For anyone operating (or who wants to run) a business, nonprofit, intentional community, healing center, farm, or other organization in service to others who desire freedom from government controls, then you’re ready for…

The Trinity Law Method Masterclass
Revealing the 3 most powerful and proven lawful ways to be exempted from numerous federal taxes and state regulations…
…while restoring your God-given rights, protecting your wealth and well-being for generations to come, and living in alignment with Natural Law (not man’s law)
This is the ONLY publicly available training on the Trinity Law Method.
You’ll see how to:
- Turn an organization - whatever it is - into a Private Membership Association (PMA) for maximum freedom to provide products and services outside of the jurisdiction of numerous government laws and regulations
- Start a 508c1a church or foundation to become exempt from federal income taxes
- Open a Common Law Trust to protect wealth and assets and properly pass them on to heirs (while avoiding inheritance taxes)
- Make a PMA and Trust auxiliaries of a 508c1a church for maximum freedom, privacy, and prosperity
And how to do it all whether you live in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the UK or elsewhere.
Plus… You’ll get a FREE 30-day test drive of The Accelerator – the programs and community for exiting the system and building a life of maximum liberty and prosperity

The Accelerator includes:
- Access to 11 in-depth trainings in addition to the bonuses you’re receiving with the Money Magnet Masterclass covering bitcoin investing, finding the best homestead land and funding it, using crypto for uncensorable transactions, permaculture strategies, regenerative agriculture techniques, and much more
- Two powerful monthly masterclasses only available for Accelerator members - Basic Building Blocks for Starting and Growing a Small Business + How to Accept Crypto in Your Online or Brick and Mortar Business
- Access to a community of hardcore action takers looking to help everyone else in the community reach their goals as fast as possible
- The chance to work with me directly to create a step-by-step plan for increasing your income (while gaining extra help from community members)
- Access to the Exit and Build Activation Plan - your own personal “Agenda 2030” for freedom
Plus a whole lot more!
NOTE: This is not just “another subscription.” It’s my personal secret society for liberty to give you the training, guidance, and motivation you need to create a life of unmatched freedom, prosperity, and independence as fast as possible.
Don’t worry - you WILL receive reminders when your test drive of The Accelerator is coming to an end so you can either cancel or continue as a member. And if you run into any issues, our world-class customer support team will help you resolve them quickly and courteously.

Here’s EVERYTHING you get with the Trinity Law Method Masterclass today:
- The Trinity Law Method Masterclass - $2997 value
- Part 1 - The principles of operating in the Private Realm
- Part 2 - The complete strategy behind the Trinity Law Method
- Part 3 - The proven Trinity tactics to prosper in the private realm
- The Trinity Law Decoder - 6 simple guides to demystify each part of the Trinity to easily understand and apply them for greater freedom and prosperity - $1297 Value
- Weiss's Concise Trustee Handbook
- PMA Agreement Example
- The 508c1a Strategy Guide
- Glossary of Private Realm terms for sovereignty
- Trinity Law Method FAQ sheet
- 508c1a Comparison-Info Chart
- BONUS #1: Aligning with Your Divine Purpose and Choosing Faith over Fear - $397 value
- BONUS #2: A Manual for Freedom: The Peaceful Sovereign's Path by Morgan Langan - $297 value
- BONUS #3: GUIDE: How to Get an EIN Number for Your Trinity Organization(s) - $297 value
- BONUS #4: Access to the private Trinity Law Method Telegram Group - $597 value
- Exclusive FREE 30-day test drive of The Accelerator membership training program and community - $1,118 value
Total value = $7,000
But you are NOT going to pay $7,000…
We want as many people as possible to know how to EXIT the “Public Realm” and BUILD the freest and most prosperous lives possible in the “Private Realm”…
While serving others according to their highest purpose and aligning themselves with Divine Law rather than man’s law…
Which is why you can get everything in the Trinity Law Method Masterclass for…

