Live Free Academy in partnership with the Central Texas Freedom Cell Network personally invite you to join them LIVE from May 13 through the 15th for the Exit and Build Land Summit II

Live Free Academy and the Central Texas Freedom Cell Network invite you to join them May 13 through the 15th for the Exit and Build Summit Land Summit II

The Exit and Build LAND Summit II reveals the BEST ways to exit tyrannical systems of control...

...and build generational freedom through homesteading, intentional communities, and DOZENS of other PROVEN strategies for living free NOW

The FREE Exit and Build Land Summit II will reveal the BEST ways to exit tyrannical systems of control and build generational freedom through homesteading, intentional communities, and DOZENS of other PROVEN strategies for living free NOW
Rewatch the FREE
Exit and Build
Land Summit II!

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The Exit and Build Land Summit II will reveal the BEST ways to exit tyrannical systems of control and build generational freedom through homesteading, intentional communities, and DOZENS of other PROVEN strategies for living free NOW

The Exit and Build Land Summit II will reveal the BEST ways to exit tyrannical systems of control and build generational freedom through homesteading, intentional communities, and DOZENS of other PROVEN strategies for living free NOW

Watch the Summit VIRTUALLY (for FREE)
or IN-PERSON in Central Texas.

More details about In-person ticket options and upgraded
virtual tickets on next page after you sign up.

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Here’s a message from the great Tom Woods about the Exit and Build Land Summit II:

“Instead of our minds being transfixed by whatever’s on the screens on CNN we have to think about our own families, our societies, and our own well being.

We’re living under a regime that hates our guts and that wants to make our lives impossible.

Everything they do makes our lives impossible. Whether it was the crazy mandates or price inflation or demonizing us for our points of view or making it impossible to get our kids educated.

Instead of sitting around complaining…

Or thinking about some far flung adventure we can involve ourselves in…

How about thinking about building in your own backyard? Building something so you don’t lose your kids to this society.

How about building something for yourself and for your families? That’s supposed to be your primary concern. 

The Exit and Build Summit II is gonna talk about how to live free now.

It’s about building or buying self-sufficient homesteads in peaceful intentional communities with other liberty-minded people. If that has some appeal to you now, especially after everything we’ve endured, I would recommend that you check it out.”

The Exit and Build Land Summit II went LIVE on May 13 through the 15th at the Bastrop Convention Center in Central Texas IN-PERSON and VIRTUALLY

Over 18,000 people registered to watch it online and over 450 people attend LIVE in Bastrop, Texas (more than 4x the number of people from the first summit)

And now YOU get to rewatch it all for FREE!

The Exit and Build Land Summit II is going to be bigger, better, and even more impactful than the first

It’s going down LIVE on May 13 through the 15th at the Bastrop Convention Center in Central Texas IN-PERSON or VIRTUALLY

And it’s FREE to attend virtually

More info about upgraded virtual attendance and joining in-person below and on next page .

The Exit and Build Land Summit II will:

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We featured some of the most brilliant and powerful speakers in the freedom, homesteading, and community building space to share their winning strategies for opting out of tyranny and opting into liberty

Joel Salatin

Owner and founder of the world-famous Polyface Farms, author of 12 books, star of the documentary Food Inc., and all-around brilliant promoter of liberty and organic farming.

Paul Wheaton

Paul Wheaton is a powerful advocate of permaculture. He was dubbed the ‘Duke of Permaculture’ by both Geoff Lawton and Sepp Holzer, and ‘The Bad Boy of Permaculture’ by Occupy Monsanto. Paul is the owner of,,, and Wheaton Labs. He has produced over 600 podcasts, a multitude of youtube videos and movies, has presented at over 100 events around the US, and has written dozens of articles and two books.

Diana Leafe Christian

Diana is author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, about forming successful communities and ecovillages, and Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community, and was editor of Communities magazine for 14 years. 

Jack Spirko

Host of The Survival Podcast, “modern survivalist,” and expert in homesteading, debt elimination, individual sovereignty, permaculture, primitive skills, and military tactics.

Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory Wildcraft is an expert on sustainable living and the founder and CEO of The Grow Network, the online home of a global network of people dedicated to self-reliance, community, and protecting the planet through homegrown food.

Joel Skousen

The world-renowned expert in home security and Constitutional law and author of the epic Strategic Relocation guide – an in-depth analysis of North America’s safest places to live.

Stephen Brooks

Founder of Punta Mona Center for Regenerative Design & Botanical Studies, co-founder of La Ecovilla – a 45 home community in San Mateo, Costa Rica – and world leader in ecological communities, permaculture practices, and sustainable food production models.

Cynthia Tina

Co-director of the Foundation for Intentional Community, matchmaker for people looking to move into communities, and consultant for growing community projects such as ecovillages, communes, permaculture centers, and more.

Mark Frazier

Author of Founding Startup Societies and the Chairman of the Startup Societies Foundation and president of Openworld – nonprofit initiatives to expand “free economic zones” and new ways of governance.

