency. 

That’s a mistake on my part because I’ve been involved with Bitcoin since 2012. 

I GUARANTEE that everyone who watches Bitcoin Basics for Beginners and Boomers will walk away with a full understanding of the essentials. 

I’ll keep things super simple, down-to-earth, and best of all, NON-technical. I won’t use any fancy jargon. Just basic terms and simple processes. 

I believe Bitcoin is one of the most important tools in our effort to live free from CBDCs, so I’m committed to making it as easy to understand and use as possible. This TTS will do exactly that for you.

TTS #3: Slay Your Side Hustle: Proven Strategies for Financial Abundance

When you’re dependent on a corporate job or a single source of income, you can be forced to do things you don’t want to do. 

Vaccine mandates and lockdowns are a prime example. People lost their livelihoods by standing up to medical tyranny. Or took an experimental drug against their will to keep their job. And many honest hard-working folks lost everything when the government arbitrarily decided their business was “non-essential.”

CBDCs will also have a ton of strings attached to them, without a doubt. 

One of the best ways to protect your wealth and gain financial sovereignty is by creating alternative forms of income or “decentralizing your income.”

I’m going to show you a TON of different side hustle options you can start immediately and how to pick the best one for you. 

And I’m going to show you how to market yourself and your business effectively because ultimately, it’s the person with the better marketing, not the better product, that usually makes more money. 

You’re going to learn many new ways to earn money outside of the corporate world and outside of the control of any government or bank.

And this is for EVERYONE, even if you just dip your toes in a side hustle without fully committing to it. 

It’s always worth having a “backup” or secondary source of income.


Sovereign Life package holders also get…

A BRAND-NEW, LIVE “Integration Session” with John Bush (2023 Exclusive)

When the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan originally aired LIVE, I gave everyone an integration session to help them overcome any sticking points, solve personal challenges, and stay on the path toward financial sovereignty outside of the CBDC system. 


For this fresh July 2023 release of the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan, I’m giving all Sovereign Life package holders a BRAND NEW integration session. 

So in roughly 1 month from now, you’ll be invited to a PRIVATE meeting with me and anyone else who shows up for a group session. 

I’ll coach you through your current progress. I’ll answer any questions you have. I’ll give you personalized advice for whatever you’re dealing with. 

And I’ll make sure to empower, inspire, and coach you to maximize your freedom using the material in the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan. 

I normally charge $350/hour for private consulting sessions. 

But you’re going to get MULTIPLE hours of my time for $0 as a special perk for becoming a Sovereign Life package holder.

A private invite to an exclusive community for Sovereign Life package holders on Telegram

As I said earlier when describing the group that Opt Out package holders get, community is the secret to being truly free and prosperous in any system, especially outside of the mainstream banking and financial system. 

The difference between the Opt Out community and the community on Telegram for “Sovereign Lifers” is, you will get DIRECT ACCESS to me!

This group will allow you to ask me questions and troubleshoot problems and get answers and feedback from me directly. 

This will be a place where I’ll share ONGOING additional tips, tricks, ideas, resources, insights, hacks, and more for breaking free from the CBDC system AS I DO IT in my own life. 

Direct access to me is even more important for those of you who get stuck, frustrated, or confused with anything I teach. 

I know cryptocurrency and other technical trainings can leave many people feeling stuck in the weeds. 

Well, in this group, you can request help from me directly and I’ll give you personal feedback and assistance. It doesn’t matter what problem you’re having, I’ll try some way to help you out if I can. 

That’s what this group is for.

Also, If you think learning from me is good, wait until you’re in a group with me where I can share all  of my uncensored, raw, unfiltered thoughts with you about living radically free. 

This alone may be worth getting the Sovereign Life package. 

Of course, you’ll also have the chance to interact with all of the elite members in this Telegram group, lean on their expertise, form friendships and connections, and grow a powerful community.

On top of that, Sovereign Life package holders receive even MORE BONUS content!

PREMIUM EXTRA COURSE: The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint [not available anywhere else]

A 4-hour masterclass showing you the EXACT blueprint I’ve used to TRIPLE my wealth post-COVID (while most people have been bleeding money)…

EXPAND my freedom (while most people have been suffering under tyranny)…

And GROW my businesses (while so many have had theirs shut down)

Inside you’ll discover:

  • The Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework to guard and grow your wealth, invest in income-producing assets, create a network and community of like-minded freedom-loving people, and build the life of my dreams
  • Mindset secrets to banish fear, confusion, and propaganda for maximum motivation toward your biggest goals 
  • Powerful methods of financial and geopolitical analysis to accurately forecast what the parasites behind the Great Reset will do next (and how to counter their agenda)
  • Proven wealth-building strategies I’ve used to triple my income post-COVID and invest in assets under my control that deliver long-term gains
  • Methods and insights to join or create thriving communities of like-minded people for mutual aid, enhanced food production, financial support, and trade in “parallel economies” outside of the control of the traditional economic system
  • Habits and techniques for crafting a custom survival blueprint, taking massive action, and always moving forward toward your dreams and goals

Plus so much more!

