Are you struggling with sickness, weakness, anxiety, dependency, “old age” and the feeling that your liberties are being lost and you don’t have the strength to reclaim them?

Live Free Academy and Brave Botanicals invites you to join…

The Exit and Build Health Summit

An exclusive FREE 5-day series of UNCENSORED interviews with over 25 renowned natural health experts revealing their secrets to heal chronic disease, extend your lifespan, and construct an unbreakable body…

…to give you the energy and strength to EXIT government and corporate systems of control and BUILD an unstoppable lifestyle of freedom, prosperity, and wellness

The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th-10th (and will ONLY be available during this limited-time window)

Here are just some of the featured natural health experts sharing their hard-won wisdom at The Exit and Build Health Summit:



Zuby is a world-renowned independent rapper, inspirational podcaster, outspoken critic of the COVID plandemic, and a fitness expert and author of Strong Advice – a no-nonsense guide to building muscle, burning fat and creating your best body ever

JP Sears

JP Sears

JP Sears is a brilliant comedian best-known for his online sketch show Awaken with JP, an empowering voice for freedom and courage in the face of tyranny, and an expert on fitness and natural health

Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self, the co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression, and the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset

Robyn Openshaw

Robyn Openshaw, MSW, former psychotherapist, Brigham Young University faculty, and single mother of four, is the original “Green Smoothie Girl” and the driving force behind

She is the author of the popular course 12 Steps to Whole Foods as well as the 26-Day Detox that she has guided over 16,000 people through since its launch in 2014. 

Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji is the founder of – the world’s largest natural health resource, the author of the bestselling book Regenerate,the co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, and the creator of – a worldwide platform for conscious content creators

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA.

Alec Zeck

Alec Zeck

Alec Zeck is the founder of The Way Forward and co-producer of The End of COVID – the most comprehensive and EPIC takedown of COVID propaganda, medical establishment fictions, and government and Big Pharma fearmongering – and an outspoken proponent of terrain theory

Sally Fallon-Morell

Sally Fallon-Morell is the president of Weston A. Price Foundation, founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, the author of Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, and the co-owner of P. A. Bowen Farmstead


Kyle Kingsbury

Kyle Kingsbury is a former football player (Arizona State), a retired American professional mixed martial artist (UFC six years), the former Director of Human Optimization at Onnit, host of The Kyle Kingsbury Podcast, and creator of the Sacred Hunt experience


Mikki Willis

Mikkie Willis is an award-winning filmmaker and humanitarian, the founder of Elevate production company, the creator of Elevate Film Festival, a recipient of the 2011 Conscious Life Humanitarian Award, a member of the Transformational Leadership Counsel, and the creator of the Plandemic Series of documentary films


Shawn Baker

Shawn Baker M.D. is the Co-Founder of Revero, an orthopedic surgeon, a world leading authority on treating disease with medical nutritional therapy, a world champion athlete, international speaker, podcast host, and the author of the Amazon best-seller The Carnivore Diet


Tanner Shuck

Tanner Shuck is a former Division 1A football player and accomplished CrossFit athlete, a Strength & Performance Coach, and the creator of True Strength – an online fitness training resource with numerous programs and a worldwide community

The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th-10th

Each day of the summit will be available to watch for FREE for 24 hours

Sign up to be the first to know when the summit goes LIVE to gain immediate free access

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The Exit and Build Health Summit gives you a buffet of programs in every major area of health…and you get to choose the ones that work best for your unique body and needs


for building a powerful body of lean muscle to stay in shape, reduce injuries, and slow aging


for a calm and controlled mind to face stress with ease and enjoy every minute of your life


for optimal eating habits and food intake to maintain high energy, well-being, and brain and body nourishment

HOMEOPATIC and natural healing PROGRAMS

to reverse chronic illnesses, prevent future disease, and revitalize your mental, emotional and spiritual wellness


for supercharging your body’s natural defenses to rid your body of poisons and parasites

life extension and vitality PROGRAMS

for “hacking” your biology to add years to your lifespan, stay active well past your “golden years”, and live every day with more vigor and joy

Ryan Minniti, the VP of Sales at Live Free Academy realized that transforming his health was the key to creating a freer life and building a freer world

JULY 18 OCT 20


Hi there! My name is Ryan. I’ve struggled with yo-yo dieting for years. I’ve been motivated for short periods of time and lost some weight, only to gain it back after long periods of lethargy and low motivation.

I FINALLY decided that I was DONE having low energy, stamina, and drive. I took my health into my own hands and invested in myself and a mentor to help me along the way. It has been one of the best investments I have ever made. 

Now, I want YOU to join me as we discover what true health is and how we can accomplish it in our own lives.

Remember, health is not a one-month crash diet, but a lifelong pursuit to attain the highest good for ourselves and our families!

