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to get Nicole's FREE recipe book!

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You should have received an email from our email address – [email protected] – that includes the download link for your FREE recipe book. 

I really think you will enjoy the delightful recipes she has put together for you.

Nicole has been a homesteader in Tennessee for over a decade, documenting her experiences and sharing what she learns in the popular Living Free in Tennessee podcast.
After so many years of learning how to survive on her own, she discovered that it’s not enough to simply have more food.

You need a system to make the best use of it.

She will be teaching this system in her upcoming in-depth online class, Nicole’s Power Pantry Workshop.

The Power Pantry Workshop is a complete A-Z system for easily organizing all of your food and managing it like a professional to:

  • Have all the food you love on hand to make your favorite meals without ever having to prep emergency food you’ll never eat anyway
  • Build a long-term supply of food you can depend on even if you have to go months without shopping at a grocery store
  • Never allow any food to spoil or go to waste by using a clever rotation strategy that keeps dry, frozen, and refrigerated food fresh and nutritious
  • Gain “total food transparency” so you always know what you have, how much, and when you need more
  • Make the best use of your space to grow some of your own food and expand your self-reliance
  • Find all the commercial places to buy food (ie grocery stores) and all the uncommon places to buy food (ie farmer’s markets and local farms) to enhance your “local supply chain”

And always ensure you have a surplus of healthy food no matter how bad the food crisis becomes.

Click the button to learn more about the Power Pantry Workshop…

We will be adding you to our email newsletter so you can keep up to day with the latest happenings from Live Free Academy, a company I started to help you create more freedom in your life.

Enjoy the home-cookin’!!!

Talk to you soon,

John Bush