If you’re worried about inflation, election insanity, CBDCs, and more tyranny heading your way this year then you need to…

Find and connect with NEW freedom-loving friends in your local area you can depend on when all hell breaks loose in 2024


The Freedom Cells Challenge

John Bush of Live Free Academy will walk you step-by-step through using the Freedom Cell Network to connect with like-minded people in your local area, form communities with them offline and online, develop a counter-economy to trade goods underground, and work together to provide safety and strength in numbers during these chaotic times. 

This is a GLOBAL event. There are over 40,000 members of The Freedom Cell Network across dozens of nations. This challenge is designed for everyone who needs a resilient community of freedom-lovers in their local area and wants to find and connect with them ASAP.

The Freedom Cells Challenge is a 100% FREE 5-day GLOBAL event that aims to help create greater freedom through community!



A Freedom Cell T-Shirt

A copy of The Libertarian Manifesto


And much more!

Here’s what some folks have said about their experience with The Freedom Cell Network:

“I have met some amazing people, started a community garden on my land, opened my mind and heart to new ideas, and developed what I believe to be lifelong friendships. I have both instructed, and been given instruction on gardening and spirituality. I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this world or any of the next/void/heaven/Valhalla, etc.. I owe you a huge gratitude, I hope you can see more of that, and far less of the negativity.” —H.H.

“Can you imagine how much harder this journey would be without the community that John, Derrick, Ramiro, and their brilliant team have embraced and brought together?” —A.H.

“ I’ve been putting into action the things I’ve learned – planting seeds, trying to acquire land, money. I’m spreading the word.” —J.S.

My name is John Bush and I co-founded the Freedom Cell Network to help TENS OF THOUSANDS of people just like you live freer than ever before despite living in the most authoritarian times in history

For the past 20 years, I’ve gone from being an activist – protesting and asking politicians to give me some scraps of freedom – to being an entrepreneur on a mission … to CREATE freedom for myself and thousands of others.

A decade ago, I came up with the concept of Freedom Cells. 

Freedom Cells are a decentralized network used to connect like-minded friends, family, and other associates in your immediate area to work together toward common goals, provide mutual aid, show up for mutual defense if need be, share knowledge and skills, establish self-sufficiency and self-reliance, care for one another’s needs, trade in underground markets, and so forth. 

But it’s also a vibrant online community with members in almost every country. 

It started out as a kind of activist street gang for good and has grown into a global network of over 40,000 radical, freedom-loving members worldwide. 

The more people that join the Freedom Cell Network, the stronger ALL of our communities become.  

How do Freedom Cells work?

Freedom Cells are made up of many “cells” which consist of a maximum of 8 people. I chose this number because according to the research of John David Garcia and Bob Podolsky, groups of 8 allow for maximum creative output.

These cells link up with others which link up with others to form larger and larger networks of groups all communicating with each other to work together for the betterment and freedom of all in the network.

The true innovation of this method of group organization is that as the Freedom Cell Network grows larger, it doesn’t expand vertically. There’s only ever a very small and limited “hierarchy.”

Instead, the Freedom Cell Network grows horizontally – adding strength and power to the network without adding more people trying to tell others what to do or how to run their Freedom Cell. It maintains a decentralized nature and allows all new members equal input to the group.

The Freedom Cell Network serves 2 purposes

  1. It helps to insulate us from tyranny, both traditional forms (such as mass surveillance) and new forms (such as technocracy). I.e. Strength in numbers. 
  2. But more importantly, it allows us to create a network and a means by which we can live in alignment with our inherent sovereignty as free, beautiful, powerful human beings. 

In other words, it makes living in our own little free society possible right now.

I believe the Freedom Cell Network is one of the most valuable tools ever made to bring real freedom, sovereignty, prosperity, security, safety, and peace of mind into our lives. 

I’m now on a mission to help as many people as possible get involved in this network and use it to empower their lives, their families, and their communities. 

We're growing the Freedom Cell Network from 40,000 to over 100,000 members before the end of 2024

I believe the Freedom Cell Network is one of the most valuable tools ever made to bring real freedom, sovereignty, prosperity, security, safety, and peace of mind into our lives. 

