Do you want the shortcut to exiting the Great Reset and build a happy, secure life of liberty and prosperity for generations to come? Then you’re invited to join…

THE Accelerator

The exclusive monthly training program and community where John and Rebecca Bush will personally guide you every month to gain more freedom and prosperity outside of government, corporate, and central bank control faster than you ever thought possible

The doors to The Accelerator are now open to new members but … the doors close on August 30th at midnight Central Time


What we’ve discovered is…

We have more tools, technologies, communities, businesses, organizations, movements, and opportunities to OPT OUT of the centralized control grid and create a radically free future under our own control than ever before. 

The Accelerator puts you on the fast track path to your dreams of self-sufficiency, financial sovereignty, security from tyranny, and joyful living amongst like-minded people in a peaceful community.

Enter The Accelerator to discover how to:

And so much more it would be impossible to list here.

Here’s EVERYTHING included in your membership

The Exit and Build Activation Plan - $1,597 value

Your own unique “Freedom Agenda 2030” step-by-step blueprint to accelerate you from where you are to the life of liberty and prosperity you desire (and deserve).

The Activators Online Community - $1,297 value

A powerful space to make new friends, business partners, movement leaders, and more who are on a journey to reclaim their liberty and live the freest life possible while helping you and keeping you accountable along the way.

NEW Monthly Masterclasses - $1,197 value

Ongoing in-depth trainings from John and Rebecca Bush every month covering everything from cryptocurrency to wealth to homesteading to agorism to entrepreneurship and more.

Monthly Crypto Office Hours - $1,497 value

Every month you’ll get to join a group coaching and empowerment session with John Bush to ask him ANY questions and chat about any development in the rapidly changing crypto space and get personal, direct feedback.

Exclusive In Person Meetups - $1,997 value

All Accelerator members will be invited to IN PERSON gatherings several times a year (the next one at John Bush’s Radical Roots Ranch)

Discounts On In Person Events - $997 value

All members of The Accelerator will get a significant discount off of any tickets they purchase to in person events.

An Essential Knowledge Base - $397 value

Reference guides for what you learn inside The Accelerator

Access to a Hand-Picked Selection of the Best Trainings from Live Free Academy - $1,197 value

12 exclusive trainings on crypto, investments, permaculture, homesteading, financial independence, side hustles, community-building, rewiring your brain, and more.


Decentralized Finance: How to Borrow Against Your Crypto Stash and Access Tax-Free Money


This is the most in-depth and comprehensive walkthrough for how to turn your cryptocurrency into a tax-free loan WITHOUT going through a bank or credit lender using my proven DeFi secret strategies. 

You’ll discover:

Plus so much more!


The TOTAL value of The Accelerator is $8,979

But you are NOT going to pay that amount…

Not even close.

I want hundreds of new freedom-loving folks pursuing and accomplishing their Exit and Build goals through The Accelerator (and there are already a couple hundred in there)…

So we’re making this as affordable as possible…

For a limited-time, you can join The Accelerator for 98% OFF!

Or put another way, I’m slashing $8,379 off the total value of this monthly training program and community and letting everyone join for…

Which means you gain immediate access to EVERYTHING listed above – the life-changing trainings, group coaching from Rebecca and I, a growing network of like-minded freedom-lovers, and more – for about $3/day (less than a plain black coffee at Starbucks)

But you have to join today because… 

This limited-time offer ENDS August 30th at midnight central time


REMINDER: you’re not joining “another subscription” - you’re entering our secret society for liberty and we’re going to guide you, motivate you, and help you create a life of unmatched freedom, prosperity, and independence. 

We will ensure you use our trainings, resources, and community to transform your life. And if you don’t … you can cancel anytime for any reason in your account or by emailing or calling us. Our #1 priority is making sure this is the BEST community and program for radically improving your life that you’ve ever been a part of.

“I highly recommend learning from John.”

“I have known John Bush for a very long time. Being curious and not wanting to miss the opportunity, I took a one hour class from him. John delivered! He not only taught me how to invest but gave me critical advice on when not too! I highly recommend learning from him.” 

– Jennifer Welch

“You’re helping people live free outside this craziness.”

“I want to thank you so much for all you are doing to help people ‘Live Free’ and find their place outside this craziness!!! Reading all your information is so inspiring and helps to keep me going. I really love your energy and your desire to ‘make it happen'”

– April F.

“We’re happier being in sovereignty, not victimhood.”

“At this point we have 11 beehives and about 40 trees in the orchard.  Being away from the city has allowed us to focus on our values, our goals, and our health.  We currently are getting most of our food from local farm sources here in Texas.  We are much happier to be in the mindset of sovereignty and not victimhood.”

