Every single attempt to restrict your rights, control your money, plunder your property, spy on your activities, regulate your speech, and force you into a social credit score technocratic nightmare can be BLOCKED and OVERCOME.
When they zig you can zag.
When they strike you can counter and parry.
Better yet…
With the right plan in place…
You can MANEUVER around their control schemes altogether and position yourself to:
And enjoy a comfortable, peaceful, happy existence no matter how bad the economy, crime, or politics becomes.
How can YOU do all of this?
By following the step-by-step plan I give you in…
A 4-hour masterclass showing you the EXACT blueprint I’ve used to TRIPLE my wealth post-COVID (while most people have been bleeding money)…
EXPAND my freedom (while most people have been suffering under tyranny)…
And GROW my business (while so many have had theirs shut down)
I’m sharing EVERYTHING I know with you for the first time ever in this exclusive masterclass.
The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint originally went LIVE in October 2022.
It’s been in the Live Free Academy vault ever since.
But I’m bringing it back out for a short time because it’s MORE relevant at this moment than ever before.
In March 2023, we saw a startling bank crisis emerge with two major banks going down. Shortly after, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve and several lawmakers are looking at new rules and regulations for the financial industry.
The Federal Reserve also announced the launch of its “digital payment system”, FedNow.
This is a precursor to their upcoming Central Bank Digital Currency.
One thing is clear:
The banking and financial sector are changing rapidly and YOUR wealth and prosperity are under immediate danger.
The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint will reveal my unorthodox, uncommon, and unbelievably effective step-by-step methods for taking your money out of THEIR system and putting it under YOUR control.
I’m giving everyone that joins by the deadline a NEW, LIVE 2+ hour Empowerment Session to help you integrate what you learn in this masterclass into your life to protect yourself from the current threats to your freedom and wealth.
I’ll show you:
And so much more!
Ready to sign up now?
Create a proven plan to work around what they’re going to do
Work the plan
Rinse and repeat.
I’ve already beat Klaus Schwab at his own game and I’m going to show you how to do the same.
In fact, I’ll give you my secret “Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework” for seeing through the matrix and forecasting the future, crafting a bulletproof plan of action, gaining the support of people in your life to help you achieve your mission, and moving swiftly toward your goals without anyone standing in your way.
The global parasites who think of themselves as the “elites” expect you to just bend over and take it.
And many people will…
Because they don’t know how the world is changing and don’t have a plan to deal with it.
Without a plan, you’re easily tossed around by the waves of the latest conspiracy theory, government policy, and push for technocracy.
With a plan, you step into the power of being proactive, intentional, and mission-driven.
I’m going to show you how to position your life, your money, and your future OUTSIDE of their control and squarely in your own hands.
I’ve used the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework over and over again to guard and grow my wealth, invest in income-producing assets that no one can take from me, create a network and community of like-minded freedom-loving people, and build the life of my dreams.
This framework forms the core of the blueprint for surviving and thriving through the Great Financial Reset.
Once you understand this framework and how it works, you can immediately put it into action without learning anything more from me – it’s that powerful.
You’ll discover:
And more!
The first part of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework is Mindset.
The Great Reset will be successful in controlling your life if and only if you adopt the mindset of a helpless victim.
All control starts in the mind.
I will show you how to install a powerful mindset that protects you from the propaganda, fearmongering, and “mental viruses” holding you back from financial abundance and security.
You’ll know:
Plus much more!
If I start talking about financial jargon and economics most people’s eyes will glaze over and they’ll stop listening.
That’s exactly what the money manipulators want.
They don’t want you to understand how they’ve rigged the system against you.
But I have the unique ability to take complex problems and topics and condense them into easy-to-understand lessons.
In fact, I’ve even taught my 8-year-old son some of what I’m going to teach you here. That’s not a dig at anyone who doesn’t easily get this stuff. It’s not easy to get.
I’m only saying that I can teach this stuff so well that even an 8-year-old can pick it up fast (and to be fair to my son, he’s quite bright).
The point is, YOU will have no problem at all understanding what I teach. It will stick in your brain like glue and bring into clarity the mysteries of how the so-called “global elite” distort the economy for their gain and your loss – and how to turn the tables on them.
You’ll realize:
And SO MUCH more!
This is the CORE of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework.
You need a step-by-step straight path you can follow to maneuver through the Great Reset agenda and come out on the other side of it better off than before.
But everyone’s strategy will be different.
There are 3 types of people I’m helping with the Survival Blueprint:
I’ve included in this section of the Survival Blueprint a “grab bag” of the most powerful and PROVEN wealth-building strategies and principles for each type of person above.
And by the end of this part of the masterclass, you’ll know how to confidently craft a custom plan for you and your family.
You’ll understand:
Plus a TON more!
Wealth, freedom, security, happiness…
NONE of this is possible without the help of other people.
In fact, people may be the most undervalued “investment” on the planet.
Most investors look at stocks, real estate, currencies, precious metals, etc. as their primary investments.
But if your goal is safety and freedom from the Great Financial Reset, then people will be your greatest asset.
You’ll discover:
And more!
Action is the final and most important part of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework.
It’s the key to the whole system.
You can know precisely what’s going to happen next with the Great Reset and have the best plan in the world to overcome it but if you don’t take action then it’s meaningless.
My goal with this masterclass is not merely to give you tactics and strategies.
It’s to fire you up!
Inspire you!
And motivate you to do what you know you must do to be healthy, wealthy, happy, and free in the face of great economic and political shifts.
You’ll gain:
And plenty more.
This is one of the best and most valuable courses I’ve ever taught that is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE.
