Do you want the power to predict with 98.67% certainty what’s coming next in “The Great Reset”…

…and gracefully evade each attack on your wealth and freedom like Neo dodging bullets in the Matrix?

Every single attempt to restrict your rights, control your money, plunder your property, spy on your activities, regulate your speech, and force you into a social credit score technocratic nightmare can be BLOCKED and OVERCOME.

When they zig you can zag.

When they strike you can counter and parry.

Better yet…

With the right plan in place…

You can MANEUVER around their control schemes altogether and position yourself to:

  • Protect the money you’ve earned from being devalued or stolen…
  • Avoid the risky stock market and move your wealth into assets proven to grow long-term…
  • Strategically set yourself up to make your cost of living and lifestyle “inflation-proof”…
  • Create a “wealth safety net” firmly within your control in case the economy crashes…
  • Shift from being dependent on foreign and national goods to having direct access to food, tools, people, and other resources in your local community…
  • Gain financial sovereignty through the use of alternative currencies and private trade networks…
  • Give your business maximum resiliency against inflation, recession, and censorship…
  • Connect with like-minded people to provide aid, knowledge, skills, and a higher quality of life

And enjoy a comfortable, peaceful, happy existence no matter how bad the economy, crime, or politics becomes…

How can YOU do all of this?

By following the step-by-step plan I give you in…

The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint

A 4-hour masterclass showing you the EXACT blueprint I’ve used to TRIPLE my wealth post-COVID (while most people have been bleeding money)…

EXPAND my freedom (while most people have been suffering under tyranny)…

And GROW my business (while so many have had theirs shut down)

I’m sharing EVERYTHING I know with you for the first time ever in this exclusive masterclass.

Word of warning: after Thursday December 22nd at midnight…I’m taking this offer down.

You will NOT be able to join afterward unless I decide in the future to offer this masterclass again (and I have no plans to do this anytime soon).

The ONLY people who will access will be those who sign up BEFORE December 22nd at midnight.

Ready to get instant access?

You do NOT have to fear The Great Reset if you know how to do 3 things:
Accurately predict what “THEY” are going to do next

Create a proven plan to work around what they’re going to do

Work the plan

Rinse and repeat.

I’ve already beat Klaus Schwab at his own game and I’m going to show you how to do the same.

In fact, I’ll give you my secret “Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework” for seeing through the matrix and forecasting the future, crafting a bulletproof plan of action, gaining the support of people in your life to help you achieve your mission, and moving swiftly toward your goals without anyone standing in your way.

The Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint will show you how to design a life in which “THEY” can’t touch you

The global parasites who think of themselves as the “elites” expect you to just bend over and take it. 

And many people will…

Because they don’t know how the world is changing and don’t have a plan to deal with it.

Without a plan, you’re easily tossed around by the waves of the latest conspiracy theory, government policy, and push for technocracy. 

With a plan, you step into the power of being proactive, intentional, and mission-driven. 

I’m going to show you how to position your life, your money, and your future OUTSIDE of their control and squarely in your own hands.

Here’s EXACTLY what you get inside the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint

The secret behind the Survival Blueprint and the reason why I don’t fear Klaus Schwab or his lame reset

The secret to this blueprint is the framework hidden inside of it.

It’s called the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework:

  • Mindset
  • Strategy
  • Community
  • Action

This framework is the key to my success and the reason why I no longer live in fear but live in abundance and optimism.

I’ve used the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework over and over again to guard and grow my wealth, invest in income-producing assets that no one can take from me, create a network and community of like-minded freedom-loving people, and build the life of my dreams.

This framework forms the core of the blueprint for surviving and thriving through the Great Financial Reset.

Once you understand this framework and how it works, you can immediately put it into action without learning anything more from me – it’s that powerful.