fill out your information below

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Join The Trinity Law Method by Friday, June 21st to get this FAST ACTION BONUS
The PMA Triple Pack ($697 value)
#1) The Ins & Outs of Private Membership Associations (exclusive Live Free Academy members-only video interview with Mike Colomb)
- How PMAs can be used to protect your rights from bureaucrats, grow a successful business outside of the regulatory state, and give the government a giant middle finger while growing your wealth and prosperity
#2) Freedom is Alive and Well in the Private Domain (special video presentation from Mike Colomb at the Exit and Build Land Summit 3)
- How to invoke your rights and keep your business “in the private” using Private Membership Associations(plus numerous examples of successful and well-known PMAs)
#3) Land Patents and PMAs with Mike Colomb & Ron Gibson (in-depth Q&A video session from the Exit and Build Land Summit 3)
- Mike Colomb fields questions about PMAs since he’s helped people legally sell certain products such as raw milk even in jurisdictions where it’s technically illegal, offer alternative medical care in jurisdictions where Big Pharma and Big Medicine have lobbied against them, and more for decades.
- Ron Gibson fields questions on Land Patents since he’s been helping people legally restore their property rights, fight back against eminent domain, prevent their land from being taken even when the owner falls behind in property taxes, and more for decades.
This limited-time offer ENDS on June 21st at midnight central time.
Here's what Jonathan England - the founder of Earthwaking Village - has said about working with Bradley Logan and the Trinity Law Method for his intentional community
(This was taken from an exclusive webinar between John Bush and Bradley Logan)

“…so inspiring and helps to keep me going…”

“…grateful to have such a valuable resource…”
My partner, Melissa, and I have taken several webinars/courses through Live Free Academy. They are extremely informative and we are grateful to have such a valuable resource available.
For two decades I thought “Common Law” and “Sovereign” strategies for escaping the matrix were total BS

My name is John Bush and I’ve been doing everything possible to break free from the matrix of control over my life for 22 years.
I’ve done it all:
- Worked with multiple political candidates (including Ron Paul)
- Lobbied to change legislation locally (and succeeded)
- Traded goods with precious metals and cryptocurrency
- Operated a Bitcoin mine
- Co-created a global agorist and counter-economics movement
- Created local underground trading networks
- Started multiple successful businesses
- Produced countless informational podcasts
- Invested in a 10-acre off-grid homestead and converted it into an intentional community with multiple members
And so much more!
Throughout it all, the idea of a “Common Law” or “Natural law” or “Sovereign” type of strategies kept coming up and I REFUSED to believe in them.
I was convinced that the government would never return freedom to you just because you dot the I’s, cross the T’s, and file the right documents.
Then I met Bradley Logan and he revealed how to lawfully gain freedom from the matrix using a tried-and-proven method

Bradley had been a successful commercial real estate attorney for decades. Then, his wife was diagnosed with cancer.
On their search for a less invasive, less toxic path to healing, they found a healing center that specializes in plant medicine.
The results were amazing.
Traditionally licensed doctors would be restricted from offering the medicine and healing protocols used for his ex-wife.
But this healing center was established using little-known lawful vehicles that granted them freedom from a variety of regulations.
This experience opened Bradley’s eyes to the reality that operating his law firm as an LLC with a legal license was a designation keeping him trapped in the matrix.
Bradley started pulling back the curtain on the tyranny of the legal matrix, revealing a way to serve others while lawfully remaining sovereign from many regulations and even some taxes.
What he realized was there were two realms he could operate in:
The “Public Realm” or the “Private Realm.”
So, being an activist and an innovator, Bradley launched headfirst into bridging the gap from the Public to the Private.
He figured out a way to practice law according to Divine Law to escape the boot of man-made laws.
This was the beginning of what would become the Trinity Law Method.
Soon after, Bradley began helping doctors who were legally not allowed to offer certain treatments to their patients. He showed them how to operate OUTSIDE of their licenses using the Trinity Law Method, which liberated them from oppressive rules and allowed them to offer a more holistic approach to healing.
Transitioning to a model based on the Trinity gave them more freedom while being less under the control of government bureaucracies and their ridiculous rules.
Everything snowballed from there.
Now, Bradley has helped hundreds of people through his company – Prosperous Legacy Advisers – successfully apply the Trinity Law Method in their lives and organizations.
My wife Rebecca and I have even brought Bradley into our project to develop a massive intentional community ecovillage here in Central Texas.
And I believe YOU need Bradley’s Trinity Law Method more than ever because…
Right now you’re trapped in the “Public Realm” - the government’s legal matrix of rules, regulations, and taxes to control you from birth to death

The Public Realm is a twisted version of true law. It’s riddled with unjust rules and regulations, oppressive taxes, and overcomplication.
Staying plugged into the Public Realm means you’re funding and supporting (without your consent):
- The wars in Gaza and Ukraine
- The WHO’s pandemic treaties
- The creation of secret bioweapons in faraway labs
- The imprisonment of whistleblowers
- The mass surveillance of free people
- The rise of the police state
- The growth of Big Pharma
And so much more.
As long as you remain in the Public Realm, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be have the LEGAL ability to use and abuse you and your property for their own terrible agendas.
This is NOT something you can afford to push aside or not believe in.
Not in good conscience.
Not if you care about living in alignment with your values.
Not if you believe in reducing the harm caused by our enemies.
But you no longer have to be a pawn in their game.
You can escape to the “Private Realm” to exempt yourself from the federal income tax, lawfully bypass numerous regulations for selling products and services, and put your wealth and assets securely and privately under your control