It’s designed for those who want to make more money at their job…start a profitable side hustle…or grow a successful business.
Inside this 7-hour masterclass you’ll discover DOZENS of simple, painless, and uncomplicated ways to increase your income by at least a few hundred dollars each month, including:
And a whole lot more!
In this special session I reveal:
And more!
In this unique session you’ll discover:
Plus much more!
You shouldn’t have to feel overwhelmed and frustrated when learning about finances, investments, and the Great Reset agenda.
I want to make sure you know EXACTLY what I or anyone else is talking about when discussing these subjects.
You’re going to learn beginner and advanced wealth-building strategies.
This glossary will make sure you never get lost or confused and have a quick reference to instantly understand what I’m talking about.
Plus, I’m going to show you how deep the Great Reset agenda goes and the fundamental policies, plans, and methods they’re using in an attempt to socially engineer society and control the masses.
This glossary will help you grasp what I teach and make it easy to remember it all later and even explain it to others.
Consider this glossary a “skeleton key” to the big ideas and concepts you’re going to learn.
This is the most popular webinar I’ve ever done and provides a broad overview of how the Great Reset works, how it’s changing our world forever, what’s coming next, and how to protect your wealth and freedom from being stolen by Klaus Schwab and company.
This webinar is now ONLY available right here as a bonus. It can’t be found anywhere else on the internet anymore.
In it, you’ll discover:
Plus much more!
I’m giving everyone that joins by the deadline a NEW, LIVE 2+ hour Empowerment Session to help you integrate what you learn in this masterclass into your life to protect yourself from the current threats to your freedom and wealth.
I’ll show you:
And much more!
Most people choose to open accounts with the bank nearest their home or the one which has the biggest name recognition.
But this is a major mistake. As we’ve seen time and again and very recently, popular banks that were assumed to be safe can suddenly go belly up, wiping away your savings and sometimes your livelihood with them.
This special guide made just after the 2023 Banking Crisis will help you find and choose a bank or credit union that you can trust with your money.
You’ll discover:
Plus a ton more!
The Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework to guard and grow your wealth, invest in income-producing assets, create a network and community of like-minded freedom-loving people, and build the life of my dreams
Mindset secrets to banish fear, confusion, and propaganda for maximum motivation toward your biggest goals
Powerful methods of financial and geopolitical analysis to accurately forecast what the parasites behind the Great Reset will do next (and how to counter their agenda)
Proven wealth-building strategies I’ve used to triple my income post-COVID and invest in assets under my control that deliver long-term gains
Methods and insights to join or create thriving communities of like-minded people for mutual aid, enhanced food production, financial support, and to trade in “parallel economies” outside of the control of the traditional economic system
Habits and techniques for crafting a custom survival blueprint, taking massive action, and always moving forward toward your dreams and goals
The Make More Money Masterclass revealing dozens of simple, painless, and uncomplicated ways to increase your income by at least a few hundred dollars each month
BONUS #1 – Four Critical Investments for Any Sovereign Person Looking to Build Wealth and Exit the Matrix
BONUS #2 – Thriving in the New Economy by Providing Value to Your Community
BONUS #3 – An Easy-To-Understand Glossary of Key Financial Jargon and Great Reset Terms
BONUS #4 – The Great Financial Reset Response Webinar
UPGRADED 2+ hour Empowerment Session
UPGRADED REPORT: Is my bank or credit union solvent?
But I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible conquer and overcome the Great Reset, so there’s no way I’m charging $2114 for the Survival Blueprint…
I’m not even going to charge $894…
And I briefly considered charging $394, but I want to make this affordable for everyone so I slashed $394, too…
For a limited time only…
You can get the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint for just $197
Ready to sign up now?
If you choose to abandon the plan I’m giving you, I hope you have some kind of backup.
The reason the “global elites” are so good at stamping out people’s rights, controlling governments, and forcing their agenda on the world is they live on a mission to dominate.
They have a brutal plan and they’re pushing full steam ahead no matter what.
And they believe they’ll win because they know most people don’t understand how they’re changing the economy and have no plan at all to overcome their policies.
I’m worried that you’ll lose far more money from your savings and retirement accounts due to inflation and stock market swings. I’m afraid you will be trapped in the new cashless, surveillance money system being implemented right now through central bank digital currencies.
And I’m troubled by the thought of you having no way to escape social credit system controls forming in the new economy.
I truly wish you all the best and I thank you for at least seeing what this masterclass could do for you.
If you choose to take the Survival Blueprint and put it into action…
Then your life and finances are about to change in the most radically positive way.
Any fear or anxiety you’ve had about the Great Reset is about to melt away from your shoulders as I show you EXACTLY what they have planned for you and precisely how to avoid becoming a victim to their agenda.
I’ll even show you how to “see into the future” to predict their next move and counter it before it happens.
Plus, you’ll be able to instantly use PROVEN strategies to protect the value of your money from inflation, invest in assets that will continue delivering long-term gains, and set up your financial life to resist the rising cost of goods and maintain a comfortable lifestyle long into retirement.
On top of that, you’ll be able to find like-minded people online and offline who want to help you live free and “opt out” of the Great Reset agenda.
By creating and joining these communities, you’ll form a network of people to trade in a “parallel economy” outside of the traditional financial system – an underground way to have more resilience, self-sufficiency, and independence.
And if all that wasn’t enough to make you feel confident and in control in the face of economic chaos…
You’ll also be given my secrets for getting things done, taking action, installing positive habits, and always being one step ahead of the parasites in the WEF and Washington.
You’re making the wisest decision possible at this moment in history by joining this masterclass.
Ready to sign up now?