For those feeling burned out with work, stressed with family, and rarely motivated to exercise, this is your chance to…

Get stronger, feel sexier, be healthier, and live happier… 

No matter your current weight, age, or health condition… In just one month


The 30-Day
Health Challenge

A LIVE group coaching and training program to get you in the best shape possible in 30 days using a proven and flexible eating and exercise plan (personalized to you).

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, improve your stamina, become more flexible, or just return to a solid state of fitness, you’ll be guided on making a simple 30-day plan for your unique goals to make swift progress in a month and form a firm foundation for a lifetime of better health.

Ryan Minniti, the host of The Exit and Build Health Summit will personally guide you and dozens of other people through 30 days of fat-busting, muscle-building, health-improving workouts and eating plans for 30 days

You’re going to get exclusive training on:

  • What to eat and what to avoid
  • Buying healthy food on a budget
  • Counting calories for maximum impact
  • Exercise routines that work for everyone no matter your age, weight, or fitness goals
  • The motivation to get the best results out of your 30-day health and exercise plan


Every day for 30 days, Ryan will give you specific exercise routines to follow based on 3 levels of fitness:

You get to choose which routine you follow each day for 30 days.

Plus, you’ll be invited into an exclusive community filled with folks with similar health and fitness goals all committing to 30 days of a new lifestyle and you’ll get the support you need to stay on track the whole way through while making new friends along the way.

The 30-Day Health Challenge was made for people who are younger, older, heavier, lighter, and everything in between, male or female…

But it’s especially designed for those who want to:

Shed pounds of unwanted weight, balance blood sugar levels, and break free from pre-diabetes

Obesity and even just being 10, 20, or 30 pounds overweight can have a profoundly negative impact on your life. 

Many people quietly suffer from searing back or joint pain. Their heart strains under pressure. And doing simple things like playing around in the yard with kids or grandkids can easily take the breath away. 

Too much weight also often means being able to do very few activities you love to do, especially those involving a lot of activities like hiking outdoors. 

But one of the worst symptoms of being overweight is developing prediabetes and high blood pressure. 

Both of these can lead to harmful, life-altering diseases. 

The 30-Day Health Challenge will provide a structured and systematic eating and exercise plan that can make losing weight feel natural and easy (especially around the belly) and will definitely accelerate many people down the path to their goal weight. 

Increase energy and vitality in later years, enhance mobility, and develop the vigor to enjoy most activities

Advancing in age naturally means being unable to do some of the things we used to be able to do. 

But many end up leading lives of quiet disappointment and frustration later in life because they let their health slip. 

Projects they want to finish end up being shelved early. 

Hobbies get abandoned. 

But perhaps worst of all, it becomes difficult to keep up with kids and grandkids. Playing and having fun becomes a chore. 

Suddenly being out of breath after only a few minutes of effort holds many people back from living the life they deserve. 

No one should have to think about their health first thing in the morning before deciding on what they want to do with their day. 

The 30-Day Health Challenge will help breathe new life into the bodies of everyone who follows its systematic diet and workout plan. 

Develop visible strength and muscle definition, flexible limbs, and the ability to push, pull, lift, and jump more than before

Physical weakness makes life harder. 

Physical strength makes life easier, and more enjoyable. 

There are only downsides to not having at least a baseline of muscular power, especially as you age. 

Moving your body itself becomes a task. Muscles and bones atrophy easier. Stiffness, inflammation, and more can quickly creep up into hands and feet. 

It actually becomes easier to gain an injury. 

And taking care of important things like helping a loved one move or rearranging the house can feel like a workout in itself. 

But maybe worst of all, lacking strength creates a feeling of a lack of confidence. It can lower self-esteem and stop you from appreciating who you are. 

You don’t need anything to love yourself. But committing to the discipline and practice of getting and maintaining enough strength for YOU to feel good and do what you like to do can dramatically increase your sense of self-worth. 

The 30-Day Health Challenge will help everyone develop a powerful routine for building functional strength, stretching and loosening those tight spots, fortifying hands and knees, and toning and firming the sexiest parts of the body.

The 30-Day Health Challenge goes LIVE on January 2nd

You MUST sign up before December 21st at midnight central time to take part in the challenge

FAST ACTION BONUS: Get one FREE bottle of Fierce Immunity (Only 100 bottles available)

Join the 30-Day Health Challenge by Monday, December 11th at midnight central time to get this exclusive immune-boosting supplement that normally costs $58 but is yours today for $0

Fierce Immunity was manufactured by truth and freedom loving scientists in partnership with JP Sears and Mikki Willis. 