I’m now on a mission to help as many people as possible get involved in this network and use it to empower their lives, their families, and their communities. 

The Freedom Cells Challenge is going to play a huge role in exploding the number of people in the network and the impact it will have on our lives, our communities, and the world. 

The Freedom Cells Challenge will show you how to use all the tools of the Freedom Cell Network to “find your tribe” locally and online, join and grow the counter-economy, and thrive during the uncertainty of 2024

From February 19th–23rd, I’ll personally walk you step-by-step through joining and using the Freedom Cell Network to 10x your community. 

By the end of it, you’ll know the genuine feeling of belonging to a group that cares about your freedom and well-being. 

Many of you will instantly feel calmer and more at ease knowing you’re FINALLY connected to people who see the world as you do. 

I can virtually guarantee that nearly everyone who participates in this challenge will create at least one new friend and likely many, many more than that who they can depend on when the going gets tough.

Because Freedom Cells are largely about rebuilding that sense of community and camaraderie that’s been lost, especially after the Plandemic. 

Life is BETTER when we’re closely connected with other people and helping each other live freer, healthier, wealthier lives. 

The Freedom Cells Challenge is an opportunity for all of us to lead happier, more fulfilled lives through the positive experience of building and growing good communities for ourselves, our families, and future generations. 

But, of course, the political and economic situation we’re in matters. 

These networks of resiliency and self-sufficiency can help us survive and thrive through whatever comes our way – natural disasters, economic collapse, war, and more. 

Here’s what you’ll discover throughout the Freedom Cells Challenge

  • What a “Freedom Cell” is and how exactly it works
  • How to form your very own Freedom Cell in your local area
  • How to use the “Freedom Cell Map” to find and join existing Freedom Cells in your area
  • How to safely sell or buy things through the built-in online “Agora Marketplace” on the Freedom Cells website
  • How to quickly and easily connect with individual members to form real-world relationships
  • How to form or join homeschooling co-ops, trade networks, and business partnerships
  • How to take your existing cell group the next level!
  • How to collaborate across cells and create a truly free society

Plus much more!

The Freedom Cells Challenge is a 100% FREE 5-day GLOBAL event that aims to help create greater freedom through community!



A Freedom Cell T-Shirt

A copy of The Libertarian Manifesto


And much more!

Here’s another testimonial from a Freedom Cell member who went all in on becoming as self-sufficient as possible after joining their community:

“Here’s an update of what we have been doing since learning of freedom cells and considering how to exit the system as much as possible.

  • Husband and I bought worms last year to help build good soil.
  • Learned how to make compost tea.
  • Started a compost bin that produced lovely growing medium.
  • Grew oyster mushrooms and also used spent mushroom blocks to build garden soil.
  • Started growing micro greens.
  • Built a hoop house.
  • Becoming a member of Farm Connection has helped us reduce the money we spend at Whole Foods & H‑E‑B. All of our meat, dairy and eggs now come from local.
  • Bought a ham radio and technician course.”


Welcome to 2024: the year of chaos and disorder

(It’s not a question of IF  but HOW  bad things are going to get in America and abroad)

I’m eternally optimistic that in the end we’ll win and live free. 

But until then…

We’re going to live through some seriously hard times. 

2024 is looking to ratchet up the pain in a big way. 

For many people, it will be a legitimately frightening time because of the convergence of many events and circumstances. 

A perfect storm of discord is on the horizon. 

Being disconnected from a strong community puts you in the most vulnerable position. 

But being connected with like-minded people will be your saving grace when things get ugly out there. It’s a community of people you can trust and who “get it” that can provide the security, safety, and peace of mind we all desperately need during these times. 

Let me show you what I mean with real examples of the crap heading our way in 2024.

This election season is going to be a sh*t show…and could turn violent

It’s an election year in America.

Trump is being taken off the ballot in several states. Biden is transparently corrupt and demented but doesn’t want to leave the White House. A quarter of the country believes the last election was stolen. Feelings of impending “civil war” are heightening. And I believe this will be the most contentious and crazy election since 2016.