Derrick Broze

Activist and journalist and creator of the Conscious Resistance Network. Derrick is also the Co-founder of the Freedom Cell Network, a group of over 30k freedom lovers focus on building a more free world and he is the Co-producer of the Greater Reset Activation, an annual event that brings together activists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries aimed at inspiring people to action. 

Alan Graham

Alan is the founder and CEO of Mobile Loaves & Fishes. MLF is a social outreach ministry committed to providing permanent, sustainable solutions for the chronically homeless while surrounding them with compassion, love and dignity. Those who know Alan best know that he is a man on a mission — to relieve the struggles homeless individuals face in obtaining their basic needs of food, community and a place to call home. 

Michael Strong

Michael Strong is one of the most experienced designers of alternative schools in the US.  He has created charter schools, Montessori secondary schools, schools for highly gifted children, and most recently The Socratic Experience, a virtual school based on dialogue.  He is the author of The Habit of Thought:  From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice and Be the Solution:  How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World’s Problems.  

Jim Gale

Jim Gale, CEO of Food Forest Abundance, is a Permaculture Food Forest Designer. Food and is on a mission to build a more free, healthy, and abundant society for generations to come. .

Plus these incredible speakers…

Lylia Brien
Aurora & Jason Rogers
Chloe Buzzotta
Cynthia Lamb
River Richardson &
Imanee Mamalution
Ramiro Romani
Taelor Monroe
Rebecca Bush (Powers)
Stacy Bluebird
Nicole Sauce
Brittney Benton
Dare Lamberson
Erica Van Dorn
Andrew Hitchcock


Waking up and walking outside to see your chickens pecking away in their coop beneath a deep blue sky. Apples scatter the ground below in your orchard, reminding you of the homemade hard cider you just finished brewing in time for tonight’s potluck with a handful of other families living a few acres away. 

Your kids pop by after finishing homeschool at a neighbor’s house. They leave just as quickly to play in the creek behind your home, but not before snagging some mulberries from the mulberry tree on their way. 

You spend the afternoon working on your laptop from home and setting up more solar panels with the resident expert that’s a part of your community. 

You arrive at the potluck and greet the other smiling faces with bottles of your finest brew, ready to relax around the bonfire just beginning to crackle with life. 

This is just a small snapshot of the serenity of living on a homestead in a caring, harmonious community.

A better, healthier, freer lifestyle is possible…


But I Have to Warn You…

We only want SERIOUS action takers to watch this event.

If you’re just interested in theory, this isn’t for you.

If you’re going to sit on the sidelines and do nothing with the information we give you, then stay away.

But if you want to ACTIVELY find land for your homestead, work with others to form a resilient community built on the principles of liberty, and you’re serious about moving and taking action NOW…

The Exit and Build Land Summit II will show you everything you need to make it a reality!

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Thanks to the Exit and Build Summit, Rita created her own intentional community, went from feeling isolated to finding true, like-minded friends, and achieved her dreams of prosperity and freedom on a 7-acre property

“We went from not wanting anyone on our property to creating our own little intentional community. We currently have 2 full-time members and have 2 more making plans to arrive soon. 

We made friends with other like-minded people, which in these times, is gold. It helped crystalize “who” our people are. Suddenly we went from feeling isolated and overwhelmed on our 7-acre property to having true friends who are willing to help us daily.

Come find your people at the Exit and Build Summit! You don’t have to do it alone. Be open to receiving new ideas on how to make your goals and dreams happen. All these great minds in the same room, magic happens and you will crush all the barriers stopping you right now.”

John Bush created the Exit and Build Land Summit for one simple reason: You can’t “fight” for freedom…you have to create it

John Bush has been an activist for over 20 years. 

He’s done all of the “fighting” you’re supposed to do to change the government, hold corrupt corporations accountable, and take back our liberty.

  • Screaming and marching and protesting in the streets…
  • Writing scathing letters to Congress…
  • Blowing up the phone lines of local politicians…
  • Donating and volunteering for political campaigns…
  • Lobbying politicians to pressure them into passing better laws…

He was pretty good at it too. 

Even got some laws passed. 

But the sad reality was:

ALL that effort fighting the machine didn’t produce an ounce of lasting liberty

His activist struggles simply slowed the march of tyranny, rather than creating more freedom. 

That’s when John switched his focus from being an activist to being an entrepreneur, a creator, and a builder of liberty. 

He birthed the concept of Freedom Cells, which, which the help of other activists like Derrick Broze, has blossomed into a GLOBAL web of radical freedom-loving people trading with each other, forming real-life communities together, protecting one another, and paving the way for a free future. 

He now lives on a 10-acre ranch with his family, slowly being populated by other families to establish a strong intentional community. 

He grows a large portion of his own food and generates over half of his own energy. 

He’s freer and even wealthier than he’s ever been in his life, and is making a larger impact on the lives of others than he ever did in his “street activism” days. 

John, in partnership with the Central Texas Freedom Cell group, created the Exit and Build Summit to teach YOU all the ways you can EXIT tyrannical control systems and BUILD real, lasting liberty in your lifetime RIGHT NOW – preserving and expanding freedom for generations to come.

Because the truth is…

“Exiting and Building” is the ONLY way to survive and thrive through the supply chain breakdown, energy crisis, WWIII, and the technocratic prison being built around you

Things are bad. 