The Private Realm is based on true Common Law.
It’s the original realm in which we as free, powerful, beautiful human beings are meant to exist.
This is the realm that’s governed by Natural Law.
Where we have the ability to:
- Share our gifts (products and services) with others without government regulations getting in the way
- Avoid needing to open an LLC, S-Corp, or C-corp (no corporation of any kind required to do business, serve others, and operate an organization)
- Keep our wealth and resources private and secure and ready to be passed on to our heirs without inheritance taxes
And live out our divine purpose.
And guess what?
The Public Realm – this legal matrix with all of its complicated codes and control schemes – will allow you to opt out if you use the right strategies in the right way for the right purpose.
The Trinity Law Method is the ultimate “bridge” from the Public Realm to the Private Realm

Rather than going through politics, entrepreneurialism, or agorism…
The Trinity Law Method presents a middle path between them all.
The matrix recognizes that they can’t touch you when you’ve properly aligned your life, your organization, your service offerings, and everything else under Natural Law and provide the necessary agreements, documents, and declarations to satisfy their codes.
That’s what you’re going to discover in the Trinity Law Method Masterclass.
Once you realize that you’re already sovereign and living under Natural Law, you just need to take the proper steps to fully align with it.
The truth is, we’ve signed agreements, accepted legal fictions, and used the language and processes of the matrix to run our lives without knowing it.
The Trinity Law Method helps you UNDO some of the damage of willingly playing their game in the Public Realm.
It also brings you back in alignment with the true law of the universe which says you can do what you want to serve those who need your gifts without paying certain taxes to the beast system and without following many of their arbitrary rules.
But this is NOT a magic bullet.
It’s not a “do it and forget it” type of strategy.
Escaping the Public Realm to enter the Private Realm is like playing a grand game of legal chess against the government (but you’ve never been taught the rules of the game or the best strategies to win)
First you have to awaken to the reality that you’re playing a game.
Most people are totally asleep.
But once you realize it’s a game, you need to know how to play it and how to win.
Other strategies like LLCs, S-Corps, C-corps, and certain non-profits are all strategies you can use in this chess game to try and gain a little more freedom, but NONE of them actually allow you to break free from the legal matrix.
But with the right strategy…
You can make the right moves in the right order…
And secure more freedom, prosperity, and spiritual alignment than you ever thought possible.

But there are NO guarantees with any strategy.
The government may try to make a counter-move and try to prevent you from moving under Natural Law.
But with the right principles in place, you’ll know how to make your next move.
And so on.
It’s all about playing the game.
Because if you don’t play the game, then you’ll for sure be trapped in the legal matrix.
But at least when you step up to play, and play to win by following proven principles and strategies, you have an outstanding opportunity to move your life and livelihood under Natural Law.
That’s exactly what Bradley and I are going to show you how to do.

The Trinity Law Method Masterclass
Only available to the public on this page, revealing how to:
- Turn an organization – whatever it is – into a Private Membership Association (PMA) for maximum freedom to provide products and services outside of the jurisdiction of numerous government laws and regulations
- Start a 508c1a church or foundation to become exempt from federal income taxes
- Open a Non-Statutory Trust to protect wealth and assets and properly pass them on to heirs (while avoiding inheritance taxes)
- Make a PMA and Trust auxiliaries of a 508c1a church for maximum freedom, privacy, and prosperity
And how to do it all whether you live in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the UK or elsewhere.
But before you join…
There are 3 requirements you MUST have to make use of The Trinity Law Method

Requirement #1: You must be operating (or desire to run) a business, nonprofit, intentional community, healing center, or any other organization that’s in service to others
The Trinity Law Method is NOT for individuals. This isn’t a “Sovereign Citizen” thing.
“Being in service to others” is a key requirement.
But this covers a huge range of opportunities.
The Trinity Law Method can work for you if you operate a:
- Product or service-based business
- Nonprofit or not-for-profit
- Intentional community
- Farm
- Farmers market
- Health and fitness retreat
- Healing center
And much, much more!
The Trinity Law Method Masterclass is also right for you if you work for an organization like the above.
I would even encourage you to join if you simply want more information about the Trinity Law Method without intending to fully use it.
Just know, however, that the Trinity Law Method will NOT work for you if you’re only interested in reducing your taxes just for the sake of reducing your taxes.
The reason you should want to exit the Public Realm and enter the Private Realm is because you recognize the harm being done to you and those you serve by the legal matrix and you want to help WEAKEN this beast system by withdrawing your support of it while at the same time STRENGTHEN your sovereignty, your organization’s mission, your ability to serve, and your alignment with your values.