The Exit and Build Health Summit is a series of UNCENSORED conversations with leading natural health experts revealing PROVEN ways to


chronic disease, sickness, weakness, anxiety, dependency, bad habits, and a short lifespan…


a lifestyle of health that naturally creates chronic wellness, all-day energy, physical strength, a powerful immune system, and a longer-than-average lifespan

Here’s what to expect on each day of the summit:

Day 1

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Building muscle and strength, banishing stress, and creating a lifestyle of unbreakable health and wellness



Zuby is a world-renowned independent rapper, inspirational podcaster, outspoken critic of the COVID plandemic, and a fitness expert and author of Strong Advice – a no-nonsense guide to building muscle, burning fat and creating your best body ever

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JP Sears

JP Sears

JP Sears is a YouTuber, comedian, author, speaker, and a curious student of life. His work takes an unapologetic stand for freedom, free speech, and encouraging people to live free from fear. His content has served over 4 million followers and acquired 600 million views. When JP’s not making videos or performing on stage, JP loves to spend time at home with his family in the great state of Texas.

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Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self, the co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression, and the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset

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Tanner Shuck

Tanner Shuck is a former Division 1A football player and accomplished CrossFit athlete, a Strength & Performance Coach, and the creator of True Strength – an online fitness training resource with numerous programs and a worldwide community

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Robert Scott Bell

Robert Scott Bell

Robert Scott Bell is the co-author of Unlock the Power To Heal with Ty Bollinger, board member for Trinity School of Natural Health and United Precious Metals Association, the host of the Robert Scott Bell show, a homeopathic practitioner, and expert in silver and copper therapeutics.

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Ryan Minniti

Ryan Minniti has been studying health and nutrition for over a decade. After learning about the low-fat diet scam, he wondered what else we were being intentionally mislead about. He could have never dreamed that the rabbit hole would be as deep as it is, but he is ready to share his findings and his story with all of you.

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Day 2


Eating for all-day energy, the art and science of wholesome nutrition, and turning your kitchen into your personal wellness center

Sally Fallon-Morell

Sally Fallon-Morell is the president of Weston A. Price Foundation, founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, the author of Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, and the co-owner of P. A. Bowen Farmstead

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Tim James

Tim is one of those guys that will leave you feeling younger and more energetic just by hearing him speak. His passion flows out of him like a fresh waterfall in a dry desert. He’s turning 50 but feels like he’s 18 (with more energy!)

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Gerald Pollack

Gerald Pollack is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, the Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science, the co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc, and author of the award-winning books The Fourth Phase of Water and Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life

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Shawn Baker

Shawn Baker M.D. is the Co-Founder of Revero, an orthopedic surgeon, a world leading authority on treating disease with medical nutritional therapy, a world champion athlete, international speaker, podcast host, and the author of the Amazon best-seller The Carnivore Diet

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Day 3

Mastering the world’s most powerful medicinal plants, the top energy healing techniques, and the secret nourishing power of the sun to restore body and mind

Danny & Vanessa Panzella-Velez

(What they’re known for.)

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John Bush

John Bush is a radical activist and entrepreneur who lives on a ten acre intentional community in Central Texas with his two kiddos and his lovely partner Rebecca. He got his start in activism questioning 9/11 and opposing the expansion of the police and surveillance state.

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Ananda More

Ananda More is a Homeopath, with training and expertise in many areas including the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders and birth support.

Ananda has become well known for directing and producing “Magic Pills: Promise or Placebo”, a documentary that examines the mainstream media’s narrative of homeopathy and challenges that perspective by examining the science, evidence, and real-world use of homeopathy on a large scale around the world.

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Josh Del Sol

Josh Del Sol - Talk Title

(What they’re known for.)

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Clive De Carle

Today, over 30 years since his recovery from a round of antibiotics that almost paralyzed him, Clive has been lucky enough to have advised thousands of clients and he is more convinced than ever that most disease can be primarily explained as nutrient deficiency and toxicity. Clive has also been priviledged enough to have met, interviewed and worked with many of the leading lights in the health world, from whom he learned so many miraculous solutions to the health issues of today.

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Jackie Jolie

After being diagnosed with Lyme disease two years ago, Jackie to stop and reassess her health. Luckily, she discovered the work of Dr. Jack Kruse which resonated strongly with her; and ultimately helped heal her body. By changing her light life, she’s felt better than ever. She was recently certified as a Quantum Health coach by the Quantum Biology Collective program and  is holding in-person Light Shapes Life seminars in her local area, as well as hosting webinars online in hopes of reaching as many people as possible to share this information with.

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Polla Pratt

Polla has been practicing with Ozone Therapy for over a decade. She is an avid advocate of getting as much oxygen into your body as possible to eradicate dis-ease. Polla would like nothing more than for YOU to become your own best doctor!