Really bad. 

Absolutely insane, actually. 

The US government seems to be executing a controlled demolition of the energy sector to usher in some horrible version of the ‘Green New Deal’ – all the while wreaking havoc in the economy and impoverishing tens of millions of people.

WWIII seems imminent, and is doubling as cover for the carnage caused by the awful and cruel COVID policies that ruined countless lives over the past 2 years. 

The supply chain is worse than it’s ever been. 

Inflation is climbing higher by the day. 

And the greatest and most powerful matrix of control is being constructed all around you at a rapid pace. 

Once it’s established, it will be near impossible to escape or resist. 

It goes by many names:

The Great Reset…

The 4th Industrial Revolution…

The New World Order. 

But it all means the same thing: 

Global technocracy – a worldwide system run by corporations, scientists, engineers, politicians, and bureaucrats to monitor and control every aspect of your life. 

Social credit systems will determine whether you’re a “good citizen” and deserve privileges, or an “anti-social” dissident who must be punished. 

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) will track everything you purchase and allow you to participate in society or be shut out from it (think: Canada freezing bank accounts). 

Smart Cities will combine AI, mass surveillance, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect every piece of data about you it possibly can and keep you walled inside a digital prison controlled by those in charge of the technology ruling your life. 

We could go on, but you get the idea. 

And while we can’t stop the so-called “elites” from moving forward with their plans…

We DO still have a choice. 

We can CHOOSE to remain in their system and be consumed by it, sacrificing our liberty and that of future generations…

Or we can choose to TAKE BACK CONTROL over our lives. 

Our well-being, our prosperity, our ability to travel here and there should NEVER depend on the whims of psychopathic rulers. 

And it doesn’t have to…

We Can BREAK FREE from the technocratic hellscape by EXITING the current system and BUILDING alternative economies, currencies, communities, and more

Every area of your life can be liberated from the technocracy.

  • Instead of depending on grocery stores for food…you can join coops, go directly to farmers, and raise your own animals and crops. 
  • Instead of being on the centralized energy grid…you can generate your own electricity. 
  • Instead of using fiat currency (and the future CBDCs)…you can use precious metals, barter, and cryptocurrency. 
  • Instead of sending kids to public school…you can educate them at home. 
  • Instead of working for a corporation…you can start your own business or side hustle. 

But the most important alternative…

The FOUNDATION of the entire Exit and Build strategy is…

Creating homesteads and intentional communities in the countryside across the world. 

The technocratic matrix being built will be established in all major cities on the planet. They’ll start there and spread outward. 

Our BEST chance of not only surviving, but THRIVING as free people, is to exit the cities and suburbs and build communities in the country based on sovereignty, liberty, and peace. 

This is how we live free NOW. 

This is how we show others to live free. 

We can’t simply exercise alternatives as lone individuals. 

We must come together to create strength in numbers to become a driving force for freedom that can’t be stopped, silenced, or broken up.

The Exit and Build Land Summit II will show you how to live free NOW (more than you’ve ever been in your life) by escaping tyrannical cities and suburbs…

The Exit and Build Land Summit II will show you how to live free NOW (more than you’ve ever been in your life) by escaping tyrannical cities and suburbs…

…and building (or buying) self-sufficient homesteads in peaceful intentional communities with other liberty-minded people across the countryside WORLDWIDE

…and building (or buying) self-sufficient homesteads in peaceful intentional communities with other liberty-minded people across the countryside WORLDWIDE

PLUS, we’ll give you DOZENS of PROVEN ways to THRIVE completely outside of the corrupt political and financial system while overcoming technocracy, economic disaster, and even the fallout of war

PLUS, we’ll give you DOZENS of PROVEN ways to THRIVE completely outside of the corrupt political and financial system while overcoming technocracy, economic disaster, and even the fallout of war

The Summit is broken into 3 days, each one flowing into the next and expanding on the last

It’s methodically designed to:

  • Prepare your heart, mind, and body for the great (and exciting) work of “exiting and building” in the real world…
  • Provide DOZENS of actionable strategies, tactics, and plans hundreds of people have already used to live free that you can immediately apply in your own life…
  • And then…most importantly…match you with other “builders” and some of the teachers at the Summit to actually start the process of acquiring land, forming a community, and exiting the current tyrannical system you find yourself in wherever you are in the world


You get ALL of this whether you attend virtually or in-person.

And the first 2 days of the Summit are 100% FREE when you attend virtually.


The 3rd and final day will cost a little more than just your name and email, and we’ll explain why (and everything you can expect from this day) shortly…

And we’re going to walk through ALL the details of the event and everything you can expect to learn on each day in just a moment…

But first…

For those ready to take the trip to Texas and hang out LIVE…

Here’s what you need to know to join the Exit and Build Land Summit IN-PERSON in Central Texas

We’ve reserved 500 seats for 500 people to attend this Summit LIVE (5X the number of in-person attendees from last year) and we’re GUARANTEED TO SELL OUT!

(These tickets are disappearing rapidly by the day)

And it’s no wonder why…

Joining us LIVE in-person gives you access to more workshops, networking, community-building, and FUN than we could ever offer online.

