The shortcut to opting out of the Great Reset and creating a happy, secure life of liberty and prosperity for generations to come…

The Accelerator

(The NEW Live Free Academy membership – Land and Community Edition )

John and Rebecca Bush will personally guide you, train you, and hold you accountable month after month to build your ideal life of freedom and self-sufficiency faster in the next 12 months than you’ve been able to accomplish in the last 12 years… 

…no matter your age, income, skills, or goals

The doors are open to get a 1-year membership to The Accelerator but … the doors close on May 24th at midnight Central Time


The Accelerator focuses on two core areas:

But running through them both is the supreme focus on COMMUNITY (building intentional communities on your homesteads, creating underground markets of free trade, and building genuine and powerful relationships with like-minded people).

Enter The Accelerator to discover how to leverage counter-economics, homesteading, and community to:

And so much more it would be impossible to list it all here. 

The truth is…

We have more tools, technologies, communities, businesses, organizations, movements, and opportunities to OPT OUT of the centralized control grid and create a radically free future under our own control than ever before. 

The Accelerator puts you on the warp speed path to your dreams of self-sufficiency, financial sovereignty, security from tyranny, and joyful living amongst like-minded people in a peaceful community.

A 1-year membership to The Accelerator gives you:

Total value = $13,717

But you are NOT going to pay $13,717

The Accelerator will normally cost $97/month

And during this limited-time window of opportunity, the ONLY way to join is by getting a 1-year membership…

Which means if you joined at the normal price you would pay $1,164 for a 1-year membership to The Accelerator…

But since this is a special Land Summit launch…

And I love to reward early action takers who see the value and commit to changing their lives with me…

You get 2 months of The Accelerator for FREE!

Which means you get 1-year access to The Accelerator today for…

This limited-time offer ENDS on May 24th at midnight central time


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“…so inspiring and helps to keep me going…”

I want to thank you so much for all you are doing to help people ‘Live Free’ and find their place outside this craziness!!! Reading all your information is so inspiring and helps to keep me going. I really love your energy and your desire to ‘make it happen.

– April F.

“…sovereignty and not victimhood…”

At this point we have 11 beehives and about 40 trees in the orchard.  Being away from the city has allowed us to focus on our values, our goals, and our health.  We are far happier than we were in the large city. We currently are getting most of our food from local farm sources here in Texas.  We are much happier to be in the mindset of sovereignty and not victimhood.

– Steve & Andrea

“…grateful to have such a valuable resource…”

My partner, Melissa, and I have taken several webinars/courses through Live Free Academy. They are extremely informative and we are grateful to have such a valuable resource available.


The single most important thing we can do right now is discover how to OPT OUT of…

  • The coming CBDC financial enslavement system
  • The “15-minute” and “smart” cities
  • Digital ID schemes
  • Social credit score programs
  • Fake lab-grown meat agendas

And all the rest of the technocratic tyranny coming down the pike. 

These plans have been in place for decades. And no amount of “fighting” is going to stop them. 

I’ve protested in the streets, written scathing letters to Congress, lobbied politicians, and volunteered in political campaigns. 

I’ve even changed some laws in Austin, Texas.

But the sad reality was:

ALL that effort fighting the machine didn’t produce an ounce of lasting liberty. 

I realize now I was simply slowing the march of tyranny rather than creating more freedom. That all changed when I discovered how to…

 “Exit and Build.”

As Buckminster Fuller said:

“Don’t fight the existing system, build a better one.”

I set out to systematically maximize my liberty and prosperity in the most important areas of my life to liberate myself and my family from systems of control and put my life (and future) squarely in my own hands. 

I found that the best way to do this is through what we call “Exit and Build.”

Exit means to break away from all the systems and institutions and places seeking to control you. 

Build means to create a lifestyle, community, and world that allows you to flourish as a sovereign human being. 

I’m John Bush and I’ve dedicated the last 22 years of my life to “engineering” Exit and Build solutions that lead to radical freedom and prosperity

I’m freer NOW than I’ve been in my entire life despite living in the most authoritarian times in American history. 


By choosing to take full ownership and control over every aspect of my life and designing my entire existence around liberty, autonomy, self-sufficiency, and resiliency in the face of tyranny. I’ve gone from a Ron Paul libertarian protesting in the streets to a liberty-creating agorist and entrepreneur changing lives around the world. 