BONUS #1: Exit and Build Financial Strategies

A special Tips, Tactics, and Strategies session from Live Free Academy revealing:

  • The top exit and build strategies when it comes to opting out of corrupt economic and financial systems
  • The secrets I’ve used to build the wealth I enjoy today (hint: it’s all about playing the long game, but playing it smart)
  • How to build a thriving counter-economy underground between trusted parties out of sight of regulators
  • How to leverage offline and online networks and privacy-focused technologies to create more financial freedom in your life

And more!

Bonus #2: Thriving in the New Economy by Providing Value to Your Community

A special Tips, Tactics, and Strategies session from Live Free Academy revealing:

  • The universal key to success in life, business, and even political activism (it’s the same key I’ve used to meet and befriend some of the greatest minds in the “liberty movement” over the years)
  • How to unlock countless opportunities around you and move from a place of poverty to prosperity
  • The need and purpose of mutual aid and reciprocity in building groups and networks of like-minded, freedom-loving people who collaborate to achieve big goals that would be impossible to reach individually.
  • The essential actions you must take NOW which will be the difference between barely surviving or effortlessly thriving as the economy crashes and transforms over the coming years
  • How anyone, no matter their age, skills, or knowledge, can add tremendous value to their friends, family, and community
  • The proven roadmap for building wealth through building relationships
  • Why, if you hope to survive a crashing economy, serving others is the easiest and most guaranteed path to riches (both material and spiritual)

Plus much more!

This is the ONLY proven system created by a 20-year veteran activist and entrepreneur in the Truth and Freedom movement showing you step-by-step how to create a private, prosperous, and free life outside of the CBDC control grid...

...In just 60 days

And it’s ONLY available until Monday, July 31st at midnight central time

Now it’s time to make a choice between the Opt Out and Sovereign Life package before this offer disappears




Choose your package for the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan below

The Opt Out package

All 4 core modules of the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan


Private FreedomCells.org community


BONUS #1: Sal the Agorist – NFT’s, Tokenization & the Counter Economy


BONUS #2: Derrick Broze – How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State


BONUS #3: LOOTZ | Pirate Chain – Crypto, Privacy & Strategy


BONUS #4: Juan Galt on Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and Privacy


BONUS #5: How to Avoid Getting Scammed in Crypto


BONUS #6: The Private Acquisition and Transfer of Cryptocurrency


Total Value:


But from now until July 31st at midnight central time, you won’t pay $4,876 

Instead, you get the Opt Out package for…

Just $397
(Or 3 monthly payments of $157)

Or give Ryan a call at 512-866-4439 if you have any questions or concerns

The Sovereign Life package

All 4 core modules of the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan


Private Telegram group w/ other Sovereign Lifers and direct access to John Bush


BONUS #1: Sal the Agorist – NFT’s, Tokenization & the Counter Economy


BONUS #2: Derrick Broze – How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State


BONUS #3: LOOTZ | Pirate Chain – Crypto, Privacy & Strategy


BONUS #4: Juan Galt on Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and Privacy


BONUS #5: How to Avoid Getting Scammed in Crypto


BONUS #6: The Private Acquisition and Transfer of Cryptocurrency


BONUS #7: Exit and Build Financial Strategies


Bonus #8: Thriving in the New Economy by Providing Value to Your Community


MTE #1: Ramiro Romani – How to communicate privately using beginner and cutting-edge tech (keep your secrets safe from snoops)


MTE #2: Tim Fry, John Haar, Mike Cobb, David Fabry – The top retirement and investment opportunities under YOUR control (not banks or governments)


MTE #3: Catherine Austin Fitts – Forging financial freedom in an unfree world


TTS #1: How to create underground trading networks, private farmer’s markets, and counter-economies in your local area


TTS #2: Bitcoin Basics for Beginners and Boomers


TTS #3: Slay Your Side Hustle: Proven Strategies for Financial Abundance


A BRAND-NEW, LIVE “Integration Session” with John Bush (2023 Exclusive)


PREMIUM EXTRA COURSE: The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint


Total Value:


But from now until July 31st at midnight central time, you won’t pay $10,146 

Instead, you get the Sovereign Life package for…

Just $997
(Or 3 monthly payments of $397)

Or give Ryan a call at 512-866-4439 if you have any questions or concerns

The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan gets locked back inside the Live Free Academy vault on Monday, July 31st at midnight central time

Choose the Opt Out or the Sovereign Life package above to get it while you still can!
