You are registered for the CBDC Opt Out Town Hall

The CBDC Opt Out Town Hall goes LIVE on Thursday, July 27th at 11 AM Central Time
Here is the Zoom info to join the Town Hall...

And before you leave this page, make sure to scroll to the very bottom for a special message from John Bush…

Topic: The CBDC Opt Out Town Hall

Time: Jul 27, 2023 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 9359 3590

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Meeting ID: 878 9359 3590

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Opting out of CBDCs is the defining struggle for freedom in the present day

Hey, John Bush here. 

Thanks again for signing up to join the CBDC Opt Out Town Hall. 

I think the issue of CBDCs is more important than virtually every other issue dominating the news. 

It’s a struggle that will define not only the state of our lives and society, but the state of the future of our society. 

CBDCs are intimately tied together with digital IDs and social credit scores and vaccine passports and carbon tax schemes and all the rest of the evil ways the ruling elite plan on dominating humanity around the world. 

Knowing how they’re being rolled out is the first step. 

But knowing PRECISELY how to position our lives, income, finances, assets, and future outside of the CBDC system constitutes all of the next steps. 

Freedom isn’t granted. 

It’s taken. 

It’s built. 

It’s created. 

And I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible MAKE freedom from CBDCs a PERMANENT reality. 

So that when the next phase of this agenda rolls out, you’ll be positioned for liberty and prosperity without fear of becoming a victim to this beast financial system. 

If you want to know exactly how to confidently and quickly opt out of CBDCs long before they get here, and keep it that way…

Check out the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan:


Click below to download the free mini-course: How to Set Up A Cryptocurrency Wallet in Four Simple Steps