It’s going to be an INCREDIBLE experience with some of the coolest liberty-loving and freedom-creating people on the planet!

Here’s what you can look forward to when attending IN-PERSON:

The irreplaceable opportunity to meet and network with awesome people creating real freedom in their lives now and long into the future

There’s nothing like gathering together hundreds of like-minded people in one room to work together to break the chains of tyranny and build real liberty in our lifetimes together. 

The buzz in the room is palpable. 

The energy is high and moving. 

The first Exit and Build Summit hosted 100 people live. 

This time around, there will be over 500 of us!

You’ll get to meet and network with action-takers, radicals, activists, entrepreneurs, and hardcore rebels hellbent on living free NOW. 

You’ll foster friendships, business partners, and in some cases, even new romantic relationships. 

Plus, it’s going to be one helluva party together. 

We’re learning a ton…

But after “work hours”…

We’re hanging out, laughing, and enjoying our freedom and time together. 

It’s going to be awesome.

A world-class Summit experience at the renowned Bastrop Convention Center with everything you could ask for in a LIVE event, inside AND outside

More than enough room for 500 of us to gather together in physical space and time to hang out, learn together, build friendships, and have a TON of fun. 

A variety of high-quality food, craft, business, and other vendors will be set up inside the center.

And you’ll get to witness the speakers deliver their presentations using state-of-the-art tech for an outstanding experience that can’t compare with watching it on a computer screen. 

And that’s just inside…

We’re going to have a large outdoor area with beautiful and relaxing lounges for everyone to unwind and party together after each day of the Summit. 

And there will even be a little agorist, open-air market with vendors selling food and plenty more.

Local or Farm-to-table lunches ALL 3 DAYS of the Summit

We know you’re going to be hungry as you consume all of the empowering information we have in store for you. 

That’s why every day of the Summit you get a hot and fresh lunch from local restaurants and farm-to-table fare locally-sourced from neighboring farms.

Exclusive outings and activities out and around the Convention Center

Very close to the center is a farmers market you’re free to visit to see what a real small town market looks like and how it functions to serve the surrounding community. 

We’ll take you to visit local food production systems to show you how they work and how you might setup your own. 

And we’ll take a stroll through a local “food forest” to see a prime example in action of how to provide your own organic fruits and nuts.

Dedicated Nature Program w/ professional teachers to watch your children while you watch the Summit - letting the whole family participate in the fun and education all weekend


Exiting and building is all about growing families in the light of freedom. Children are just as much a part of, if not the most important part of creating a free society now and in the future. 

We’ll have a daycare with vetted professionals to care for your kids while you participate in workshops and watch presentations. 

They’ll be able to play outside. 

We’ll have a ton of activities for them to enjoy including classes on homesteading and survival skills. 

We have room for around 60 children and space is available on a first come first serve basis. You will be invited to sign your family up once you purchase in person tickets. 

As of right now, there is still room for more kiddos!

See the FAQ below for more details.

Informal community gatherings before and after the Summit!

Before and after the summit there will be informal activities taking place close to the event venue. 

There will especially be stuff to do on Thursday May 12th and likely on the Monday after the event. 

If you are flying in, consider coming early and staying late!

Private viewing of the documentary film Thrive II with Foster Gamble

Foster Gamble will host a private screening of his documentary film, Thrive II: This Is What It Takes. 

We’ve rented out a huge room to display this film with plenty of seats. Viewing will be totally optional, but if you can make it, I suggest attending, especially if you’ve never seen this incredible documentary before. 

Here’s how Kimberly Carter Gamble, the director, describes this groundbreaking film:

“THRIVE II brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and innovations that have the power to transform life for everyone. 

Follow a journey across the globe investigating the most promising solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing while unpacking the underlying science, principles, and strategies that make them possible. 

THRIVE II reveals compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the “Unified Field” and all that it implies. Inspiring trans-political, grass roots, and decentralized solutions, THRIVE II offers practical tools for reclaiming authority over our lives. 

From new sources of energy to breakthrough health cures, THRIVE II provides the insights and resources needed for viewers to take next steps in accessing and supporting the solutions that can truly create a world that works for everyone.”

IN-PERSON attendees also get to experience exclusive outings and activities out and around the Convention Center

You’re not going to be cooped up inside the convention center all day. 

This is a Summit about living in nature, after all. So we’re going to take a tour of some incredible homesteads, farmers markets, and food forests to see the ideas of the Exit and Build Land Summit II in action up close and personal. 

Here are the outings planned during the Summit:

TOUR: Plum Fabulous Foods

Brianne of Plum Fabulous Foods farm will guide on a tour of her incredible self-sufficient food production systems. She has managed to 10x (or maybe more) the amount of food grown within an acre of space, maximizing her food output to feed her entire family and dozens more in her community. 

In fact, she’s perfected the ability to grow over 3,000 pounds of food a year on less than a tenth of an acre! 