– Steve & Andrea

After 2 decades of waking people up, I’ve realized a terrifying truth: being “awake” can be a living nightmare

You spend much of your time in a state of fear and uncertainty because you have special knowledge that no one else does. 

The worst part is the crushing sense of overwhelm knowing that small groups of evil technocrats, politicians, pedos, and killers run the world like a chessboard and want to use you as a pawn.

I bet you’re feeling more anxious about the world, more uncertain about the future, and more demoralized about your ability to stop our enemies. 

But we do have to “fight” against them somehow. However, playing politics is NOT the way.

I know because I’ve done my time in politics. 

For 8 years I organized rallies at police headquarters, the city council, and the statehouse. I had ordinances get passed via legislation that I helped push forward through political action committees which I founded. 

I campaigned hardcore for Ron Paul in 2007-8. 

But the sad reality was…

After all that work…

I came to the conclusion that all the political wins I helped achieve were empty victories. I only ever slowed the growth of tyranny. I never actually created more liberty. 

The only way forward I’ve found that works to take back our liberties and agency over our lives is to use our creative and productive power to EXIT systems of control and BUILD a new reality of freedom. 

“Exit and Build.”

Exit means to break away from all the systems, institutions, and places seeking to control you. 

Build means to create a lifestyle, community, and world that allows you to flourish as a sovereign human being

“Don’t fight the existing system, build a better one.”

– Buckminster Fuller

I’m John Bush and I’ve dedicated the last 22 years of my life to “engineering” Exit and Build solutions that lead to radical freedom and prosperity

I’m freer NOW than I’ve been in my entire life despite living in the most authoritarian times in American history. 

What I’m most known for today is showing people the exact methods, strategies, and techniques for opting out of the fiat financial system and the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC) system and living truly economically free. 

My superpower, if you will, is figuring out how to find the loopholes, hack the matrix, and cleverly maneuver around every system of control they throw at me… 

And then show you EXACTLY how I did it so you can do it, too.

And you know what? 

I’ve gotten pretty dang good at it!

I’ve traveled from Philadelphia to Texas in the “Bitcoin Bus” with my family and paid our way through the entire journey using only Bitcoin. 

I’ve moved from a 399 sq. foot tiny home to a 10-acre homestead and produced much of my own food and converted the homestead into an intentional community with 2 members. 

I co-created the Freedom Cell Network with over 41,000 members worldwide. 

I co-created the Greater Reset and the Exit and Build Land Summits.

I invest my wealth in unorthodox assets outside of the Wall Street-rigged stock market. 

Plus much more! 

And I’m not the only one who's made progress in the “science of living free”… My wife Rebecca has become a legitimate expert in homesteading, food production, off-grid living, and intentional community building

Rebecca was the Sales and Customer Care Manager at Village Farm – a thriving Tiny Home “agrihood” in East Austin, Texas.

She has spearheaded the food production systems on our 10-acre homestead, Radical Roots Ranch. We currently have 12 wicking garden beds, a chicken coop with 8 hens, 1 rooster, and 2 ducks, and a buzzing beehive.

Plus, she’s been the co-producer of our super popular Exit and Build Land Summit events

And she serves as the CEO of Exit and Build Property Solutions, a land development firm connecting investors and buyers to guide them in collectively purchasing large plots of land for building homesteads and establishing communities together.

We realized many folks aren’t lacking information to live free and prosper … they’re lacking guidance, support, and community

So, Rebecca and I went back to the drawing board to figure out how to best serve those who understand the problems, who know about solutions, and who desperately want to live a freer life but just can’t seem to actually make it happen. 

We realized that to have the greatest and longest-lasting impact, while helping you get the fastest results on your Exit and Build goals, we must work WITH you on a personal level so we can consistently coach and guide you toward your highest achievements.

We finally figured out a way to do just that.


The Accelerator

The fast-track to “Exit” tyranny and technocracy and “Build” a life of unmatched liberty and prosperity in 12 months or less … through PERSONAL coaching, training, and accountability from Rebecca and I (and our community)

We’re going to work with you month after month in an intimate, tight-knit communal setting to help you accelerate toward your goals and rapidly manifest your dreams of living a fulfilled, sovereign life. 

Everything we teach you in the Accelerator forms the foundation of a free and self-governed life. 


The Accelerator is designed to expose any “cracks” in your freedom foundation and seal them up permanently to protect you, your family, and your community from the threats coming at you from all angles. 

This is holistic liberty – every area of your life liberated and sovereign. 

