Exit and Build Land Summit III

Bastrop Convention Center 1408 Chestnut St B, Bastrop, TX, United States

More information and tickets here - https://exitandbuildlandsummit.com/

Meet the Experts w/ Curtis Stone of Freedom Farmers


Curtis Stone will give even more advice on evaluating and choosing homesteads, but also, since he spent many years as “The Urban Farmer”, he’s also going to reveal how to […]

Meet the Experts – Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms


Joel Salatin will sit down for 2 hours of an intimate Q&A where you get pick his brain about ANYTHING related to farming, entrepreneurship, homesteading, fighting the government, or anything else (it’s going to be epic) THIS SESSION IS FOR LFA MEMBERS AND ACCELERATOR SYSTEM BUILDER PACKAGE TICKET HOLDERS

Crypto Empowerment Masterclass (SEC Attack Edition) Follow Up Session

Crypto Empowerment Masterclass (SEC Attack Edition) students will join John Bush for a follow up empowerment session. Bring your questions and concerns as your work with John to overcome any obstacles you have come across in working with the Crypto Empowerment Masterclass material.

CBDC Exit Plan Sovereign Life Empowerment Session


SESSION FOR CBDC EXIT PLAN SOVEREIGN LIFE TICKET HOLDERS ONLY When the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan originally aired LIVE, I gave everyone an integration session to help them overcome any […]