You will discover some amazing secrets to producing bounties of food with organic gardening in small spaces, and how to do it while still living a busy life:

  • How to approach organic gardening the right way, so you absolutely NEVER have to rely on pesticides or fertilizers. 
  • How to control pests using the “barrier method.”
  •  How to garden “the way God intended.”
  • How to layer your garden beds so you never have to till the soil. 

And much, much more.

TOUR: Susanna and Steven Tull’s Homestead

Susanna Tull escaped the brutal dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile, fleeing to America, and later meeting master cabinet-maker Steven Tull. They married, and once Susanna retired from being a math teacher, they started their own homestead in Bastrop, Texas (a short drive outside of the convention center where the Exit and Build Land Summit II is being held). 

They now live on 7 acres of land with impressive food production systems they built and maintain themselves, living a vibrant and active life while both being well over 60 years old. 

Susanna and Steven will take you on a guided tour of their property to show you what they’ve done, how they’ve done it, and how you can do it, too. 

You’ll get to walk amongst their fruit-producing trees, scattered throughout the property. 

You’ll see how they’ve set up “mini”-gardens in containers in different areas on their property (and learn the secrets of their “stacking” method for super healthy soil). 

You’ll get to experience their remarkable aquaponics system inside their greenhouse, where a pool of fish is used to fertilize the soil which is used to clean the water for the fish all in a closed loop system feeding and growing each other. It’s beautiful to behold. 

And you’ll get exposed to a whole lot more than that, but you’ll just have to take the tour to see the rest!

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Now, for all attendees, especially those attending virtually…

Here’s a complete walkthrough of everything you can look forward to on each day of the Summit

Day 1

Laying the Foundation for Sovereignty

Freedom begins in the mind.

It’s the soil from which the seed of sovereignty may germinate and grow into a blazing tree of liberty.

Day 1 will open your mind to the MASSIVE world of possibilities for liberating your life from oppressive systems of control.

It starts with defining what these systems of control really are and why they spell the death of freedom if you don’t learn how to break away from them immediately. 

As the saying goes, the solution is found within the problem. 

Once you can see and understand the forces working against you, we’ll shift the focus back toward your sovereignty. 

And not just in your mind and the way you think about your freedom…

But also in your heart. 

You must feel free…

And develop the motivation, inspiration, and will to move forward in your mission toward living a life of liberty on your terms. 

Day 1 will open your mind and set a fire in your soul. 

After this, you’ll be ready (and excited) to fully embrace the strategy of “exit and build” and begin putting it into action in your life.

The speakers for day 1 are:

John Bush
John Bush
John Bush

This what you’ll discover during Day 1 presentations:

Day 2

Choosing YOUR Path to Liberty

Before you can properly exit and build…

You must figure out HOW you’re going to “exit” and WHAT you’re going to “build.”

There are many paths up the Mountain of Liberty. 

Day 2 will act as your own personal “sherpa” up this mountain to show you the possible paths you can take, their pitfalls and rewards, and guide you toward choosing the right path for you as an individual dealing with your own unique set of circumstances and desires. 

There is no “one way” to living free. 

That’s the beauty of freedom. 

But there are tried-and-tested ways you can follow for success. 

We’re going to dive DEEP into the variety of ways our presenters have already liberated themselves from oppressive systems of control to reclaim their sovereignty and live according to their values. 

Day 2 will present a tapestry of possibilities for living free in all areas of your life, from how you make money to how you produce food to how you generate energy to where you live and much, MUCH more. 

After this, you’ll have a crystal clear idea of exactly what YOU can do to exit tyranny and build liberty in YOUR individual way, using strategies and tactics that have already been tested and proven to work.

The speakers for day 2 are:

John Bush
John Bush
John Bush

This what you’ll discover during Day 2 presentations:

Day 3

Building a Life of Liberty With Others In Your Community

Your spirit has been filled with passion and desire for freedom…

Your mind has been filled with the possibilities for living in liberty…

Now, you must use your feet to exit and your hands to build. 

Day 3 is all about ACTION. 

Taking big, bold, MASSIVE action toward your vision of sovereignty.

Not alone…

But with the help from us and the other attendees at the Summit.

We’re going to give you as much of our time, attention, resources, and even more practical strategies that you need to make your vision a reality, including step-by-step directions for how to implement your specific plan of action.

Day 3 will be filled with focused and high-energy “breakout sessions” where you work with other attendees and experts to formulate your plans and begin the process of exiting and building. 

Part of these sessions involves our famous “Intentional Community Speed Dating” where we rotate people through different groups to meet one another, get to know each other’s goals when it comes to building community, and help you find a real-life partner (or two or three or more) to work with to make your vision a reality. 

We’re also going to help you identify the biggest hurdles you face and show you how to overcome them. 

Then we’re going to figure out what you’re missing to achieve your plan and show you how to fill that gap. 

PLUS, The great Joel Salatin is ONLY speaking on day 3, sharing exclusive and incredibly detailed ways to grow an extraordinary food production system, command a highly productive homestead operation, and make communal living joyful and fun. 

And finally, we’re going to detail exactly what you have to do first, second, third, and beyond to actually exit tyranny and build an oasis of liberty for you, your family, and your community. 

This is where the rubber meets the road. 

Where theory becomes application. 