Plus, 64 other countries and the European Union are also heading to the polls this year. That’s almost 50% of the world’s population all trying to cast a vote to control their government.

This will lead to unknown levels of tension, political infighting, discord and disunity, and most likely violence, which we saw in 2016 and 2020.

The Freedom cell network can save you from political nonsense

The best thing a local, real-life and online community can do for you in terms of politics is help you stay sane during these tumultuous times. 

They can prevent you from falling prey to the propaganda. They can point the way to safety if things get dicey in your area. And they can focus your attention on the things that matter, the stuff you can control, rather than wasting time and energy on the bread and circuses of politics.

Inflation is starving families and the economy is ready to implode

Politicians and the mainstream media keep lying to your face, saying inflation is under control or is on its way down. 

Anyone buying groceries for their family knows this is total BS. You could walk out of the store after paying $300 and swear that the same amount of food and stuff cost you closer to $200 just a year or two ago. 

Even Jamie Dimon, the CEO of Chase, said last November that “inflation is hurting people.” If he admits it, then there’s no downplaying it. 

Inflation is evil because it silently robs all of us and it’s directly caused by the reckless money printing from the Fed and money spending from Congress. 

When most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, inflation can become deadly. 

Plus, the economy seems ready to crash at any moment. All the leading indicators are worse than 2008. It’s only a matter of time before the system crashes.

the freedom cell network can aid you when your checking account is in double digits and you need food or other goods fast and cheap

When members of a community need help, the other members step in and help. 

I’ve personally seen it again and again with my local communities. 

The best “safety net” isn’t government welfare (which will be tied to the Central Bank Digital Currency in the near future as you’ll see in a minute). The best form of “welfare” is the charity of your community. 

Without community, you’re left to fend for yourself and that’s a big reason why so many people are struggling today.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are being rapidly developed and rolled out in dozens of countries to completely control your financial life

CBDCs will be used to:

  • Restrict what you can and cannot purchase by programming your money
  • Freeze your bank account or delete all of your funds in it
  • Directly track all of your economic activity
  • Deduct money from your account for a bad social credit score
  • Reward you with funds for snitching on your neighbors
  • Remove you from the economic system completely

And so much more.

The Bahamas, Jamaica, and Nigeria have already introduced CBDCs with China, Brazil, India, and the UK leading the charge to release their own. The Federal Reserve is quietly developing its own, too.

CBDCs will likely be rolled out through social security, Medicaid/Medicare, EBT, and welfare payments first as a test pilot on the most vulnerable groups before being rolled out to everyone.

the freedom cell network can help you opt out of CBDCs, use alternative currencies, and trade in counter-economies for financial sovereignty

The CBDC system can be overcome using technologies such as Bitcoin and by creating and participating in counter-economies. I’ve created several high impact courses on living free from the CBDC system. 

But it’s not the “tools” that matter as much as the people. Without being intimately connected with a substantial group of like-minded people, you won’t be able to find an exit from the CBDC system. 

Community is the ultimate key to financial freedom. Because it’s your community who will use the alternative currencies, produce the goods, connect you with underground markets for goods, give you a job or help you start a side hustle, and so much more.

I could go on and on about Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, Disease X, farmers under attack, the massive waves of illegal immigration disrupting the country … but I think you get the point…

Every single problem we face in 2024 (and beyond) finds its solution in a powerful community of like-minded people building an unbreakable network of resilience and independence

The government, banks, and certain corporations want you to be isolated, separated, and dependent. 

Without community, you’re easy to control and manipulate.

But when you have a robust network of like-minded people who have your back, who have answers to your questions, who have resources when you need them, and who want the same level of freedom and prosperity as you do, then you’re almost unstoppable. 

So the question is…

Do you want to be connected to thousands of fellow freedom-lovers, grow a powerful community right where you are, and go into 2024 with peace of mind knowing you’re backed up by resilient people working with you to live free and thrive no matter how bad things get out there?

Well then…

The Freedom Cells Challenge is a 100% FREE 5-day GLOBAL event that aims to help create greater freedom through community!



A Freedom Cell T-Shirt

A copy of The Libertarian Manifesto


And much more!