You’ll discover:

  • How I’ve gone from dead broke and raising 2 kids – being kicked out of a crappy apartment AND a rundown bus I once called home – to living on a 10-acre homestead in gorgeous West Texas with an off-grid energy setup, thriving permaculture space, and more freedom than I ever thought possible
  • What exactly the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework is, how it works, and why it can make the difference between struggling to survive and striding past your goals with ease
  • How to never become a victim of the Great Reset agenda
  • What you should focus all of your time, money, and attention on if you want to be happy, free, and abundant

And more!

The Mindset you must adopt to conquer fear and confusion and achieve your greatest goals

The first part of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework is Mindset.

The Great Reset will be successful in controlling your life if and only if you adopt the mindset of a helpless victim. 

All control starts in the mind.

I will show you how to install a powerful mindset that protects you from the propaganda, fearmongering, and “mental viruses” holding you back from financial abundance and security.

You’ll know:

  • How to flip a “switch” in your mind to turn off negativity and hopelessness and turn on optimism and empowerment for maximum motivation toward your goals
  • What you can’t control in life and what you CAN control (knowing the difference will save you from wasting your time and money on pointless activities that lead nowhere)
  • Why you should always be striving to have more money (not for more stuff but so you can have more of THIS – the key to freedom)
  • The difference between wealth and financial independence

Plus much more!

The simple methods of financial and geopolitical analysis even an 8-year-old can use to forecast the future of the economy and government policy

If I start talking about financial jargon and economics most people’s eyes will glaze over and they’ll stop listening.

That’s exactly what the money manipulators want.

They don’t want you to understand how they’ve rigged the system against you.

But I have the unique ability to take complex problems and topics and condense them into easy-to-understand lessons.

In fact, I’ve even taught my 8-year-old son some of what I’m going to teach you here. That’s not a dig at anyone who doesn’t easily get this stuff. It’s not easy to get.

I’m only saying that I can teach this stuff so well that even an 8-year-old can pick it up fast (and to be fair to my son, he’s quite bright).

The point is, YOU will have no problem at all understanding what I teach. It will stick in your brain like glue and bring into clarity the mysteries of how the so-called “global elite” distort the economy for their gain and your loss – and how to turn the tables on them. 

You’ll realize:

  • The TRUTH about central banking and the Federal Reserve (hint: it’s a house of cards built on lies and fraud)
  • What actually causes inflation (and why it will get worse)
  • Klaus Schwab’s plan to usher in an age of Marxism mixed with fascism under the disguise of a new form of capitalism
  • The most dangerous government invention in the history of mankind being rolled out globally (and what to do RIGHT NOW to design your social life, business, and future so that you’re never fully dependent on using it, unlike the rest of humanity)
  • How to analyze financial trends for yourself so you never have to rely upon any “experts” to do it for you (including me)
  • The tools and technology governments use to engineer society and how to make yourself immune to the manipulation

And SO MUCH more!

The proven wealth-building Strategies to thrive in the *new economy* (and which ones to use based on your current finances, goals, and skills)

This is the CORE of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework.

You need a step-by-step straight path you can follow to maneuver through the Great Reset agenda and come out on the other side of it better off than before.

But everyone’s strategy will be different.

There are 3 types of people I’m helping with the Survival Blueprint:

  1. Those with little wealth
  2. Those with some wealth (and progressively earning more)
  3. Those with a lot of wealth

I’ve included in this section of the Survival Blueprint a “grab bag” of the most powerful and PROVEN wealth-building strategies and principles for each type of person above.

And by the end of this part of the masterclass, you’ll know how to confidently craft a custom plan for you and your family. 