Requirement #2: You must be in service to others as part of a spiritual or religious faith
Whether you’re Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, a new age mystic, or something else – you have to be driven to serve others because of your faith in a higher purpose.
This is the KEY to being able to exempt yourself and your organization from various federal taxes.
Because you can’t get the 508c1a designation without having a legitimate and strong faith in a form of spirituality.
But that’s just the practical reason why you have to faith in a higher power…
The deeper reason is because you’re on this earth to do God’s work (whoever or whatever you consider God to be).
The Trinity Law Method is designed to bring you under Natural Law designed by God.
But this method ONLY works for those who are genuinely in service to others and are doing so because of a spiritual calling.

Requirement #3: The willingness to operate outside of the existing system (and try new methods to make it work)
The Trinity Law Method may feel overwhelming. Or you may believe you can’t do it.
But if you’re going to legitimately opt out of many regulations and taxes, change your relationship with the government, and serve your people and your creator at the highest level, then you have to be willing to try new things.
Remember, this isn’t merely a physical or lawful exercise in freedom. You’re embarking on a spiritual journey and have to become a new and improved person to reach the highest levels of sovereignty.
- WARNING: You CANNOT use this method at all if you’re doing it fraudulently
You can’t receive the full protection and benefits of fo the Trinity Method if you don’t come from the space of doing God’s work
The core of this is doing God’s work
You can’t have this without that
Highlight 3 case studies of this method in action, working in the real world
Case Study 1: Earthwaking Village
Jonathan Englage was already operating a 508c1a church but Bradley helped him establish a Private Membership Association and now Jonathan is running with this model and is even teaching a version of the Trinity to his own inner circle.
Case Study 2: Grace Grove Retreat Center
Morgan Langan co-founded Grace Grove Retreat Center Just outside of Sedona, Arizona co-founded Grace Grove Retreat Center Just outside of Sedona, Arizona
The masterclass is broken into 3 parts

Part 1 - The principles of operating in the Private Realm
Part 1 of the Trinity Law Method Masterclass dives deep into the philosophy, principles, and practices of operating in the Private Realm vs the Public Realm. Before you learn about strategies and tactics, you need to understand the ins and outs of this new “game” you’re playing and how to win.
You’ll discover:
- How the “Public Realm” violates natural law, causes mass suffering, and chains you to a system of unending oppression (this is why you need to do everything in your power to escape it)
- How the “Private Realm” puts you into alignment with your highest values, removes your support of the beast system, and allows you to prosper while serving others in the most spiritually fulfilling and effective way possible
- The hidden history and evolution of the current legal matrix (or, how the Federal Reserve, IRS, FDA and others were created to ensnare you)
- Why man’s law is mostly just a perversion of God’s law (and how to break free from man’s jurisdiction and bring yourself back under God’s Natural Law, where you belong)
- The practical and common sense approach to law
- How you’re unknowingly imprisoning yourself in the legal matrix right now (you’re going to need THIS to set yourself free)
- How to formally break the “contracts” with the Public Realm (and why you must make NEW agreements to lawfully sign your way into the Private Realm)
$1,597 value