And where your burning desire for freedom becomes reality. 

This is going to be a POWERFUL day of execution and action. 

Check out the INCREDIBLE workshops we have lined up for you on Sunday…

A deep dive into strategic relocation – w/ Joel Skousen

There are many places you could go to build a homestead and community. But they all vary in terms of safety and liberty and many other factors.

Joel Skousen literally wrote the book on what he terms “Strategic Relocation” – purposefully moving to areas that give you everything you personally require to live as free as possible.

In this workshop, Joel will find out where you (yes, YOU) are interested in moving to, then dive deep into the strategic relocation factors you need to consider before moving there, and will provide a ton of time for questions and answers.

This might be the most valuable workshop of the entire day.

Homesteading skills and permaculture for inheriting land and building intentional community – w/ Paul Wheaton

Permaculture is a philosophy and agricultural design strategy that you can use to create food production systems with the same diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems.

It’s the exact opposite of modern agriculture, which is precisely why it’s so powerful and effective.

In Paul’s workshop, he’ll break down the basic concepts and ideas, provide real-world examples of how to use them, and give practical ways to implement permaculture on your homestead and in your community.

Strategies for community self governance, sociocracy, and legal structures – w/ Diana Leafe Christian

Most of us aren’t used to community living…yet.

If the people in your community don’t know how to communicate, make decisions together, and settle disputes, then the entire community will fall apart. This is an area people struggle with the most.

Diana Leafe Christian is a renowned expert with decades of experience and the author of multiple books about building and sustaining strong communities.

In this workshop, Diana will show you:

  • How to setup systems, procedures, and policies within your community to make it run smoothly
  • How to use the revolutionary method of “sociocracy” to streamline cooperation and decision-making and make sure everyone in the community has their voice heard
  • The specific legal structures you can use when establishing your community

Entrepreneurship as a vehicle to buy property – w/ Jack Spirko, Nicole Sauce, and John Bush

The #1 issue people have with buying land and building homesteads and communities is not having enough money to acquire the land in the first place.

Jack, Nicole, and Yours Truly will be on a panel discussing specific actions and strategies you can take to start and grow your own profitable business and leverage your profits to buy land.

Jack and Nicole combined have decades of entrepreneurial experience. They both own and operate their own homesteads. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over a decade.

And all three of us own multiple businesses to this day.

We’re going to:

  • Share “war stories” from the field to give you hard-won advice and insights into our past failures and successes so you can learn from our mistakes and take a few “shortcuts” to success
  • Reveal the incredible impact entrepreneurship has had on our lives and the benefits of being an entrepreneur both personally and professionally (I can say without a doubt that I’m a better person overall because I pursued entrepreneurship)
  • Empower you with the knowledge, resources, business ideas, and so much more to help you get started right away on starting your very own business the day you get home from the Summit

How to Grow HALF Your Food, In Your Own Backyard, In Less than 1 Hour Per Day – w/ Marjory Wildcraft

Marjory is one of the top leading experts in sustainable living, gardening, and food production systems that yield HUGE bounties year after year.

She’s also an expert at taking inexperienced gardeners and quickly turning them into pros when it comes to growing their own food.

Marjory is going to teach her exclusive system designed specifically for people who are looking for an easy-to-follow plan that will greatly increase the nutritional value of their diets, without making a significant impact on their budget or schedule.

Inside her workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How to implement this system in less than 1 hour per day (this will work for the busiest of busy people)
  • How to setup this system in the suburbs with neighbors all around you, in a crowded city, and even in an area as small as 10 by 10 feet (this system will work for you no matter how much space you have)
  • How to instantly make this system work (Marjory has taken all the guesswork out of the equation. No trial and error. Just do what she tells you and start eating pounds and pounds of your own freshly grown food)

How to create freedom cells and build an underground network of trusted allies in the fight for liberty – w/John, Derrick, and Ramiro Romani

Me, Derrick Broze, and Ramiro Romani will be doing an in-depth presentation on the concept and purpose of Freedom Cells, how you can join and create them, and will conduct a Q&A to make sure you walk away knowing everything you need to get started with Freedom Cells.

Intentional Community Speed Dating Workshop – w/Cynthia Tina

This workshop was a HUGE hit last Summit.

And many of the people who participated in the last Summit are still in contact and working together today.

Intentional Community Speed Dating works like this:

  • You’ll be split into various groups
  • One group will be based on where you want to move geographically: Texas, Mexico, Northeast USA, parts of Europe, etc.
  • Then we’ll mix and match you again into groups based on interests: vegans, homeschooling parents, entrepreneurs, and so on
  • We’ll probably split into even more groups, but that gives you a good idea of the “flow” of the workshop
  • You’ll leave with phone numbers, emails, and other contact info of everyone you connected with

Cynthia Tina – cofounder of the Foundation for Intentional Community and expert at making communities work – will be facilitating the workshop.

A keynote speech from Joel Salatin

Joel will deliver a top-secret presentation ONLY to members attending Day 3. His presentation last year was by far the favorite among attendees. After seeing Joel close down the last Summit, trust me, you won’t want to miss this exclusive speech.