Which is why…

The Accelerator focuses on two core areas:

Here’s everything you get in The Accelerator when you join today

The Exit and Build Activation Plan

(A NEW PREMIUM COURSE) - The starting point for accelerating your freedom and prosperity

Plus much more!

The Activators Online Community

The Accelerator will transform you into an “activator” – a person who leads themselves, forges their own destiny, and becomes the sovereign over their own little fiefdom in the world. 

The Activators Online Community brings you together with hundreds of others on a journey to reclaim their liberty and live the freest life possible outside of the control of the “powers that shouldn’t be.”

You’ll make new friends, meet new business partners, gain fresh insights, receive constant guidance, and collectively create a new world of freedom and prosperity faster and easier than ever before.

NEW Monthly Masterclasses

Land and Community + Cryptocurrency and Counter-Economics

Every month, Rebecca and I will host a NEW masterclass covering everything from acquiring land on a budget to permaculture to community organization to land entrepreneurship and everything else in between. 

This is ongoing, skill-building training to keep you on the cutting edge of what’s working right now to live as free as possible (and liberate your life as fast as possible). 

And we’ve already held some POWERFUL past masterclasses. 

When you join The Accelerator today, you’ll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the following masterclasses:

Consolidating Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOS): How to Ensure On-Chain Transactions Amid High Fees & Competition

In this essential 2-hour masterclass and Q&A, I break down how UTXOs drive up the price of sending cryptocurrency and can make it virtually impossible for you to make a transaction with your cryptocurrency if you don’t consolidate them, and how to quickly and easily resolve this issue without causing any further headaches.

Basic Building Blocks for Starting and Growing a Small Business

I give a detailed overview of how to create a compelling WHY behind your business, develop the right products or services, establish a powerful marketing and sales system, deliver a great service to your customers, scale your business long-term, and much more.

Traditional & Creative Funding Masterclass

Rebecca Bush walks you step-by-step through the many standard and unorthodox methods for securing the necessary funds to get a homestead, a traditional house, a piece of raw land and more, while getting the best deal possible within your budget.

The Pros and Cons of Tiny Homes, RVs, Domes, and Glamping on Your Property

Rebecca Bush dives into the many different ways you can establish livable properties on your land and leverage them for recreation, the creation of intentional communities, or new businesses. You’ll discover the different types of homes, the tiny home builders you should consider, the value of DIY, how to finance tiny homes, why RV’s are a great alternative to tiny homes, and the business models behind “glamping” and short-term rentals.

Monthly Crypto Office Hours

The Bitcoin and wider crypto space is constantly changing. 

From the 2024 Bitcoin halving to new legislation regulating the crypto industry to price fluctuations to Bitcoin ETFs and so much more…

We’re in a constant state of flux. 

Most people don’t have the time to stay up-to-date on what’s happening. 

I’ve made it my job to do that for you. 

In fact, I’m OBSESSED with it. I’m constantly learning new tactics and strategies, upgrading my knowledge base, and staying involved in many cryptocurrency related masterminds and groups.

Every month, you’ll get to join a group coaching and empowerment session where you can ask me ANY questions related to cryptocurrency and your involvement with it. 

If you’re struggling with an investment strategy or tech issue, I’ll be there to help you. 

You’ll get direct feedback from me on your unique situation – something I normally charge $499/hour in consulting fees to do. But it’s yours free as a member of The Accelerator.

Exclusive In Person Meetups

The Accelerator isn’t just a place for you to surge ahead quickly toward a life of freedom and sovereignty…

It’s a community first. 

The online community you get to be a part of can lead to the most powerful transformations. 

But there’s only so much connection you can have online.

If we want to transform the world for the better, then we need to gather IN PERSON – regularly.

All Accelerator members will be invited to IN PERSON gatherings several times a year. 

The next gathering will happen later this year at Radical Roots Ranch – our 10-acre homestead and intentional community.

Discounts on Live Free Academy Events

Live Free Academy hosts several LIVE and IN PERSON events every year. 

All members of The Accelerator will get DISCOUNTS on tickets they purchase to these events.

An essential Knowledge Base for quick reference

You’re going to learn A LOT inside The Accelerator. And you’re going to learn FAST so you can immediately start applying the knowledge in your life to reach the level of freedom and prosperity you deserve. 

But sometimes you need to remember certain things and don’t want to go back through multiple hours of a course. 

So, The Accelerator will contain an up-to-date Knowledge Base. 

This Knowledge Base will be updated continually over time. 

Access to a Hand-Picked Selection of the Best Trainings from Live Free Academy

We’re adding some of the best trainings from Live Free Academy into The Accelerator course area with more trainings to be added in the near future.