Part 2 - The complete strategy behind the Trinity Law Method and how it works to liberate you from the legal matrix
Part 2 of this masterclass breaks down the 3 parts of the Trinity Law Method, how they work individually to lawfully liberate you and your organization in a variety of ways, and then, how they interoperate together to form the ultimate bridge from the Public Realm to the Private Realm.
How the 508c1a ministry gives you tax exemptions that you never thought were possible
The 508c1a ministry or foundation is the crown of the Trinity. It’s at the very top for a reason.
The entire Trinity Law Method hinges on it.
Here’s what it means:
Your organization or service offering MUST be guided by a spiritual faith-based purpose.
It doesn’t matter if you’re running a church, intentional community, private farm, retreat center, medical practice, product-based or service-based business, fitness center, or any other organization that’s in service to others.
You must make a declaration that you’re doing the work you’re doing because you’re on a mission from your creator.
Why does this matter?
For two reasons:
- Because the Trinity Law Method is NOT a simple “avoid taxes” scheme – this is about truly aligning your work with your highest values and heart set on doing good work for a higher purpose in the world
- You can’t experience the benefits of tax exemption status without being on a mission from God (whomever you believe that is)
The First Amendment in America states that you can define religion as whatever and the IRS can’t nitpick the nature of its worship.
You can be a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, new age mystic, or follow any other spiritual tradition.
But in order to secure the 508c1A designation by the Internal Revenue Code, you must meet the attributes of a “church.”
In this module, we’ll break down the 14 legal requirements you must meet to be considered a church or ministry and gain the 508c1a status.
You’ll see the defining documents you have to prepare to meet the requirements and the places you must establish as a church or ministry.
You’ll understand the types of services you must run to maintain your 508c1a status.
And you’ll be shown how to run your organization on a faith-based mission while opting out of numerous filing requirements and federal taxes
Plus much more!
How the Private Membership Association (PMA) provides more freedom to do business with your customers and clients unlike any other legal designation
The Private Membership Association (PMA) is the most well-known strategy of the entire Trinity Law Method and is used by thousands of people to serve others outside of the legal matrix.
This is the second most important part of the Trinity.
While the 508c1a puts the tax authorities in “check”…
The PMA puts the regulatory agencies in check.
It changes the relationship you’re legally allowed to have with your clients and customers – that is, how they pay you for your products and services and how you provide them in exchange.
It also changes your relationship with the government and the court system.
See, an LLC or S-corp or C-corp legally binds you to all sorts of restrictions and rules.
The PMA structure frees you from it all.
PMAs have been used by:
- Alternative medicine and health practitioners offering special care and services to members without regulatory oversight or burdensome licensure fees
- Farmers selling raw milk to members in places where raw milk is prohibited for sale to the general public
- Private clubs allowing smoking indoors for members despite regulations forbidding smoking to the public
- Law practices (such as Bradley Logan’s Prosperous Legacy Advisers) to offer guidance and advice that traditional lawyers can’t
- Intentional communities providing experiences, shelters, products, services, and more that wouldn’t be possible under other legal vehicles such as a Home Owners Association
And the list goes on.
We’ll break down exactly what a PMA is and how it’s completely different from other business or organizational legal structures.
You’ll understand the numerous benefits of a PMA compared with some of the drawbacks so you’re completely informed.
You’ll see the many court precedents that have been set in the last 60+ years recognizing PMAs as legitimate and allowing those who operate a PMA to be in service to others outside of the jurisdiction of many regulations.
Plus much more!
How the Non-Statutory Trust puts your assets, wealth, and capital under lock and key for superior protection from legal threats
The Non-Statutory Trust is the final, pivotal piece that makes the Trinity Law Method so powerful.
Traditionally, a “trust” is something only very high-income individuals and families would set up to protect their wealth and pass it on to their heirs.
But a Non-Statutory Trust is suited for ALL people regardless of their income or current assets. As you grow wealthier, the Non-Statutory Trust is there for you to protect your fortune.
It’s NOT subject to state laws, either.
Common-law trusts are based on private contracts, which are linked to Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution – making them the original form of a trust (and in our opinion, the best kind of trust).
Virtually nothing can come in the way of you and the private contract you create with your Non-Statutory Trust.
It enhances your privacy and security because they’re not required to be registered with the state, which means they’re not part of the public record.
The Non-Statutory Trust keeps your financial affairs totally confidential.
They also have different tax rates and other legal consequences that can be extremely beneficial when used properly.
And they’re an ideal vehicle for passing your wealth through to your children, grandchildren, and others.
In this module, you’ll discover the full nature of a trust and how to set one up.
You’ll see the various roles and responsibilities of managing a trust and acting as a trustee.
You’ll gain a deep understanding of the difference between the different types of trust and why the Non-Statutory Trust is ideal.
You’ll be given guidance on how to establish a trust to best protect your assets and properly steward them for maximum prosperity long into the future.
Plus much more!
How the 508c1a + PMA + Trust creates the ULTIMATE Trinity for lawfully exempting yourself and your organization from numerous taxes and regulations while increasing the quality of your life, organization, and future
Each of the above 3 parts of the Trinity Law Method has been used individually by hundreds of thousands of people to increase their well-being, freedom, and peace of mind.
But only some have successfully combined all 3 into one complete model for maximizing your sovereignty, escaping the Public Realm legal matrix, and aligning themselves with Natural Law to serve their customers and clients at the highest level while staying true to their highest values.
The Trinity Law Method Masterclass is the ONLY publicly available training today that reveals the secrets of combining all 3 of these proven-to-work legal vehicles into a singular strategy for lawful liberation.
In this module, you’ll see why the sum of all 3 is more powerful than any individual part, how to establish all 3 for one organization, and why you should do everything in your power to transition from the Public Realm to the Private Realm using the Trinity Law Method as as fast as possible.
$1,597 value