My superpower, if you will, is figuring out how to find the loopholes, hack the matrix, and cleverly maneuver around every system of control they throw at me… 

And then show you EXACTLY how I did it so you can do it, too.

And you know what? 

I’ve gotten pretty dang good at it!

I’ve made several breakthroughs in the “science of living free.”

Here are my TOP 10 “Eureka!” moments in breaking free from the New World Order:

  1. Trading goods with pre-1965 silver coins at farmer’s markets instead of Federal Reserve-controlled cash (and educating others on how to do it)
  2. Discovering Bitcoin and using BTC to pay for goods and services (and as a store of wealth)
  3. Traveling from Philadelphia to Texas in the “Bitcoin Bus” with my family and paying our way through the entire journey only using Bitcoin
  4. Co-founding the Freedom Cell Network to organize local groups of like-minded people to trade, provide mutual aid, share resources, and build parallel economies (and growing it from a few thousand to over 41,000 members WORLDWIDE)
  5. Co-creating the Greater Reset event to bring together top experts that share their best strategies and ideas for overcoming the Great Reset agenda 
  1. Launching the Exit and Build Land Summit which spreads the insights of the best permaculturists, homesteaders, and intentional community builders to tens of thousands of people globally
  2. Starting a natural health business and successfully staying in business and thriving using alternative payment systems despite being targeted by the Obama administration, and having my bank and PayPal accounts shut down
  3. Moving from a 399 sq. foot tiny home to a 10-acre homestead and producing my own food in the country
  4. Converting my homestead into an intentional community with other like-minded people living and working on the land to raise each other up
  5. Investing in unorthodox assets that are under my control and can weather severe economic storms

There are plenty more, but I had to end the list at some point!

In 2021, I founded Live Free Academy to deliver the most powerful Exit and Build strategies I’ve discovered to help you live free NOW and overcome The Great Reset and Agenda 2030

To date, I’ve produced nearly 100 workshops, masterclasses, courses, live seminars and webinars to help people all around the world use the latest technologies, tools, strategies, and communities to live as independently and prosperously as possible. 

I’ve seen my students buy land and build thriving homesteads, start new intentional communities, master Bitcoin and Monero, start new businesses, create underground trading networks, grow community gardens, start families, secure their retirement, and so much more. 

I’ve helped tens of thousands of people worldwide increase their freedom and prosperity.

But it wasn’t enough … Not for me … I needed a way to provide a deeper, more transformational impact on people’s lives

More than just a good course. 

More than even a live event. 

I wanted a way for me to work WITH folks on a personal level so I can consistently coach and guide them toward their highest achievements. 

A place where we can have constant contact with each other. 

Where you can receive ongoing support, feedback, and accountability. 

Because I’ve realized that working with you month after month in an intimate, tight-knit communal setting is the BEST way for me to help you fast-track toward your goals and rapidly manifest your dreams of living a fulfilled, sovereign life. 

The more I can show up for you, the more I can help you show up for yourself. 

And if we do that, there’s nothing you can’t achieve.

This is why I created The Accelerator. 

The Accelerator will fast-track your “Exit” from tyranny and technocracy so you can “Build” a life of unmatched liberty and prosperity in 12 months or less … through PERSONAL guidance, training, and accountability from Rebecca and I (and our community)

Here’s everything you get in The Accelerator when you join today

The Exit and Build Activation Plan

Plus much more!

$1,597 value

THE Activators Online Community

The Accelerator will transform you into an “activator” – a person who leads themselves, forges their own destiny, and becomes the sovereign over their own little fiefdom in the world. 

The Activators Online Community brings you together with hundreds of others on a journey to reclaim their liberty and live the freest life possible outside of the control of the “powers that shouldn’t be.”

You’ll make new friends, meet new business partners, gain fresh insights, receive constant guidance, and collectively create a new world of freedom and prosperity faster and easier than ever before. 

$1,297 value

Monthly Land and Community Masterclasses

Every month, Rebecca and I will host a NEW masterclass covering everything from acquiring land on a budget to permaculture to community organization to land entrepreneurship and everything else in between. 

But you’ll also get NEW masterclasses covering cryptocurrency and opting out of the central banking system and wealth protection and more. 