You’ll understand:

  • The best way to set personal and financial goals (including a simple method I use for every goal every time)
  • How to create a strategic action plan for yourself and do it again and again for any outcomes you want to achieve
  • Why the old model of college > career > retirement plan is BROKEN and can’t be repaired (and why you will suffer the most if you don’t abandon it immediately)
  • The NEW model for achieving financial sovereignty and abundance in the new economy that I’ve used to triple my net worth and become freer and more prosperous than I’ve ever been in my life…AFTER COVID (and how you can do the same)
  • The #1 most important investment you can ever make in your life (and why you should keep investing more time and money into it for decades to come)
  • Don’t want to “eat the bugs” or feast on lab grown meat? Invest in THIS and never worry about food shortages again
  • The key technologies you can use to keep the lights on and stay warm in the winter without depending on the centralized energy grid (this is also a proven way to bring down your costs at a time of insane energy prices)
  • How to get a raise and boost your income if you work for an employer
  • How to start a simple, profitable side hustle to earn more money (and maybe eventually quit your job)
  • Why you should NOT invest your money into anything except THIS and only THIS until you earn enough to comfortably pay all your bills with ease and have extra money to play with (critical investment advice for the young and hungry out there)
  • The “Plan B” everyone should have (and what it MUST include for maximum safety and security)
  • Clever financial vehicles that provide more liquid cash to invest in the things you want and need without having to take out loans from banks
  • How to use debt to grow your wealth (rather than letting debt drain your wealth)
  • The most important long-term investments to get into now (PLUS, the huge investment opportunity on the horizon to jump on when the economy inevitably crashes)

Plus a TON more!

The power of finding and building a Community and team of like-minded people for maximum freedom

Wealth, freedom, security, happiness…

NONE of this is possible without the help of other people. 

In fact, people may be the most undervalued “investment” on the planet.

Most investors look at stocks, real estate, currencies, precious metals, etc. as their primary investments. 

But if your goal is safety and freedom from the Great Financial Reset, then people will be your greatest asset.

You’ll discover:

  • How creating or joining an intentional community of like-minded people in your local area gives you the best chance to “opt out” of tyrannical mandates
  • Why community is key if you want healthy and fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and meat (and how to leverage your community to have all the bountiful food you could ask for)
  • Why simply joining an online community can massively increase your freedom
  • How to build or participate in a “parallel economy” with people in your community that’s outside of the traditional economic system (this is one of the golden keys to ultimate freedom that The Great Reset can never take away from you)
  • How to do business and trade “underground” with people in your community
  • Why you should work for or hire like-minded folks in your community to build an even stronger “parallel economy” that can’t be censored or shut down

And more!

The secret to making the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint work: take MASSIVE ACTION

Action is the final and most important part of the Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework.

It’s the key to the whole system.

You can know precisely what’s going to happen next with the Great Reset and have the best plan in the world to overcome it but if you don’t take action then it’s meaningless.

My goal with this masterclass is not merely to give you tactics and strategies.

It’s to fire you up!

Inspire you!

And motivate you to do what you know you must do to be healthy, wealthy, happy, and free in the face of great economic and political shifts.

You’ll gain:

  • Concrete methods for taking everything you learned in this masterclass and putting it into a workable, custom plan that works for your goals
  • Self-motivation techniques to push yourself to keep going even when things get tough
  • Powerful habits to stay productive and focused
  • A simple practice to ensure you keep checking in with your plan and putting it into action

And plenty more.

You get a PREMIUM ADD-ON to the Survival Blueprint…

The Make More Money Masterclass

This is one of the best and most valuable courses I’ve ever taught that is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE.

It’s designed for those who want to make more money at their job…start a profitable side hustle…or grow a successful business.

Inside this 7-hour masterclass you’ll discover DOZENS of simple, painless, and uncomplicated ways to increase your income by at least a few hundred dollars each month, including:

  • How to upgrade your “money mindset” to make income increases feel good and become natural to you
  • The habits and behaviors of high-earners that you can adopt right now to begin making more money
  • Proven ways to make your employer WANT to give you more money (including the secrets my own employees have used to practically FORCE ME to pay them more)
  • The top side hustles ANYONE can do morning, evening, or on the weekends (and how to balance your time between your regular job and your side hustle)
  • Successful side hustles that many people I personally know have started and are still doing years later with great success that doesn’t require much money or resources to start up
  • The principles behind scaling up a side hustle to continually make more money – enough to quit your job and commit to it full-time.
  • How I took over a failing natural health supplement company and turned it into a thriving business that’s still going strong almost 10 years later

And a whole lot more!