The speakers for day 3 are:

John Bush
John Bush
John Bush

This what you’ll discover during Day 3 presentations:

Day 3 is ONLY available to those who attend IN-PERSON or upgrade their free virtual ticket to the VIRTUAL “Immersion Pass”

All the details to upgrade your ticket and receive a ton of extra bonuses and special perks are on the final registration page

Why are we charging a small fee to attend day 3?

For many reasons. 

But here are the main ones…

Day 1 and 2 are filled to the brim with incredible information that we have a moral duty to share freely with all of you. This is vital information any of you can immediately begin applying in your own life.

But day 3 is filled with incredible hands-on assistance helping those who are ready RIGHT NOW to physically and financially exit and build. 

You’re paying for us to devote all of our energy to helping you in executing your specific plan in your specific region of the world in the specific way you choose to exit and build. 

The small fee for day 3 ensures that ONLY the most serious, most committed, and the most prepared people will attend day 3. 

Plus, those that are able to afford the small fee are much more likely to have the financial resources to make their exit and build plans a reality immediately. And since day 3 is about enacting your plan right away, we only want these folks to attend. 

Don’t feel bad if you can’t or don’t want to pay for day 3.

You’re at a different stage in your exit and build journey than the folks who do take this offer. 

We’re here to help everyone at EVERY stage, which is why we’ve structured the Exit and Build Summit II this way.

ALL of the details about day 3 and the ticket options will be on the next page after you sign up for free below.

Join the Exit and Build Summit II LIVE and IN-PERSON now while tickets are still available​

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It’s 100% FREE to watch Day 1 & 2 of the Summit VIRTUALLY from the comfort of your home. 

Day 3 requires a special pass to attend. 

You can purchase the VIRTUAL “Immersion Pass” to watch day 3 online (along with many additional perks) on the final registration page after signing up for free on this page. 

You can attend in-person by purchasing an “Exiter” or VIP “Builder” pass. All in-person attendees get to watch and participate in all 3 days of the Summit. These passes also come with many additional bonuses and benefits. 

Prices and advantages of each pass, virtual and in-person, are displayed in full on the final registration page. 

Click here to sign up for free now and then check out the registration page to decide if you want to upgrade to one of our passes.

Day 3 is filled with incredible hands-on assistance helping those who are ready RIGHT NOW or are at least 100% committed to physically and financially exit and build. 

You’re paying for us to devote all of our energy to helping you in executing your specific plan in your specific region of the world in the specific way you choose to exit and build. 

The small fee for day 3 ensures that ONLY the most serious, most committed, and the most prepared people will attend day 3. 

No worries if you can’t or don’t want to pay for day 3.

You’re at a different stage in your exit and build journey than the folks who do take this offer. 

We’re here to help everyone at EVERY stage, which is why we’ve structured the Exit and Build Summit II the way we have, with paid and free options.

All the details about joining day 3 can be found on the registration page. 

Click here to sign up for free now and then choose if and how you’d like to upgrade to a day 3 pass VIRTUALLY or IN-PERSON.

The Bastrop Convention Center in Bastrop, Texas. 

1408 Chestnut St, Bastrop, TX 78602

The closest airport is Austin Bergstrom International Airport (3600 Presidential Blvd, Austin, TX 78719) which is 25 minutes from the Bastrop Convention Center

For the VIRTUAL audience.. 

On May 13th we go LIVE @ 9:00 AM CST and end around 6:00 PM.
On May 14th we go LIVE @ 10:00 AM CST and end around 6:00 PM.
On May 15th we go LIVE @ 10:00 AM CST and end around 6:30 PM.

For those attending in person…

Doors and registration open each morning at 8:30 AM CST. 

On Saturday and Sunday there will be morning tours of local properties and farms starting at 8:00 AM CST. 

Yes! We have reserved room blocks with several local hotels. Rates range between $110 and $170 a night. There are also a number of AirBNBs and RV parks in the area. Once you purchase an in person ticket you will receive an email with the links to book a room.

We have also organized a Telegram group for attendees so they can connect over sharing rooms and rides among other collaborations. We will share the link with you when you purchase an in person ticket.

Yes! All attendees will be treated to a complimentary lunch each day of the summit. 

Lunches consist of some farm-to-table meals and some local fare. 

We will do our best to be as mindful of as many diets as possible. Each days meals will have options for carnivores as well as vegans and vegetarians. 

Please reply to the confirmation email you receive after purchasing your in person ticket if you have any special dietary needs. 

If you have specific food allergies or preferences, please plan on providing your own meals as we cannot accommodate any changes to the lunch menu.

Yes! We will have a fully-staffed childwatch with vetted childcare professionals who will provide activities ALL DAY on each day of the Summit, including games and educational lessons, outside play, and homesteading lessons. 

Lunch will not be provided for the kiddos so parents will be responsible for packing a lunch or getting food from local restaurants and stores. There is a Buc-ees close by that has all sorts of solid snacks and lunch options. 

We have room for around 60 kids or so and the childwatch is being provided to those who get their tickets and notify us of how many kiddos you will be bringing.

Each family is limited to three kids in the childwatch.

Ages allowed are 5 – 14.