Part 3 - The proven Trinity tactics to prosper in the private realm
Part 3 of the Trinity Law Method Masterclass brings everything you’ve learned up to this point down to street level and shows you the specific, actionable steps you can and should take to make the best use of this model. This is the nitty-gritty nuts and bolts of using the Trinity to establish a legitimate, lawful, and sovereign organization in the Private Realm.
Part 3 shows you how to:
- Eliminate the need for expensive legal fees (for a CPA and attorney) and minimize other expenses for legacy, succession, and estate planning
- Get a new EIN in the Private Realm through your PMA (one huge leap forward toward a new and better life under Common Law)
- Open a bank account for your PMA
- Smoothly and securely transfer assets from the Public Realm to the Private Realm (such as your 401k)
- Become “judgment proof” to prevent creditors from garnishing your income, levying your assets, or placing a lien on your property
- Switch to being “self-insured” and create your own emergency fund under your own control for medical needs, theft, property damage and more WITHOUT paying outrageous premiums to shady insurance companies
- Title land into your Common Law Trust
Plus much more!
$1,597 value
The Trinity Law Method Masterclass also comes with…

The Trinity Law Decoder
6 simple guides to demystify each part of the Trinity to easily understand and apply them for greater freedom and prosperity
Weiss's Concise Trustee Handbook
99 pages breaking down virtually everything you need to know about Non-Statutory Trusts including the essential basics, the different aspects of this type of trust, what’s possible for you as a “trustee,” transferring assets, winning in legal battles, and so much more. Plus, it’s written for the layman to understand, so you don’t have to be a lawyer to read and apply it.
PMA Agreement Example
This is a sample PMA Agreement that you can model for your own when accepting new members into your Private Membership Association.
The 508c1a Strategy Guide
A comprehensive guide on the power and benefits of a 508c1a with an emphasis on how the IRS views this legal designation. By understanding how they see a 508c1a, you can better use it to your advantage to be exempted from certain federal taxes while acting lawfully.
Glossary of Private Realm terms for sovereignty
A simple and easy-to-understand breakdown of over 24 essential Private Realm terms. Use it as a handy reference as you apply the Trinity Law Method.
Trinity Law Method FAQ sheet
A collection of the most commonly asked questions about PMAs, Non-Statutory Trusts, and 508c1a designations with straightforward, uncomplicated answers for maximum clarity without leaving you confused or overwhelmed.
508c1a Comparison-Info Chart
How an LLC or a traditional 501c3 non-profit compares to the superior 508c1a designation. You’ll be shown the key differences between each in the areas of government jurisdictions, benefits, privileges, and immunities.
$1,297 value

BONUS #1: Aligning with Your Divine Purpose and Choosing Faith over Fear
A 45-minute deep-dive conversation between Bradley Logan and I discussing the transcendental foundations of the Trinity Law Method and the inner work you MUST do to get the full protection and benefits (materially and spiritually) from this method.
- How to go from being an “owner” to a “____” - which unlocks the door to the Private Realm, to fewer regulations over your activity, to fewer tax liabilities, and to more sovereignty and prosperity
- How the Trinity Law Method keeps you OUT of the court system (and even if you found yourself in court for some reason, it would allow you to avoid hiring an expensive and often unnecessary attorney)
- How lawyers construct the legal matrix using special words and how to break free from their control by literally changing the language you use
- How entering the Private Realm aligns you with God’s Natural Law while rebuking the beast system that routinely imprisons, robs, and harm’s our brothers and sisters around the world
- The deeper spiritual journey you must embark on through the Trinity Law Method that goes far beyond the documents, procedures, and all the legal stuff necessary to lawfully opt out of taxes and regulations
- How to share your God-given gifts with those who need them most while at the same time preventing the beast system from stopping you, stealing from you, or controlling you
- How to write your own agreements to bring people into your world that you construct while separating from the matrix illusion
Plus so much more!
$197 value

BONUS #2: A Manual for Freedom: The Peaceful Sovereign's Path by Morgan Langan
This is Morgan Langan’s manifesto about waking up to discover the horrific nightmare behind the shattered American Dream.
He lived an idyllic life enjoying the fruits of multiple successful businesses, hundreds of acres of land, multiple homes and more.
Then it was all stolen from him when a bank using fraudulent paperwork invoked non-judicial foreclosure to evict his family from their home.
But Morgan eventually prevailed, defending himself at every level of the Arizona and Federal court system, reclaiming his land and home, and securing protection from creditors, litigators, and government administrators.
This explosive book condenses thousands of hours of research into a practical process and lays bare Morgan’s journey, the truth about the legal system, and the many proven-to-work strategies and tactics he successfully used to restore his broken dream.
You’ll discover:
- The truth about our enemies - how they think, how they work, and how to beat them at their own game
- The concrete ways our rights, wealth, and future are being stolen from us (and the only methods to take them back)
- The truth about our “unalienable rights” and how to restore them
- How a Common Law Trust can protect your family and assets better than almost any other legal entity and the specific ways to set one up the right way
- The NEW declaration of freedom we ought to sign
- The spiritual foundations of liberty and how to manifest the true American Dream once again
- The incredible gift of this moment in history to change your life and future forever - if you take it
Plus much, much more!
$297 value