It contains a breakthrough formula to deliver superior bioactive compounds to naturally support a strong immune system.

It contains:

  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc Ascorbate
  • Quercetin
  • Hesperidin
  • L-Arginine

And it’s completely non-GMO, gluten-free, GMP-certified, made in America, and third-party tested for purity.

We only have 100 bottles to give away for free. Once the supply is gone, this fast action bonus disappears. 

And even if we don’t give away all of these bottles, this bonus still disappears on Monday, December 11th at midnight central time.

Do you want to supercharge your immunity to live free and fierce as a lion?


But let’s be clear…

The 30-Day Health Challenge is NOT a quick fix or a shortcut

We can’t make any promises about the weight you’ll lose or gain, the muscles you’ll form, or any other health outcomes. 

No diet and exercise program on Earth can do that. 

Everyone’s body is unique. Everyone’s commitment to the program will vary. And there are too many variables at play when it comes to our health and fitness.

It’s also NOT about aggressively throwing weights around to get shredded or practically starving yourself with ridiculous food restrictions to lose weight

Those types of workouts and diets can be dangerous and usually counter-productive. 

We’re all busy. 

We all have better things to do than be in the gym for hours each day. 

And many of us already deal with some chronic health issues. The last thing we need is an injury from trying to get fit. 

On top of that, hardcore diet and exercise programs are notoriously difficult to stick to long-term. 

This program is designed to get you into great shape gently and simply without killing yourself

All the exercises can be performed at your own pace. 

The diet and calorie recommendations allow you to practically eat whatever you want within a limit to make it easier to lose weight and build muscle. 

You will make the proper changes in your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine that work specifically for you so that you can sustainably make progress on your health journey without burning out.

If you commit 100% to the 30-Day Health Challenge and do the exercises, eat the food, and take the supplements recommended you’ll form a foundation of health and strength you can build on for a lifetime

This program is for people who are in it for the long haul. 

You’re going to be shown how to jumpstart your health and fitness journey. 

You’re going to accelerate toward the body and lifestyle you want faster than ever before. 

And you’re going to be given the knowledge, plans, and motivation to keep up your progress long after the 30 days are over. 

With that said, you absolutely have the potential to make significant gains in a single month.

Joining The 30-Day Health Challenge can help you:

Lose unwanted fat and move closer to your goal weight

Nourish your body with foods that naturally balance hormones and blood sugar

Enhance your flexibility and reduce stiffness

Extend your stamina and breath to play with your kids and grandkids without getting winded

Radiate positivity and happiness from living a stress-free lifestyle

Gain much-needed muscle in your chest, back, core, arms, and legs

Stimulate your metabolism to burn calories throughout the day

Increase your energy and vigor to do what you want daily

Sleep better throughout the night to wake up with excitement and vigor

Feel more confident and sexy in your own skin

And much more.

All those things are possible when you commit to the 30-Day Health Challenge.

It will get you on the right path for 2024 so you’re empowered to continue down the road to incredible health and strength on your own after the challenge ends.


You only need 30 minutes a day to see results

Finding time to exercise is the #1 reason why most people never get fit and healthy. 

But if you can find 30 minutes every day, then you can make HUGE progress toward the body and health you’ve been craving for so long. 

Because when you know exactly what to do and how to do it, you can just get it done without overthinking it and reap the rewards with little extra effort. 

And it doesn’t matter what diet you follow - the eating and exercise plan will be tailored to YOU and your nutritional needs

If you love to eat pounds of meat and eggs every day, this challenge will work for you. 

If you hate meat and prefer to only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, etc. This challenge works for you, too. 

And it works for every diet in between. 

Because the truth about losing weight and gaining muscle is that it’s less important about how you get your protein, fats, carbs, and other nutrients. It’s much more important about eating the proper amount of each at the right time. 

All of which you’re going to learn how to do in this challenge.

The 30-Day Health Challenge goes LIVE on January 2nd

You MUST sign up before December 21st at midnight central time to take part in the challenge

FAST ACTION BONUS: Get one FREE bottle of Fierce Immunity (Only 100 bottles available)

Join the 30-Day Health Challenge by Monday, December 11th at midnight central time to get this exclusive immune-boosting supplement that normally costs $58 but is yours today for $0

Fierce Immunity was manufactured by truth and freedom loving scientists in partnership with JP Sears and Mikki Willis. 