You’ll gain instant access to the top trainings from inside the Live Free Academy vault hand-picked by me showing you:

Plus a TON more!

The doors to The Accelerator are now open to new members but … the doors close on July 26th at midnight Central Time


Here’s a recap of everything you’re getting with The Accelerator today

The Exit and Build Activation Plan - $1,597 value

Your own unique “Freedom Agenda 2030” step-by-step blueprint to accelerate you from where you are to the life of liberty and prosperity you desire (and deserve).

The Activators Online Community - $1,297 value

A powerful space to make new friends, business partners, movement leaders, and more who are on a journey to reclaim their liberty and live the freest life possible while helping you and keeping you accountable along the way.

NEW Monthly Masterclasses - $1,197 value

Ongoing in-depth trainings from John and Rebecca Bush every month covering everything from cryptocurrency to wealth to homesteading to agorism to entrepreneurship and more.

Monthly Crypto Office Hours - $1,497 value

Every month you’ll get to join a group coaching and empowerment session with John Bush to ask him ANY questions and chat about any development in the rapidly changing crypto space and get personal, direct feedback.

Exclusive In Person Meetups - $1,997 value

All Accelerator members will be invited to IN PERSON gatherings several times a year (the next one at John Bush’s Radical Roots Ranch)

Discounts On In Person Events - $997 value

All members of The Accelerator will get a significant discount off of any tickets they purchase to in person events.

An Essential Knowledge Base - $397 value

Reference guides for what you learn inside The Accelerator

Access to a Hand-Picked Selection of the Best Trainings from Live Free Academy - $1,197 value

12 exclusive trainings on crypto, investments, permaculture, homesteading, financial independence, side hustles, community-building, rewiring your brain, and more.


Decentralized Finance: How to Borrow Against Your Crypto Stash and Access Tax-Free Money


This is the most in-depth and comprehensive walkthrough for how to turn your cryptocurrency into a tax-free loan WITHOUT going through a bank or credit lender using my proven DeFi secret strategies. 

You’ll discover:

Plus so much more!


The TOTAL value of The Accelerator is $8,979

But you are NOT going to pay that amount…

Not even close.

I want hundreds of new freedom-loving folks pursuing and accomplishing their Exit and Build goals through The Accelerator (and there are already a couple hundred in there)…

So we’re making this as affordable as possible…

For a limited-time, you can join The Accelerator for 98% OFF!

Or put another way, I’m slashing $8,379 off the total value of this monthly training program and community and letting everyone join for…

Which means you gain immediate access to EVERYTHING listed above – the life-changing trainings, group coaching from Rebecca and I, a growing network of like-minded freedom-lovers, and more – for about $3/day (less than a plain black coffee at Starbucks)

But you have to join today because… 

This limited-time offer ENDS August 30th at midnight central time


REMINDER: you’re not joining “another subscription” - you’re entering our secret society for liberty and we’re going to guide you, motivate you, and help you create a life of unmatched freedom, prosperity, and independence. 

We will ensure you use our trainings, resources, and community to transform your life. And if you don’t … you can cancel anytime for any reason in your account or by emailing or calling us. Our #1 priority is making sure this is the BEST community and program for radically improving your life that you’ve ever been a part of.

“...from a ‘zero to hero…”

“John took me from a ‘zero to hero’ in purchasing my first cryptocurrency. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience with crypto. He answered all my questions and addressed my concerns. If you are considering crypto, John is the go to guy to make sure you do it safely.”

– Michael Zeiler

“ depth and practical…”

“I have tried to understand this subject for some years…but your way is really the best: in depth and practical at the same time.”

– Latifa Mehdir

“…I highly recommend…”

“He guided me through the process of sending and receiving, and gave me tips to ensure my crypto did not get lost again. I am grateful for John’s guidance and I highly recommend his services to anyone who is interested in alternative currency.”

– Christina

“…Two thumbs up….”

“My consultation with John was really helpful. I had a long list of questions for our meeting and we were able to cover almost all of them in an hour. He was knowledgeable, patient, articulate and concise- everything you look for in a worthwhile consultation. Two thumbs up.”

– Johnny D

“…I am now able to help others…”

“Not only did you help me get my wallets in order, you gave me information that I didn’t even know to ask about regarding using stable coins when converting from one coin to another. I am now able to help others learn to pay and get paid in crypto.”

– Darby Mozelle

“…the right direction for my beginner status….”

“Great meeting John. My experience with John Bush was to jump start me into Crypto Currency trading. John pointed me in the right direction for my beginner status. Now I have ventured into the unknown with much more confidence.”

– Paul King