This is ongoing, skill-building training to keep you on the cutting edge of what’s working right now to live as free as possible (and liberate your life as fast as possible).

$1,197 value

Monthly Empowerment Sessions

Every month, we’re opening our digital office door to let you sit down with us and ask us ANY questions you have to get direct, personalized guidance and feedback. 

If you’re struggling to grow or raise your food, establish a new permaculture site, raise funding for your property, start a new business, or a million other things, we’ll be here to help you. 

Private, one-on-one coaching normally costs $499/hour, but you get hours of our time every month for free as part of your Accelerator membership.

My next masterclasses will likely be about crypto commerce – how to accept crypto in your business or side hustle. 

And Rebecca’s next masterclass will be about accessing capital to fund your projects or land acquisition WITHOUT going through the traditional banking process.

Plus, all Accelerator members can tell us what they need help with the most and we can tailor trainings specifically toward our members’ highest needs.

$1,497 value

Exclusive In Person Meetups

If we want to transform the world for the better, then we need to gather IN PERSON – regularly.

All Accelerator members will be invited to IN PERSON gatherings several times a year. 

The first gathering happens right here at the Land Summit on Sunday night! It’s a private dinner with the great Joel Salatin!

The next gathering will happen later this year at Radical Roots Ranch – our 10-acre homestead and intentional community.

$1,997 value

Discounts on Live Free Academy Events

The Exit and Build Land Summit is just one of several events hosted by Live Free Academy. Accelerator members get to access these events at the lowest discounted prices available.

$997 value

$400 OFF Discount on The Exit and Build Land Summit 5 going LIVE in 2025 at Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farms

The next Land Summit will be held at Joel’s historic Polyface Farms in beautiful Swoope, Virginia.

This is going to be a uniquely hands-on, workshop-oriented Land Summit with fewer speakers but more time spent learning from masters in their field. 

The full ticket price will be $697. 

But if you join The Accelerator, you’ll get a special coupon code for $400 OFF. 

Then you’ll have until May 31st to use the coupon code to purchase a Super Early Bird ticket to the Land Summit 5 for just $297 – $400 OFF the regular price. 

$400 value

Access to a hand-picked selection of the best trainings from Live Free Academy

We’re adding some of the best trainings from Live Free Academy into The Accelerator course area with more trainings to be added in the near future. 

You’ll immediately gain access to the premium course:

The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint

This is a 4-hour masterclass showing you the EXACT blueprint I’ve used to TRIPLE my wealth post-COVID (while most people have been bleeding money) … EXPAND my freedom (while most people have been suffering under tyranny) … And GROW my business (while so many have had theirs shut down).

I’ll walk you step-by-step through my unique methods to protect and grow your wealth, make more money, think clearly about economic news, predict with certainty what the globalists and banksters will do next, and chart your own path to a life of sovereignty (just as I have done using the exact same strategies I teach in this masterclass).

In addition to this course (and one more EXCLUSIVE BONUS COURSE you’ll see next)...

You’ll gain instant access to the top trainings from inside the Live Free Academy vault hand-picked by me INCLUDING exclusive interviews with world-renowned activators showing you:

Plus a TON more!

$3,941 value


The Buy Land Build Community Bootcamp III

The step-by-step workshop from Rebecca and I covering virtually everything you need to know to confidently and quickly find your perfect spot of land, buy it, and establish a thriving homestead and intentional community on it (just as we have done on our 10-acre property)

It’s the PERFECT complement to everything you’re learning at The Exit and Build Land Summit 4. 

It’s designed for complete beginners and for those with some knowledge and experience to take the fast path to living free on their own land in the country surrounded by like-minded folks in a powerful intentional community. 

You’ll discover:

And a TON more!

$397 value


NEW Premium Workshop

“The Trinity Law Method” for Building an Untouchable Intentional Community or Land Project in the Private Realm

*5-hour exclusive workshop with Bradley Logan

Bradley Logan is a licensed attorney who went from successfully practicing commercial real estate to helping freedom-loving folks leverage the 3 most powerful legal techniques (The Trinity) to establish their community or land projects in the private realm – protected from unwanted regulations. 

This in-depth and actionable workshop will reveal:

Plus much more!