It contains a breakthrough formula to deliver superior bioactive compounds to naturally support a strong immune system.

It contains:

  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc Ascorbate
  • Quercetin
  • Hesperidin
  • L-Arginine

And it’s completely non-GMO, gluten-free, GMP-certified, made in America, and third-party tested for purity.

We only have 100 bottles to give away for free. Once the supply is gone, this fast action bonus disappears. 

And even if we don’t give away all of these bottles, this bonus still disappears on Monday, December 11th at midnight central time.

Do you want to supercharge your immunity to live free and fierce as a lion?


Here’s everything you get in the 30-Day Health Challenge

The top exercises EVERYONE can do with weights or without weights, in the gym or at home, to build muscle and blast fat away at any age

Ryan Minniti, the host of The Exit and Build Health Summit and your coach during the 30-Day Health Challenge, will show you the exercises that are universally effective at building muscular strength for men and women while blasting away body fat and improving your stamina, breath, and energy levels. 

Plus, all the exercises can be applied differently depending on your age, weight, and current fitness level and you’ll see how to tailor them to YOU and your unique body and fitness goals. 

This is a step-by-step video tutorial. 

Each video will be 1-2 minutes long and will teach you how to perform the top basic exercises such as squats, pullups, bench press, and so on. It will also include tutorials on performing more advanced techniques and lifts.


And all the exercises can be modified depending on the kind of equipment you’re using and whether you’re working out at the gym or at home.  

YOU will be given every option you need to perform the exercises properly to match your unique body and fitness goals. 

Whether you want an intense workout or a gentle one, the choice is yours. 

Armed with this video tutorial, you’ll be able to follow along through the 30-Day Health Challenge and continue designing your own workouts long after the challenge ends.

The Health Transformation Masterclass

Ryan Minniti took some of the best diet recommendations, exercises, habits, and lifestyle changes from the expert interviews he conducted for the Exit and Build Health Summit and boiled them down into a two-hour masterclass.

He borrowed:


Strength training principles

from Tanner Shuck (strength and performance coach) and Renita Brannan (former TV Personality at NBC as their Health & Fitness Expert and Senior Fitness Certified for Elderly Fitness)

Whole food diet recommendations

from Sally Fallon-Morell (president of Weston A. Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Traditions) and Shawn Baker M.D. (author of The Carnivore Diet)

Recipes and meal plans

from Robyn Openshaw (founder of Green Smoothie Girl)

Supplement guidance

from Tim James (CEO and founder of Chemical Free Body) and Clive De Carle (founder of Ancient Purity health supplements)

Nutrition principles

from Dr. Matthew Buckley (founder of Science Based Nutrition) and Christian Yordanov (Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner)

Muscle-building advice

from James Benefico (founder of Organic Muscle)

You’re going to get some of the best information and strategies on nutrition, diet, and exercise for losing weight, building muscle, and getting well from leading authorities on lifelong health and strength.

The masterclass is broken into 5 sections

Module 1

How to eat to maximize your nutrition and nourish your body with everything it needs to thrive (no matter which diet you follow)

Module 2

How to consistently build and maintain functional muscle for men and women whether you’re 18 or 88 (and why muscles are a proven but overlooked key to lifelong health and wellness)

Module 3

How to naturally live longer, have more energy at any age, and grow older gracefully while enjoying every minute of your life

Module 4

How to reduce and manage stress without Big Pharma drugs, balance your hormones for happiness, and live each day with gratitude and peace

Module 5

How to melt pounds of fat off your body using a proven formula for eating the right foods in the right way to gently force your body to get leaner and lighter

The Secret Calorie Calculation to lose OR gain weight (without skipping dessert)

The Secret Calorie Calculation is a proven and precise method for accurately determining how many calories you should eat daily (combined with exercise) to trim unwanted weight or add bulk to your body even while eating dessert regularly. 

This actually works and thousands have used this exact method to get fit without harsh restrictions on their diet. 

Ryan will walk you step-by-step through how the Secret Calorie Calculation works and how to apply it during (and after) the 30-Day Health Challenge to reach your health goals.

The No-Nonsense Nutrition Guide

Stop worrying about which diet to follow. 

Keto, carnivore, paleo, Atkins, vegan, pescatarian…none of that matters. 

What matters is eating whole foods and getting the right amount of carbs, protein, fats, and vital nutrients from the foods you’re eating and eating the right amount of each of them throughout the day. 