On top of the Premium Add-On and the Survival Blueprint…

You also get 4 EXCLUSIVE BONUSES normally only available to Live Free Academy members, but are yours for FREE when you join the masterclass on this page:

BONUS #1 - Four Critical Investments for Any Sovereign Person Looking to Build Wealth and Exit the Matrix

In this special session I reveal:

  • The #1 investment you should make every single day (this is the investment above all other investments, without it you’ll never be free or prosperous)
  • The investment that puts your wealth under your own control without anyone being able to stop you from earning the money you deserve
  • The most important investment to make to fully exit the rigged fiat money system and build a decentralized and free alternative economy
  • The investment at the heart of freedom, that which America was built on, that forms the foundation for ALL other forms of wealth for generations
  • How to multiply your income and wealth from these 4 investments

And more!

BONUS #2 - Thriving in the New Economy by Providing Value to Your Community

In this unique session you’ll discover:

  • The universal key to success in life, business, and even political activism (it’s the same key I’ve used to meet and befriend some of the greatest minds in the “liberty movement” over the years)
  • How to unlock countless opportunities around you and move from a place of poverty to prosperity
  • The need and purpose of mutual aid and reciprocity in building groups and networks of like-minded, freedom-loving people who collaborate to achieve big goals that would be impossible to reach individually. 
  • The essential actions you must take NOW which will be the difference between barely surviving or effortlessly thriving as the economy crashes and transforms over the coming years
  • How anyone, no matter their age, skills, or knowledge, can add tremendous value to their friends, family, and community
  • The proven roadmap for building wealth through building relationships
  • Why, if you hope to survive a crashing economy, serving others is the easiest and most guaranteed path to riches (both material and spiritual)

Plus much more!

BONUS #3 - An Easy-To-Understand Glossary of Key Financial Jargon and Great Reset Terms

You shouldn’t have to feel overwhelmed and frustrated when learning about finances, investments, and the Great Reset agenda. 

I want to make sure you know EXACTLY what I or anyone else is talking about when discussing these subjects. 

You’re going to learn beginner and advanced wealth-building strategies. 

This glossary will make sure you never get lost or confused and have a quick reference to instantly understand what I’m talking about. 

Plus, I’m going to show you how deep the Great Reset agenda goes and the fundamental policies, plans, and methods they’re using in an attempt to socially engineer society and control the masses. 

This glossary will help you grasp what I teach and make it easy to remember it all later and even explain it to others. 

Consider this glossary a “skeleton key” to the big ideas and concepts you’re going to learn.

BONUS #4 - The Great Financial Reset Response Webinar

This is the most popular webinar I’ve ever done and provides a broad overview of how the Great Reset works, how it’s changing our world forever, what’s coming next, and how to protect your wealth and freedom from being stolen by Klaus Schwab and company.

This webinar is now ONLY available right here as a bonus. It can’t be found anywhere else on the internet anymore.
In it, you’ll discover:

  • The shocking ways central banks drive inflation and create recessions and depressions
  • The three control vectors that the Great Reset is using to radically shape our world
  • How the manager of the Bank of International Settlements will have “absolute control” of your money
  • My investment framework for growing your wealth, taking control of your money, and keeping your assets out of the hands of the technocrats
  • The ONLY tool that will enable you to do business online and outside the scope of the CBDC control grid
  • How you can tap into a network of 34k+ solutionaries working tirelessly to create more freedom

Plus much more!

