John Bush & Live Free Academy are a proud sponsor of:

SOLARPUNK SUMMIT Eclipse: From Darkness Into Light

At the Solarpunk Summit, you'll have an opportunity to engage in workshops, be inspired by speakers, share your voice, create a focus camp of your own, or join others. You'll also dance, sing, rest, and play in a safe, nurturing, and radically optimistic environment. We create an instance of what it can feel like for your whole family to live in a harmonious world.

Join us for talks about how to exit and build your best life!

Confluence 2023

Sovereignty Ranch Bandera, TX, United States

Join us for a weekend of integrative workshops, your favorite speakers like you've never seen them, live music, movement classes, and food grown from the very ground you're standing on. To top it all off, we'll be joining together under an amazing eclipsed sky for a group tuning session! Confluence is where you not only […]

The Counter-Economy Webinar

How Monero, Privacy Tech, and Underground Communities Enable You to Opt Out of Tyrannical Regulations, Burdensome Taxes, and the Great Reset (While Co-Creating a Free World Through Underground Free Markets) […]

Crypto Agorism Masterclass

If you want to know the secrets to buying and selling almost anything without being tracked and traced by the central banking financial system or government agencies, then get ready for… The Crypto-Agorism Masterclass 20-year Agorist, Freedom Activist, and Serial Entrepreneur John Bush Along With Several Other Experts in Radical Liberty Will Show You How […]

Exit and Build Health Summit

Do you want practical and actionable ways to naturally heal yourself and free your body and mind from Big Pharma, harmful habits, outdated health advice, and the corrupt medical establishment? […]