You’ll be shown:

  • A list of the exact foods you must prioritize to nourish your body with everything it needs regardless of your fitness goals
  • How to cut down on food cravings and stop needlessly snacking throughout the day
  • How to feel fuller after every meal to lose weight without constantly feeling hungry
  • Ryan’s personal go-to foods for adding pounds of muscle mass 

How to buy the best health foods on a budget (while avoiding the poison littering the shelves)

Ryan will take you on a shopping trip to his local grocery store and show you exactly how he spends his money to get the purest and best health foods at the lowest price. 

And he’ll show you how to do the same in virtually any grocery store in America (or online).

You’ll discover:

  • how to eat healthy on just $10, $20, or $30 a day
    • The truth about “organic” food (and why you can’t always trust the label)
  • The good, bad, and downright dangerous ingredients in common processed foods (what’s safe and what’s poisonous)
    • The foods brands to avoid at all costs
  • The top places to purchase affordable organic, non-GMO foods, supplements, and herbs

Plus much more!

Access to the private group on for ongoing guidance, support, and making new friends and fitness partners

Not only will you receive coaching and guidance from Ryan during the 30-Day Health Challenge but you’ll also become part of a new online community of people just like you who want to radically improve their health and fitness. 

You’ll be able to talk through your challenges and gain inspiration and support.

Your wins will feel that much sweeter when you get to share your success with others who are pushing themselves to new levels of strength. 

And any “failures” you face can be quickly overcome by reaching out to the group for more guidance. 

Also, you’ll get updates and special content throughout the 30-day challenge in this group. 

Weekly Zoom coaching calls to guide and motivate you through 30 days of a new health and fitness routine so you don’t fall off the wagon

Ryan Minniti will guide you every single day during the 30 days to do the exercises planned, eat the right food, follow through with your new habits, and stay accountable to the goals you set for yourself. 

The hardest part of maintaining health isn’t cooking the right food or doing the right exercises. 

It’s staying disciplined and consistent. 

It’s walking away from the sweets and choosing good vegetables. 

It’s putting on your workout clothes and doing the exercises instead of staying in bed or watching another episode on TV.

Now, you’ll have someone other than yourself to push you when you don’t feel like it, help you overcome procrastination, show you how to find the time in your day to get it done, and finally reach the level of health you want (and deserve).

Each week, he’ll invite all participants to join the weekly coaching call on Zoom to check in on the progress you’re making, help you identify sticking points, overcome any obstacles, answer questions you may have, and push you forward toward your health and fitness goals.

Daily exercise routines based on your level of fitness to follow for the full 30-Day Health Challenge

In addition to all of the training listed above, Ryan will send out an exercise routine to follow each day for 30 days.

They’re broken down by your current level of fitness. 

Beginner level workouts – for those who never workout and need to take it slower and lighter

Intermediate level workouts – for those who are relatively fit but want to finally get into the best shape of their lives

Advanced level workouts – for those who are healthy and strong and are ready to push themselves to the max

You can follow your own exercise routine based on the training you’re getting. 

But these routines are proven to work and allow you to exercise without overthinking it. 

PLUS… Get The VIP Experience of The Exit and Build Health Summit which includes the FULL and IN-DEPTH interviews with 31 natural health experts along with all the exclusive BONUSES

Which means you’re getting:

  • Lifetime access to all the exit and build health summit interviews to watch and listen to at any time from any device including the extra 30-45 minutes of content only available to those with the VIP Experience
  • The official exit and build health summit digital workbook to take notes, record key takeaways, and set your long-term goals.
  • The ultimate list of trusted health resources for permanently transforming your brain and body (podcasts, experts, supplements, and more)

Here’s how the 30-Day Health Challenge works (what to expect each day)

Gain immediate access to all the video training guides after signing up for the Health Challenge

The 30-Day Health Challenge officially goes LIVE on January 2nd. But you’ll have at least 2 weeks (depending on when you join the challenge) to watch and absorb all of the video training guides. 

And, of course, you’ll be encouraged to watch and review these training guides throughout the challenge as needed.

Receive one motivating message each day of the challenge from Ryan

Ryan will send out an email and make a post in the private group on each day of the challenge containing a motivational quote or message, the goals you should pursue that day, and encouragement to stay focused on your health and fitness journey. 