BONUS #3: [VIDEO GUIDE] How to Get an EIN Number for Your Trinity Organization(s)
This is a step-by-step, easy-to-follow walkthrough for obtaining an EIN so that you can do your banking with a Private Membership Association (PMA). It also touches on a few ways to use an EIN for a Non-Statutory Trust.
This video guide was made exclusively for clients of Bradley Logan’s Prosperous Legacy Advisors. However, it’s yours FREE when you join The Trinity Law Method Masterclass today.
You’ll discover:
- How to apply for an EIN directly through the IRS
- What you need to know to verify an EIN is right for you
- The tax designation you must check for a PMA
- The “purpose” you must declare with the IRS for creating your EIN
- How to have a third-party open up an EIN for you
- Why the address for receiving your EIN in the mail should be DIFFERENT from the address of your PMA
- Why you should check “No” in all of THESE boxes
- The perfect answer to the question of “What does your business do?” (everyone should choose this option when creating an EIN for their PMA)
- How to describe your “business activity” for maximum regulatory freedom
- The trigger words you must avoid when describing your PMA
- Why you should always have a “faith-based” aspect to your organization and where in the EIN process you should declare this fact
Plus much more!
$297 value

BONUS #4: Access to the private Trinity Law Method Telegram Group
This is the ONLY private group strictly for folks who have committed to the Trinity Law Method.
All of us in the private Trinity Telegram group are working daily on advancing toward a liberated life while clearing any obstacles in our way.
We’re having thoughtful discussions, solving big problems, and making real-world connections with fellow freedom-makers.
Bradley and I are active in the group from time to time, too.
This is the best group you can be a part of next to The Accelerator for ongoing help in setting up the Trinity and being successful with it long-term.
$597 value

10% off coupon for Bradley's Prosperous Legacy Advisers Trinity Membership
$997 value
Join The Trinity Law Method by Friday, June 21st to get this FAST ACTION BONUS
The PMA Triple Pack ($697 value)
#1) The Ins & Outs of Private Membership Associations (exclusive Live Free Academy members-only video interview with Mike Colomb)
- How PMAs can be used to protect your rights from bureaucrats, grow a successful business outside of the regulatory state, and give the government a giant middle finger while growing your wealth and prosperity
#2) Freedom is Alive and Well in the Private Domain (special video presentation from Mike Colomb at the Exit and Build Land Summit 3)
- How to invoke your rights and keep your business “in the private” using Private Membership Associations(plus numerous examples of successful and well-known PMAs)
#3) Land Patents and PMAs with Mike Colomb & Ron Gibson (in-depth Q&A video session from the Exit and Build Land Summit 3)
- Mike Colomb fields questions about PMAs since he’s helped people legally sell certain products such as raw milk even in jurisdictions where it’s technically illegal, offer alternative medical care in jurisdictions where Big Pharma and Big Medicine have lobbied against them, and more for decades.
- Ron Gibson fields questions on Land Patents since he’s been helping people legally restore their property rights, fight back against eminent domain, prevent their land from being taken even when the owner falls behind in property taxes, and more for decades.
This limited-time offer ENDS on June 21st at midnight central time.
On top of all that…

The Accelerator will fast-track your “Exit” from tyranny and technocracy so you can “Build” a life of unmatched liberty and prosperity faster than you ever thought possible through PERSONAL guidance, training, and accountability from my wife Rebecca and I (and our community).
Working with you month after month in an intimate, tight-knit communal setting is the BEST way for us to help you fast-track toward your goals and rapidly manifest your dreams of living a fulfilled, sovereign life.
During this 30-day FREE test drive, you’ll be able to access all of the trainings and community groups and participate in every event.
NOTE: This is not just “another subscription.” It’s my personal secret society for liberty to give you the training, guidance, and motivation you need to create a life of unmatched freedom, prosperity, and independence as fast as possible.
Don’t worry - you will receive numerous reminders when your test drive of The Accelerator is coming to an end so you can either cancel or continue as a member. And if you run into any issues, our world-class customer support team will help you resolve them quickly and courteously.
Now, let’s see what you’ll get inside The Accelerator…

NEW Monthly Masterclasses
Every month, I teach a NEW masterclass covering some aspect of increasing your wealth and freedom using cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship, and the counter-economy.
These are always up-to-date and cutting-edge trainings on what’s working right now.
They’re practical, actionable, and immediately useful.
During your test drive, you’ll gain instant access to past masterclasses such as:
Basic Building Blocks for Starting and Growing a Small Business
I give a detailed overview of how to create a compelling WHY behind your business, develop the right products or services, establish a powerful marketing and sales system, deliver a great service to your customers, scale your business long-term, and much more.
Crypto Commerce: How to Accept Crypto in Your Online or Brick and Mortar Business
I walk you step-by-step through setting up the tech and tools to accept the top cryptocurrencies in exchange for your products and services. This is a super simple walkthrough designed for total beginners.
Plus many more masterclasses!

