The Exit and Build Land Summit Returns May 17th – 19th (w/ Optional Farm Tours May 16th and 20th). Register Your Ticket Today.
“Remember those parallel economies we say we want to build? John Bush has become one of the most important figures when it comes to this topic.” —Tom Woods

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Subscribe to the “Live Free” Daily Email Newsletter and Get Immediate Access to the video training “Hacking Your Habits and 10xing Your Goals” ($97 Value!)

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Entrepreneurship & Counter-Economy

Zig Ziglar once said, “you can have anything you want in life, as long as you help enough people get what they want.” At Live Free Academy we recognize the importance of being in control of your own income and the freedom that comes with being your own boss. If we want true experience liberty in our lifetime, it’s up to each and every one of us to take proactive steps towards creating our own counter-economy, where free people do business with one another outside the scope and control of the state. 

Get the no B.S.

Cryptocurrency & Decentralized Tech

Centralization of power is the great enemy of progress and freedom. By leveraging the innovation that is decentralized technology and cryptocurrency we can take back control over our physical and digital lives.

Magnetic Marketing

Exit and Build Homesteading

In a world growing increasingly tyrannical and technocratic, our strategy is simple. We exit those systems and institutions we find morally objectionable and build new decentralized, regenerative, and voluntary systems. Perhaps the most important aspect of exit and build strategy is exiting the technocratic cities, buying land, and building community in the country.

Want the fast-track to Exit tyranny and Build a life of unstoppable liberty?

Join The Accelerator – The exclusive monthly training program and community for achieving your dreams of a sovereign life faster than you ever thought possible … through coaching, training, and accountability from John and Rebecca Bush (plus the hundreds of “Activators” already inside.)

“…so inspiring and helps to keep me going…”

I want to thank you so much for all you are doing to help people ‘Live Free’ and find their place outside this craziness!!! Reading all your information is so inspiring and helps to keep me going. I really love your energy and your desire to ‘make it happen.

– April F.

“…sovereignty and not victimhood…”

At this point we have 11 beehives and about 40 trees in the orchard.  Being away from the city has allowed us to focus on our values, our goals, and our health.  We currently are getting most of our food from local farm sources here in Texas.  We are much happier to be in the mindset of sovereignty and not victimhood.

– Steve & Andrea

“…grateful to have such a valuable resource…”

My partner, Melissa, and I have taken several webinars/courses through Live Free Academy. They are extremely informative and we are grateful to have such a valuable resource available.


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The Live Free Now Show

Join John Bush every week as he delivers the news, views, tips and tools you can use to exit tyranny (in all its forms) and build freedom and prosperity. You’ll hear empowering presentations from John when he’s flying solo and get exclusive in-depth and inspirational interviews from renowned freedom doers and thinkers such as JP Sears, Zuby, Jack Spirko, Derrick Broze, Marjory Wildcraft, and many more!

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—John Bush, Live Free Academy

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—John Bush, Live Free Academy

Join John Bush’s Exclusive


Email Newsletter for people seeking freedom and prosperity…

And get FREE immediate access to the video training “Hacking Your Habits and 10Xing Your Goals”

John Bush reveals the specific methods, tools, and mindsets he’s used to skyrocket his personal wealth, social influence, and economic and political freedom all by radically transforming his daily actions and habits. 

You’ll discover:

And much more!