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Day 4

Practicing detox protocols for ridding the body of parasites and poisons, supercharging the immune system for total body defense, and living a toxin-free life

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Mikki Willis

Mikkie Willis is an award-winning filmmaker and humanitarian, the founder of Elevate production company, the creator of Elevate Film Festival, a recipient of the 2011 Conscious Life Humanitarian Award, a member of the Transformational Leadership Counsel, and the creator of the Plandemic Series of documentary films

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Dr. Matthew Buckley

A 2002 graduate from Logan College of Chiropractic and a survivor of chronic Lyme disease, Dr. Buckley brings a unique view to the world of healing by bridging a functional medicine point of view with a subtle energy point of view. Through his own journey out of the complex challenges that accompany Lyme disease, he has gained valuable insight into what’s causing the breakdown in our bodies and essential steps that need to be addressed to reach our full potential and overcoming chronic infections, fatigue, and autoimmunity.

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Alec Zeck

Alec Zeck

Alec Zeck is the founder of The Way Forward and co-producer of The End of COVID – the most comprehensive and EPIC takedown of COVID propaganda, medical establishment fictions, and government and Big Pharma fearmongering – and an outspoken proponent of terrain theory

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Christian Yordanov

Christian Yordanov is a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and author of the book “Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy”, which is a comprehensive resource for parents to understand the most common health problems that autistic children suffer from and how to address them.

As a health professional, Christian uses advanced lab testing to identify hidden metabolic and health imbalances, and teaches clients how to use diet, supplementation, detoxification, stress reduction, sleep optimisation, and other strategies to address chronic health issues and transform their health.

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Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA.

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Day 5

Extending your lifespan and longevity, biohacking your body for extreme vitality, and making every day the best day of your life no matter your age

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Pure Traditions


Kyle Kingsbury

Kyle Kingsbury is a former football player (Arizona State), a retired American professional mixed martial artist (UFC six years), the former Director of Human Optimization at Onnit, host of The Kyle Kingsbury Podcast, and creator of the Sacred Hunt experience

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James Benefico

James Benefico almost landed himself in the ER one day after consuming an unhealthy, chemical, and stimulant ridden pre-workout supplement. The dirty ingredients had caused severe heart palpitations, jitters as well as stomach pain.

After finding no clean supplements, James knew that if we wanted pure, raw, and premium herbs and superfoods, he needed to create the product himself. With the help of his childhood best friend, Organic Muscle was born.

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John Augspurger

Dr. John has worked and studied with some of the most well-known and renowned biological doctors and dentists on the planet, including Dr. Thomas Levy, Dr. Hal Huggins, and Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland. With a strong focus on continuing education and patient empowerment, Dr. John is helping shape and define today’s cutting edge of biological dental theory, technology and practice.

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Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji is the founder of – the world’s largest natural health resource, the author of the bestselling book Regenerate, the co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, and the creator of – a worldwide platform for conscious content creators.

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Renita Brannan

Renita is a Christian, traveler, fitness & nutrition expert, and a health & wealth creator! She is smart, energetic, and has a lifelong commitment to turning individuals into their best selves. 

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Mike Adams

Mike Adams, also known as the “Health Ranger,” is aglobally recognized scientific researcher specializing in forensic food analysis. He is the founder and editor of Natural News, one of the top health news websites in the world, and is widely considered the natural product industry’s most authoritative expert on heavy metals contamination.

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The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th-10th

Each day of the summit will be available to watch for FREE for 24 hours

Sign up to be the first to know when the summit goes LIVE to gain immediate free access

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Meet the Host of the Exit and Build Health Summit, Ryan Minniti

Hey y’all, my name is Ryan Minniti and I am the Vice President of Sales at Live Free Academy. 

After struggling to stay committed to a healthy lifestyle for over seven years, I decided that enough was enough. Having lost 70 pounds and finally staying on the path of my purpose, I want to share actionable health information with everyone I can so they can experience the same life-changing benefits I have. 

If you cannot stay on track with your nutrition, enjoy alcoholic drinks more often then you should, do not consistently exercise, make excuses for yourself, or have thrown in the towel on ever achieving the body/fitness level you’ve always wanted, then believe me, I have been there too.

Everything changed for me when I finally put myself first, invested in a mentor, and educated myself on what it really takes to be healthy in such a chemical-laden world.

Let’s go on this five-day journey and become educated, motivated, and liberated together!

Meet the Co-Host of the Exit and Build Health Summit, John Bush

John Bush story and purpose

The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th-10th

Each day of the summit will be available to watch for FREE for 24 hours

Sign up to be the first to know when the summit goes LIVE to gain immediate free access

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The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th-10th

Each day of the summit will be available to watch for FREE for 24 hours

Sign up to be the first to know when the summit goes LIVE to gain immediate free access

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