
You’re in! I’m so glad you joined the Trinity Law Method!


Because I have one very important question to ask you and this will be your last and only chance to say “Yes!” to it…

Would you like personalized, direct guidance and advice from Bradley Logan and I on effectively integrating the Trinity Law Method into YOUR unique life and business (while overcoming any obstacles or challenges in your way)?

Then DO NOT leave this page. 

And make sure to read every word on it. 

Because you won’t have the chance to take advantage of this again. 

Here’s the deal:

The Trinity Law Method is the most powerful formula we know of for exiting the Public Realm and putting yourself under the Natural Law of the Private Realm. 

After going through this masterclass, you’ll have the foundation to get started. 


Every person, every organization, and everyone’s way of integrating the Trinity Law Method will be different. 

You’ll inevitably face unexpected issues, run into unseen walls, and face difficult problems that are unique to you and your circumstances.

That’s why… 

Bradley Logan and I will sit down with you for a LIVE 3+ hour group coaching session on Zoom to keep you on the right track, answer every single question you have, and help you break through any challenges you’re facing

Everyone on the call will have the chance to present their issue and Bradley and I will offer direct, targeted, personalized advice and insights to guide you toward the best next steps. 

And we’ll stay on the call until we’ve made sure everyone has received the guidance they need to smoothly and confidently transition into the Private Realm.

This stuff isn’t easy. 

We know that. 

It’s why we want to go above and beyond and offer our most valuable resource to you: our time, attention, and knowledge.

Normally, we’d charge $997 for this group coaching session…

And it would be a fair price to charge.

Hiring Bradley for a 1-on-1 consultation would cost you $250/hour. 

That’s because you’re not paying for his time…

You’re INVESTING in Bradley’s experience, expertise, and excellent track record for the past 8 years in helping folks from all walks of life with all sorts of endeavors break free from the matrix and thrive in the Public Realm while slashing taxes and throwing off regulations, aligning their work and organization with Natural Law, and serve others in the best way possible while separating from the beast system. 

But you’re not just getting access to Bradley…

You’re also getting MY devoted time and attention. 

I normally charge $500/hour when helping folks with their businesses, cryptocurrency endeavors, and homesteading projects. But I’ve also been studying deeply into the Trinity Law Method for the past few months since meeting Bradley, and I’m applying his methods to my own massive intentional community that my wife Rebecca and I are creating. 

All that to say, you’re getting access to two high-quality professionals. 

We’re giving you our entire focus for hours. 

You’re likely going to make way more progress toward your goals than you would without our guidance.

And we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure you succeed exiting the matrix, entering the Private Realm, and aligning your work with Natural Law to exempt yourself from harmful taxes and regulations while serving others in the best way possible. 

But while $997 is actually a reasonable price for the amount of value you’re getting from Bradley and I…

You are NOT going to pay $997


Because you committed to following the Trinity Law Method…

And we want to honor and reward those who take action to bring more freedom and prosperity into reality…

You can be one of the lucky few who gets an intimate group coaching session with Bradley Logan and I for…


The moment you leave this page, this offer disappears. 

All you have to do now to get $497 OFF private group coaching from Bradley and I is…