$397 value

For everyone attending the Land Summit IN PERSON, you also get…

An invite to the exclusive Joel Salatin Dinner on Sunday, May 19th at 6 PM central time

After The Exit and Build Land Summit 4 is over, you’ll be invited to sit down with the “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer” himself – Joel Salatin – for a night you’ll never forget.

$997 value

For everyone who joins The Accelerator before the Land Summit ends, you’ll receive…

The BRAND NEW, Extremely Rare Live Free Academy Silver Liberty Round (1 oz)

This isn’t available anywhere else!

I’m offering it right here for the first time ever to Land Summit attendees who join The Accelerator before this event ends. 

The average silver liberty round retails for around $40 depending on the spot price of silver. 

But the LFA Liberty Dollar is extremely rare – only 500 in existence. 

You get one for FREE when you join The Accelerator by May 19th at midnight central time.

$197 value

Don't have a virtual immersion pass? don't worry! if you get the Accelerator membership we are throwing it in so you can watch the rest of the event!

A Virtual Immersion Pass

You’ll get to watch the official stream of the Land Summit on Zoom, see the rest of the presentations during the event, chat with other attendees, get your questions answered during Q&A panels, participate in the Intentional Community Matchmaking Session, gain lifetime access to the replays, and receive a handful of super valuable bonuses.

Here’s a recap of everything you’re getting with The Accelerator today

Total value =  $13,717

But you are NOT going to pay $13,717

The Accelerator will normally cost $97/month

And during this limited-time window of opportunity, the ONLY way to join is by getting a 1-year membership…

Which means if you joined at the normal price you would pay $1,164 for a 1-year membership to The Accelerator…

But since this is a special Land Summit launch…

And I love to reward early action takers who see the value and commit to changing their lives with me…

You get 2 months of The Accelerator for FREE!

Which means you get 1-year access to The Accelerator today for…

This limited-time offer ENDS on May 24th at midnight central time




One More Step 75%

Almost done! Finish signing up for The Accelerator below!

Here’s EVERYTHING you get with The Accelerator:

The TOTAL value of The Accelerator is $11,463 

But you are NOT going to pay that amount…

The Accelerator will normally cost $97/month…

And during this limited-time launch, the ONLY way to join is by getting a 1-year membership…

Which would cost $1,164…

But right now…

You can join The Accelerator and get everything in it for 50% OFF!

So you’re not paying $11,463 … and you’re not paying $1,164 either…

You get full access to 12 months of The Accelerator for … 

This limited-time offer ENDS April 25th at midnight central time

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All sales are FINAL

There are no refunds for The Accelerator one year 50% off special offer. 

If you don’t want to renew you’re membership next year no worries, you can cancel and won’t be charged again next year. 

I’m giving you 12 months of intimate access to me, over a dozen in-depth trainings PLUS a dozen NEW trainings, monthly coaching calls, and so much more. 

If you simply take action on just a few things you learn, you’ll make your money back and plenty more. 

Not to mention, you’re gaining access to an elite community of freedom-creating badasses who will help you succeed no matter what. I’ll be in that community guiding you, too. 

This is a commitment to accelerating your life towards the free and prosperous future you desire faster than you ever thought possible. 

You either make that commitment without looking back or let this opportunity pass by and lose out on the chance to get a 1-year membership for 50% OFF. 

The choice is yours. And there’s no going back after you’ve made that choice – only forward. 

I hope you decide to move forward toward a life of sovereignty with me in The Accelerator. 

I’ll see you there. 

“…critical advice…”

I have known John Bush for a very long time. Being curious and not wanting to miss the opportunity, I took a one hour class from him. John delivered! He not only taught me how to invest but gave me critical advice on when not too! I highly recommend learning from him.

– Jennifer Welch

“…so inspiring and helps to keep me going…”

I want to thank you so much for all you are doing to help people ‘Live Free’ and find their place outside this craziness!!! Reading all your information is so inspiring and helps to keep me going. I really love your energy and your desire to ‘make it happen.

– April F.

“…an expert who knows how to listen…”

John is the perfect tutor: an expert who knows how to listen and walk you through the process according to your unique needs. I am proud to call him my personal crypto consultant.

– Joe Quirk

“…such a valuable resource…”

My partner, Melissa, and I have taken several webinars/courses through Live Free Academy. They are extremely informative and we are grateful to have such a valuable resource available.

– Chad