Once you purchase your in person tickets you will be asked if you are bringing children and if so how many and what ages.

We will update the page as we identify how many kiddos will be attending to keep you in the loop.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to join the Summit?

It’s 100% FREE to watch Day 1 & 2 of the Summit VIRTUALLY from the comfort of your home. 

Day 3 requires a special pass to attend. 

You can purchase the VIRTUAL “Immersion Pass” to watch day 3 online (along with many additional perks) on the final registration page after signing up for free on this page. 

You can attend in-person by purchasing an “Exiter” or VIP “Builder” pass. All in-person attendees get to watch and participate in all 3 days of the Summit. These passes also come with many additional bonuses and benefits. 

Prices and advantages of each pass, virtual and in-person, are displayed in full on the final registration page. 

Click here to sign up for free now and then check out the registration page to decide if you want to upgrade to one of our passes. 

Why are we charging a small fee to attend day 3?

Day 3 is filled with incredible hands-on assistance helping those who are ready RIGHT NOW or are at least 100% committed to physically and financially exit and build. 

You’re paying for us to devote all of our energy to helping you in executing your specific plan in your specific region of the world in the specific way you choose to exit and build. 

The small fee for day 3 ensures that ONLY the most serious, most committed, and the most prepared people will attend day 3. 

No worries if you can’t or don’t want to pay for day 3.

You’re at a different stage in your exit and build journey than the folks who do take this offer. 

We’re here to help everyone at EVERY stage, which is why we’ve structured the Exit and Build Summit II the way we have, with paid and free options.

All the details about joining day 3 can be found on the registration page. 

Click here to sign up for free now and then choose if and how you’d like to upgrade to a day 3 pass VIRTUALLY or IN-PERSON. 

Where exactly is the Summit being held in-person?

The Bastrop Convention Center in Bastrop, Texas. 

1408 Chestnut St, Bastrop, TX 78602

What airport do I fly into??

The closest airport is Austin Bergstrom International Airport (3600 Presidential Blvd, Austin, TX 78719) which is 25 minutes from the Bastrop Convention Center

What time does the Summit begin and end each day?

For the VIRTUAL audience.. 

On May 13th we go LIVE @ 9:00 AM CST and end around 5:00 PM.
On May 14th we go LIVE @ 10:00 AM CST and end around 6:00 PM.
On May 15th we go LIVE @ 9:00 AM CST and end around 5:00 PM.

For those attending in person…

Doors open each morning at 7:30 AM CST and we begin around 9:00 AM. 

On Saturday we will be visiting the farmers market next door and agora row which is on site and the formal conference begins at 10:00 AM CST. 

On Friday and Sunday we will wrap up around 5:00 PM and on Saturday we will wrap around 6:00 PM.

Is there lodging or special hotel rooms reserved for IN-PERSON attendees?

Yes! We have reserved room blocks with several local hotels. Rates range between $110 and $170 a night. There are also a number of AirBNBs and RV parks in the area. Once you purchase an in person ticket you will receive an email with the links to book a room.

We have also organized a Telegram group for attendees so they can connect over sharing rooms and rides among other collaborations. We will share the link with you when you purchase an in person ticket. 

Will food be provided to IN-PERSON attendees? If so, what kind of food?

Yes! All attendees will be treated to a complimentary lunch each day of the summit. 

Lunches consist of some farm-to-table meals and some local fare. 

We will do our best to be as mindful of as many diets as possible. Each days meals will have options for carnivores as well as vegans and vegetarians. 

Please reply to the confirmation email you receive after purchasing your in person ticket if you have any special dietary needs. 

If you have specific food allergies or preferences, please plan on providing your own meals as we cannot accommodate any changes to the lunch menu. 

Are kids allowed to attend the Summit?

Yes! We will have a fully-staffed childwatch with vetted childcare professionals who will provide activities ALL DAY on each day of the Summit, including games and educational lessons, outside play, and homesteading lessons. 

Lunch will not be provided for the kiddos so parents will be responsible for packing a lunch or getting food from local restaurants and stores. There is a Buc-ees close by that has all sorts of solid snacks and lunch options. 

We have room for around 60 kids or so and the childwatch is being provided to those who get their tickets and notify us of how many kiddos you will be bringing. Once you purchase your in person tickets you will be asked if you are bringing children and if so how many and what ages. We will update the page as we identify how many kiddos will be attending to keep you in the loop.

Kurt moved into a 25+ acre property in Missouri with ponds and a creek and plenty of room to raise herds of cattle and flocks of chicken because he recognized the need to decentralize ALL systems to be resilient against tyranny

“We went from not wanting anyone on our property to creating our own little intentional community. We currently have 2 full-time members and have 2 more making plans to arrive soon. 

We made friends with other like-minded people, which in these times, is gold. It helped crystalize “who” our people are. Suddenly we went from feeling isolated and overwhelmed on our 7-acre property to having true friends who are willing to help us daily.

Come find your people at the Exit and Build Summit! You don’t have to do it alone. Be open to receiving new ideas on how to make your goals and dreams happen. All these great minds in the same room, magic happens and you will crush all the barriers stopping you right now.”

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