A collection of the top trainings from inside the Live Free Academy vault showing you how to protect your money from being devalued by banks, corporations, governments, and economic downturns … the best unorthodox investments to make to grow your wealth long-term outside of the rigged system while maintaining control over your assets … and how to create real, unbreakable financial sovereignty
That’s why “THEY” want you to invest in them.
The Federal Reserve could disrupt the stock market today with just the rumor of a change in the interest rate let alone actually making a sudden change.
Well-established banks can suddenly go belly up and be absorbed by large competitors.
When you place the money you work so hard to earn into a 401K, you’re feeding into a rigged casino of gamblers making bets on winners and losers which directly affects how much money you’ll be left with in retirement.
Even if it seems you realized gains in your retirement account, in reality, the cost of living is going up because inflation is raising the cost of living.
When the federal government announces yet another spending hike and carelessly (or purposefully) pisses away billions or even trillions of dollars, it’s your purchasing power that feels the pain.
Most retirement accounts are in large part dependent upon the whims of the stock market, which is in large part dependent upon the whims of the bankers and financial manipulators.
In my opinion, the whole thing is a damn fraud.
I’m talking about real assets with real-world utility and functionality.
Assets that serve and uplift people and communities.
Assets that are reliable, safe, and easy to enter and exit.
Assets that virtually ANYONE can start investing in right away.
I’ve found and used a variety of proven assets that have delivered immense returns year after year. And I’ve put a significant amount of money into assets that I expect to earn me a pretty penny in 10-20 years that most people have never considered adding to their portfolio.
But I’m following PROVEN strategies learned from some of the best alternative investors and wealthy freedom lovers to protect the value of my money from inflation, invest in assets that will continue delivering long-term gains, and set up my financial life and future to resist economic turmoil, manipulation, and tyranny.
I’m going to give ALL of it to you.
This is a super unique MTE session because instead of just ONE guest, I brought on FOUR unique financial experts to give their best insights, strategies, and hacks for retiring with more wealth than you currently have by making the smartest investments now (and by making intelligent investments even after you retire).
You’re going to hear from:
These 4 experts are going to reveal the best of what I call “uncontrollable investment options.”
We’re going to break down the top investment opportunities available to everyone with a little bit of wealth, giving you as many options as possible to wisely place your money in assets that protect your wealth, grow it long-term, and protect your financial future.
Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the world’s leading experts in the financial industry, the economy, and building and using your wealth to live free.
She’s designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.
She’s also one of the top voices sounding the alarm against the CBDC control grid. She even appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show recently to educate millions of people about the dangers of CBDCs.
You’re going to discover:
Merriam-Webster defines “invest” this way:
1: to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return.
2: to make use of for future benefits or advantages.
3: to involve or engage especially emotionally.
In this TTS session, you’ll learn that investing in traditional financial vehicles such as the stock market is far from the only way to “earn a financial return.”
In fact, the #1 investment I’m going to show you today has nothing to do with money, yet, if you invest in this daily, weekly, monthly, and for the rest of your life, you will out-earn and out-perform most people around you.
Plus, this is the one investment no one can ever steal from you. If you lost everything today, this investment alone would allow you to make back all of your wealth and more.
The 2nd investment allows you to “earn a financial return” and grant you “future benefits or advantages.”
That’s because it puts you in the driver’s seat of your life.
It allows you to break free from corporate control.
And it gives you the means to resist business mandates, lockdowns, and other economic restrictions.
The 3rd investment is one that I’m deeply involved in, including emotionally.
It’s provided me with immense financial returns in the short-term, and because I’ve been invested in it for so long, I’ve reaped incredible advantages from when I first invested and these benefits just keep increasing.
The 4th investment I’ll reveal is the one I believe has the most potential to completely liberate you from the technocracy growing around us. I recently made this investment, and already my life and the lives of my family have forever changed for the better. Honestly, I can’t believe it took me this long to make this investment.
This is a “grab bag” of the most powerful and PROVEN wealth-building strategies and principles I consistently put into practice with my own money.
Everything you learn in this training comes from the most powerful module of The Great Financial Reset Response Masterclass.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
Plus much, much more!
I’ve learned and used many traditional investing principles and a few “unorthodox” rules for consistently increasing my crypto gains safely and securely over the past 10 years.
This is a collection of the top cryptocurrency investment strategies and tactics from The Crypto Empowerment Masterclass for growing your assets, minimizing your losses, and never getting rekt when investing in cryptocurrency.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
Plus a TON more!
Here’s a recap of everything you’re getting
The total value of The Exit and Build Alternative Investment Bundle = $1,685
But you’re not going to pay $1,685…
On this page only, you get The Exit and Build Alternative Investment Bundle for…just $497 248.50