Check in each day in the group announcing your progress on your health goals to stay accountable

You’ll be tasked with making a short post each day in the private group on updating everyone on your progress. A short message about following your diet and workout plan will suffice, but you can post as much or as little as you want. 

This is also an opportunity to ask for feedback and help from Ryan or anyone else in the group if you need it. 

Consistently posting your progress will help you stay accountable and keep yourself focused on completing the challenge even when things get tough.


You MUST commit to the following 4 Health Challenge Rules

Rule #1: NO Alcohol

Alcohol is technically poison and does more damage to your health and fitness goals than you realize. It’s filled with hormone disrupting toxins and fat-producing calories. 

If you want to see real progress during these 30 days, then you must lay off ALL forms of alcohol for 30 days. 

(don’t worry, the 30-Day Health Challenge starts on January 2nd, 2024 – AFTER the holidays and New Year’s.)

Rule #2: Follow the program every day for 30 days

This should seem obvious but a lot of people will commit to a program for a day or two and then stop. 

You must be willing to follow your workout plan for the full 30 days. No excuses. 

Now, it’s totally understandable that things will come up. Some people will have legitimate reasons why they may not be able to workout on a given day. 

But this should only happen because of emergencies. 

For everyone else, you’re expected to consistently put in the work to transform your health. 

Rule #3: Stick to your diet, calorie, and fitness goals

What you put into your mouth is the LARGEST determining factor for hitting your health and fitness goals. 

It’s much easier to avoid eating the wrong food than to try to burn it off. 

You must eat according to your diet plan and consume the proper amount of calories daily to lose weight or gain it depending on your goals. 

Again, there are legitimate reasons why some won’t be able to follow their diet plan exactly every day, but this is the exception to the rule.

You will only see results if you eat the right way for 30 days (and beyond). 

Rule #4: Keep improving your health and fitness after the challenge ends

The 30-Day Health Challenge is just the beginning of a new and transformative fitness journey! 

It doesn’t end after 30 days. 

As we’ve repeatedly said on this page, we can’t make guarantees about the health outcomes you’ll gain from committing to this challenge. 

But we can say with certainty that if you follow your exercise and diet plan, and engage in the health group, you’ll form a foundation for a lifetime of fitness.

If you can keep these rules… And you want to transform your health and body in 2024… Then you’re ready to join the 30-Day Health Challenge!

Here’s a recap of everything you’re getting today and the total value:

The top exercises EVERYONE can do with weights or without weights, in the gym or at home, to build muscle and blast fat away at any age - $497 value

The Health Transformation Masterclass - $597 value

The Secret Calorie Calculation to lose OR gain weight (without skipping dessert) - $197 value

The No-Nonsense Nutrition Guide - $397 value

How to buy the best health foods on a budget (while avoiding the poison littering the shelves) - $197 value

Access to the private Health Challenge Group on for ongoing guidance, support, and making new friends and fitness partners - $397 value

Weekly Zoom coaching calls to guide and motivate you through 30 days of a new health and fitness routine so you don’t fall off the wagon - $397 value

Daily exercise routines for 30 days - $297 value

Total value of the 30-Day Health Challenge = $2,976

But if you join before the deadline…

You won’t pay $2,976

You’ll get everything in the 30-Day Health Challenge for …

Which means you only need to invest less than $10 a day for 30 days to get stronger, healthier, and sexier following a proven plan with a strong support and accountability group behind you.

You won’t likely see this kind of deal again any time soon.

The 30-Day Health Challenge goes LIVE on January 2nd

You MUST sign up before December 21st at midnight central time to take part in the challenge

FAST ACTION BONUS: Get one FREE bottle of Fierce Immunity (Only 100 bottles available)

Join the 30-Day Health Challenge by Monday, December 11th at midnight central time to get this exclusive immune-boosting supplement that normally costs $58 but is yours today for $0

Fierce Immunity was manufactured by truth and freedom loving scientists in partnership with JP Sears and Mikki Willis. 

It contains a breakthrough formula to deliver superior bioactive compounds to naturally support a strong immune system.

It contains:

  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc Ascorbate
  • Quercetin
  • Hesperidin
  • L-Arginine

And it’s completely non-GMO, gluten-free, GMP-certified, made in America, and third-party tested for purity.

We only have 100 bottles to give away for free. Once the supply is gone, this fast action bonus disappears. 

And even if we don’t give away all of these bottles, this bonus still disappears on Monday, December 11th at midnight central time.

Do you want to supercharge your immunity to live free and fierce as a lion?