Monthly John’s Crypto Office Hour Sessions
The Bitcoin and wider crypto space is constantly changing.
From the 2024 Bitcoin halving to new legislation regulating the crypto industry to price fluctuations to Bitcoin ETFs and so much more…
We’re in a constant state of flux.
Most people don’t have the time to stay up-to-date on what’s happening.
I’ve made it my job to do that for you.
In fact, I’m OBSESSED with it. I’m constantly learning new tactics and strategies, upgrading my knowledge base, and staying involved in many cryptocurrency related masterminds and groups.
Every month, you’ll get to join a group coaching and empowerment session where you can ask me ANY questions related to cryptocurrency and your involvement with it.
If you’re struggling with an investment strategy or tech issue, I’ll be there to help you.
You’ll get direct feedback from me on your unique situation – something I normally charge $499/hour in consulting fees to do. But it’s yours free during your test drive of The Accelerator.
The Accelerator also gives you access to…

The Exit and Build Activation Plan
Your own unique “Freedom Agenda 2030” step-by-step blueprint to accelerate you from where you are to the life of liberty and prosperity you desire (and deserve).

The Activators Online Community
A powerful space to make new friends, business partners, movement leaders, and more who are on a journey to reclaim their liberty and live the freest life possible while helping you and keeping you accountable along the way.

Monthly “John’s Crypto Office Hours”
Every month you’ll get to join a group coaching and empowerment session with John Bush to ask him ANY questions and chat about any development in the rapidly changing crypto space and get personal, direct feedback.

Discounts on in person events
All members of The Accelerator will get big discount on tickets they purchase to Live Free Academy events.

Bitcoin Basics for Boomers and Beginners (EXCLUSIVE BONUS COURSE) - $2,987 value
The easiest (non-technical and down-to-earth) training on Bitcoin (and Monero) ever created for newcomers and those over the age of 50 walking you step-by-step through everything you need to know (without extra fluff)

An essential Knowledge Base
Reference guides for what you learn inside The Accelerator

Exclusive In Person Meetups - $997 value
All Accelerator members will be invited to IN PERSON gatherings several times a year (the first one being at The Exit and Build Land Summit 4 with Joel Salatin and the second one at John Bush’s Radical Roots Ranch)

Access to a hand-picked selection of the best trainings from Live Free Academy
11 exclusive trainings on crypto, investments, permaculture, homesteading, financial independence, side hustles, community-building, rewiring your brain, and more.
Here’s EVERYTHING you get with the Trinity Law Method Masterclass today

- The Trinity Law Method Masterclass - $2997 value
- Part 1 - The principles of operating in the Private Realm
- Part 2 - The complete strategy behind the Trinity Law Method
- Part 3 - The proven Trinity tactics to prosper in the private realm
- The Trinity Law Decoder - 6 simple guides to demystify each part of the Trinity to easily understand and apply them for greater freedom and prosperity - $1297 Value
- Weiss's Concise Trustee Handbook
- PMA Agreement Example
- The 508c1a Strategy Guide
- Glossary of Private Realm terms for sovereignty
- Trinity Law Method FAQ sheet
- 508c1a Comparison-Info Chart
- BONUS #1: Aligning with Your Divine Purpose and Choosing Faith over Fear - $397 value
- BONUS #2: A Manual for Freedom: The Peaceful Sovereign's Path by Morgan Langan - $297 value
- BONUS #3: [VIDEO GUIDE] How to Get an EIN Number for Your Trinity Organization(s) - $297 value
- BONUS #4: Access to the private Trinity Law Method Telegram Group - $597 value
- Exclusive FREE 30-day test drive of The Accelerator membership training program and community - $1,118 value
Total value = $7,000
But you are NOT going to pay $7,000…
We want as many people as possible to know how to EXIT the “Public Realm” and BUILD the freest and most prosperous lives possible in the “Private Realm”…
While serving others according to their highest purpose and aligning themselves with Divine Law rather than man’s law…
Which is why you can get everything in the Trinity Law Method Masterclass for…