If we were to add up everything you get in the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint it would show:

The Live Free Academy Empowerment Framework to guard and grow your wealth, invest in income-producing assets, create a network and community of like-minded freedom-loving people, and build the life of my dreams


Mindset secrets to banish fear, confusion, and propaganda for maximum motivation toward your biggest goals


Powerful methods of financial and geopolitical analysis to accurately forecast what the parasites behind the Great Reset will do next (and how to counter their agenda)


Proven wealth-building strategies I’ve used to triple my income post-COVID and invest in assets under my control that deliver long-term gains


Methods and insights to join or create thriving communities of like-minded people for mutual aid, enhanced food production, financial support, and to trade in “parallel economies” outside of the control of the traditional economic system


Habits and techniques for crafting a custom survival blueprint, taking massive action, and always moving forward toward your dreams and goals


The Make More Money Masterclass revealing dozens of simple, painless, and uncomplicated ways to increase your income by at least a few hundred dollars each month


BONUS #1 – Four Critical Investments for Any Sovereign Person Looking to Build Wealth and Exit the Matrix


BONUS #2 – Thriving in the New Economy by Providing Value to Your Community


BONUS #3 – An Easy-To-Understand Glossary of Key Financial Jargon and Great Reset Terms


The TOTAL value of the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint is $1,820

But I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible conquer and overcome the Great Reset, so there’s no way I’m charging $1,820 for the Survival Blueprint…

I’m not even going to charge $820

And I briefly considered charging $320, but I want to make this affordable for everyone so I slashed $320, too…


For a limited time only…

You can join the Great Financial Reset Survival Blueprint for just $127

This masterclass goes LIVE on October 29th at 12PM Central

Word of warning: after it goes LIVE…I’m taking it down.

You will NOT be able to join afterward unless I decide in the future to offer this masterclass again (and I have no plans to do this anytime soon). 

The ONLY people who will receive a replay will be those who sign up BEFORE it goes LIVE.

Ready to sign up now?

You’ve now arrived at a crossroads…
You can either choose to empower yourself with the Survival Blueprint…
Or face the Great Financial Reset on your own without a plan…

If you choose to abandon the plan I’m giving you, I hope you have some kind of backup. 

The reason the “global elites” are so good at stamping out people’s rights, controlling governments, and forcing their agenda on the world is they live on a mission to dominate. 

They have a brutal plan and they’re pushing full steam ahead no matter what. 

And they believe they’ll win because they know most people don’t understand how they’re changing the economy and have no plan at all to overcome their policies. 

I’m worried that you’ll lose far more money from your savings and retirement accounts due to inflation and stock market swings. I’m afraid you will be trapped in the new cashless, surveillance money system being implemented right now through central bank digital currencies. 

And I’m troubled by the thought of you having no way to escape social credit system controls forming in the new economy. 

I truly wish you all the best and I thank you for at least seeing what this masterclass could do for you. 


If you choose to take the Survival Blueprint and put it into action…

Then your life and finances are about to change in the most radically positive way. 

Any fear or anxiety you’ve had about the Great Reset is about to melt away from your shoulders as I show you EXACTLY what they have planned for you and precisely how to avoid becoming a victim to their agenda. 

I’ll even show you how to “see into the future” to predict their next move and counter it before it happens. 

Plus, you’ll be able to instantly use PROVEN strategies to protect the value of your money from inflation, invest in assets that will continue delivering long-term gains, and set up your financial life to resist the rising cost of goods and maintain a comfortable lifestyle long into retirement. 

On top of that, you’ll be able to find like-minded people online and offline who want to help you live free and “opt out” of the Great Reset agenda. 

By creating and joining these communities, you’ll form a network of people to trade in a “parallel economy” outside of the traditional financial system – an underground way to have more resilience, self-sufficiency, and independence. 

And if all that wasn’t enough to make you feel confident and in control in the face of economic chaos…

You’ll also be given my secrets for getting things done, taking action, installing positive habits, and always being one step ahead of the parasites in the WEF and Washington. 

You’re making the wisest decision possible at this moment in history by joining this masterclass.

Ready to sign up now?